Ketchum Study Update: No Yeti Study, Public Webpage For Regular People [Bigfoot DNA]

For whatever reason, we understand that some of our readers refuse to log onto Facebook. Maybe it's their dislike of annoying distant relatives posting cat photos are their wall, or they're not the social network type of person.

Here's the latest update from Dr. Melba Ketchum's Facebook page for those readers.

This post is regarding the Yeti samples Josh Gates from Destination Truth sent to Dr. Ketchum's lab for testing. Robert Lindsay had reported earlier that the Yeti samples were going to be in the study:

Once again, there are no Yeti samples in the study, nor are we planning a Yeti paper at this time.

- Dr. Melba Ketchum

This post has to do with people's concerns about the technical nature of the paper when it's published. Dr. Ketchum assures they'll do everything they can to make sure it's readable, that's why a "user friendly" website for non-scientists is in the works:

People are concerned that they will not be able to understand the paper. That is one reason why we are developing a website that will be user friendly to non-scientists with a lot of general information. The scientific paper will have parts that will be difficult for a non-scientist to understand, however, there will also be parts in it that everyone will understand. As a result, I believe that the general public will find it worthwhile to read. It will be able to be ordered from the journal by the public when it comes out or it can be found in most college libraries.

- Dr. Melba Ketchum


  1. I anticipate that there will not only be a website, but also an accompanying book or DVD that will be sold at a premium to assist the public in "understanding the paper."

    Sadly, this is just another attempt at a making a quick buck by duping bigfoot enthusiasts. Sham study, sham results, all yours for $19.95 plus shipping.

    I also anticipate that the results will be 100% human, which of course does not mean that bigfoot is human, but that each of the samples are from a normal human being.

    1. If you put in the time, research and money, you'd want to get paid too. You sound like a curmudgeon.

    2. 4:56 pretty much says it all.

    3. I for one will gladly fork out the $19.95 asked for the book/dvd. I have paid more than that for Sasquatch, Legend Meets Science, etc. I got the credit card on stand by.

    4. I would consider buying a book. I'd much rather have a Team Tazer Bigfoot shirt.

    5. If I were able to demonstrate the existence of an unknown North American primate via peer-reviewed scientific paper, I wouldn't need to peddle DVD's in order to "get paid."

      Also, the fact that she hasn't released the name of the journal is suspect. Usually,.journals don't require that the author hide the journal's identity during review. What this indicates to me is that the journal in question is not credible or academically-respected.

      Either way, the entirity of this process, from hiding the name of the journal to hiring a publicist to posturing for a likely pay-site, all seem very uncommon for the publication of a groundbreaking research paper, yet quite common for yet another bigfoot scam.

    6. I enjoy seeing other groups ask if she will share her info with them for the sake of medicine.

    7. You obviously know nothing about the review process because nothing you said is true. You never can divulge what journal is reviewing, a good publicist is obvious for anyone doing work that gets publicity (duh), and there is no dvd, you entirely made that up. So what other b.s. you got? Don't speak like you know something when you obviously don't. Peer review is a painstaking process that reqiures the integrity of the paper to be intact. Divulging reviewers before the process is finished would call scrutiny upon to said reviewers, tbus ruining the process. Go back to judging idol contestants and leave the scientific judgements to real SCIENTIST!

    8. You folks are sooooo cynical!! Give the doctor a chance! Her team is doing EXACTLY what the bigfoot community has wanted for DECADES - a scientific, peer-reviewed study. Why don't you wait until the paper comes out before you start criticizing it?? Otherwise you appear to have no idea what you are talking about. She is NOT allowed to release the name of the journal until it is published. ALL major papers have PR team, usually provided by the universities or private corporations that fund it. This paper has a VOLUNTEER (but still thoroughly professional) PR person. A "likely" pay-site? Says who?? I have no inside information as to this as I am sure you do not. Cynical speculation, pure and simple.

    9. Umm laissezfairscience, no YOU apparently know NOTHING about peer review. Real scientists with real data discuss their findings and data all during the peer review process. They go to symposiums and give lectures on their info. They submit reports to the school they work at so as to keep them updated on their progress. They don't have NDA's they don't have secrets. Basically the only secrets involved are the names of the referees who judge their paper's worthiness. THIS IS A SCAM!!!!

