Cliff Barackman: "London footprints are the most significant footprint find in the last 40 years" [Bigfoot Tracks]

"The floor of my garage before moving  the prints to a secure location"
- Cliff Barackman

When we first learned about the London, Oregon Bigfoot footprints from the other day, we knew Cliff Barackman and his team of Bigfooters were onto something big.

On February 14th, Cliff Barackman received a phone call from man named Toby Johnson about footprints he found near a logging road outside of town. When Cliff arrived at the scene the following day, he was staggered to find 122 footprints with a track line estimated to be about 120 yards in length.

"I was stunned by what I saw. There was a long line of footprints impressed into the silty shoreline of a lake," Cliff wrote on his