    10. This scientific paper is going to be much more subject to ridicule than most. I think the attempts to keep it under wraps until it is thoroughly ready for the public is understandable, for many reasons.

    11. @laissezfairescience, what background do you have with peer review? Even with anonymous review, its usually just the reviewers who remain anonymous. The author may still discuss the journal in question and the paper itself. Care to cite a source about "you can never divulge the name of the journal during review" because that's anathema to everything I've experienced.

      @amethyst, I hope you're right. We'll see.


  2. Hi is the third post from the real Matt Moneymaker? J.D.

    1. Trolls and fakes abound.
      When Shawn spots an impersonator of a known person/poster doesn't he sometimes delete the post?
      Once this goes up I can't delete it.

  3. Well the third post was at 5:09 and it was removed by 5:15. Signed Matt Moneymaker and seemed to be calling Melba Ketchum full of it as far as the DNA study goes. Oh well. J.D.

  4. I wish she would just stop talking till this study is released. The more she talks the more I think she is just stalling.
    Bigfoots Broski

    1. Ambush?
      Something is not right in Bigfootland.

    2. The more she talks the more she has to provide an explanation for later. I hope she keeps giving us tidbits from her sasquatch observatory.

    3. When she doesn't talk, she's probably getting hounded for information. Probably a no-win situation.

  5. The good doctor does need to keep quiet. I think so far all she is doing is spewing and see what sticks. I have very little confidence in ragards to this study.

  6. nah.. it was from her facebook page... She may have simply been answering questions in mass and at the same time calling Robert Lindsay a liar.

    I can imagine that once Lindsay said what he said about her, she probably had a flood of questions.

    1. Well, she has definitely tested Josh Gates' Yeti sample, and it's come out that it is close to the Bigfoots. We thought it was going to be in the paper, but it looks like we were wrong. So we figured that she would do another paper on the Yetis. So she will not do this either. Well, that's dumb. So what is she going to do with data then? Nothing. How stupid.

      Sources are just people in the rumor pipeline of the top circles of Bigfootery. They are just repeating whatever stuff is floating around in those circles. They don't have positive info one way or the other.

    2. pyou're last paragraph just about sums up all the drivel you have been putting forth mr. lindsay

  7. It seems like Dr. Ketchum can't win.
    When she wasn't saying anything, People were making accusations.
    Now that she's saying something, more accusations fly.
    Are people in this field doomed to be shredded apart relentlessly?

    1. I take this subject very seriously.

    2. Its because because people are taking the Bigman way too seriously. People want whats best for them, whether its fame, recognition or money. How many people say they care about sasquatch, then flake out? its happened so much within the last few years. Its attracts egocentric failures who hoax to make money or a name for themselves. This is about them, not us. Yet so many get lost in the quest for truth.

    3. You know that's a hell of a point. Maybe I'm just so sick of these idiot "experts" who make crazy claims about their food or breeding habits yet cannot prove a thing, that I wish they would all shut up till they have proof.
      Bigfoots Broski

    4. I take this subject very seriously as well, perhaps too seriously.
      When I make comments such as the one above, it doesn't mean I don't have doubts about the sincerity of the person mentioned in a given article.
      I believe in giving people plenty of rope. If they are in fact being less than sincere, or outright lying, they will hang themselves.
      I'm patiently waiting for the outcome in the various sagas being played out, that's all.

    5. I hear you loud and clear Bigfoot Broski, believe me, I do.

    6. SasquaiNation, I hope Dr. Ketchum does indeed win. However based on her statements, the only thing that sets her apart from any internet hoaxer of the last 10 years is that she's claiming to have submitted a paper for review at a scientific journal. But she won't divulge the name of the journal, which is uncommon. Also, she claims to have seen bigfoot herself, but she can't divulge the location because she wants to "protect the species." Well, wouldn't the best way to protect the species be to prove they exist by escorting a respected zoologist for field study? It's the same story from Todd Standing, "I know where they are, I just can't show anyone."

      Perhaps I'm too cynical, but its obvious to me that a DNA analyst was approached by some cryptozoologists, casually agreed to help, and then for whatever reason decided that the "bigfoot community" is worth fleecing. I hope I'm wrong.

    7. I hope so too, the fleecing could occur even with a "paper." It's sad actually. Not science, but industry for profit, plainly.

    8. I thoroughly agree with you, SasquaiNation! Thank you for your reasoned and balanced approach. :)

  8. reports are that Lindsay is sticking to his story.

  9. Lindsay gets his ass handed to him again. That guy is a total embarassment.


    2. LOL you wish. I don't think anyone in BF land will hand Linsay his ass, he doesn't care. One has to care to be embarrassed or angry. He is neither, he is having fun, and comments like yours are evidence to him his words are read. He is laughing all the way to website hits, whatever that means. I have a feeling more will ring true than not when it is all said and done. Too bad, not because of the source, but because of the truth.

  10. Take it on faith that I know a little something about peer reviewed work. Her not disclosing the publisher is not at all unusual or uncommon. Folks, your throwing darts at this for really no good reason other than frustration in not knowing. Save your darts, you may very well need them to target allot of BF experts, out there... In fact, you may all see the most popular BF sites fall in doom after all this is over in a month or two. Then, again - glory may be had! Calm down.

    1. Congrats on getting your jackalope dna paper published in that russian rag.

    2. If you are in the know as you seem to indicate, a "couple of months?" Seriously?
      Get the friggin DNA and Sierra Kills story out now, a year and half after the killings.
      It will be interesting won't it, when the entire truth comes out.
      Dr. Ketchum is a Bigfooter now.

    3. I totally agree with your post. People are just getting impatient, calling names and stamping their feet like little boys. PLEASE - have patience! How many decades have we been waiting for this?? Comparatively, it is just around the corner....

  11. WHAT is WRONG with you people?

    We FINALLY get a scientist to take this field seriously and you want to crucify her? How about letting the publishing process play out and THEN decide what to think? Or is that too adult for you?

    This field is the most bully-ridden bunch I have ever seen. Grow up.

    1. Sorry, some here do have inside info, all is not what it seems.
      Hold your judgment as well, we may all be surprised.
      EP website took down Dr. Ketchum as a team member, read their page on species recognition.
      Hard to imagine such a build up without delivery, but it has happened before.

  12. "Sources are just people in the rumor pipeline of the top circles of Bigfootery. They are just repeating whatever stuff is floating around in those circles. They don't have positive info one way or the other."

    Does that include YOU there RL ?

  13. Yes, I see it now, if the DNA study fails, those sites that supported it will lose just about all readership. If it does not fail, then, you can expect 'BIG' increases in readership and - returns. Probably be a big jump in Graduate students in their first year re-designing their grad req's to - something along the lines of - ANTHROSQUATCHOPOLOGY! I know I might be one...

  14. All the people criticizing Dr. Ketchum really have no clue, they're either complete ignorants or other field researchers feeling anguished now it won't be them finding Bigfoot. I guess that include bigheads like Matt M. And anyway, how do we know field trips with ties to this Ketchum study isn't a happening thing already with zoologists getting a closer look? As far as I can tell, if Dr. Ketchum truly knows Bigfoots exist, she's doing the right thing here by not releasing anything more than she does so far. When everything's set and other scientists have examined it also then we'll know, but there's no date yet. Keep in mind, this is also a Presidential election year in the US, and whether we like it or not that happens to be another big event. So I'm not surprised the news isn't out yet as it must be a little difficult having to decide if it should be before or after the election, because anyway you look at it, the political situation will be important news too regardless of a Sasquatch discovery.

    1. What? the elections? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG, you seriously have no clue how the world works at all do you? Nobody cares about freakin Bigfoot? (well aside from the few Bigfoot freaks). her data will not be published in a real journal , not under the guise of Bigfoot, cuz Bigfoot isn't real...

    2. You're just another clueless troll, sigh. Scared the big bad Bigfoot's real afterall, are you? Hahahaha, suits you.

  15. what do i do if my best friend is gay and he likes me


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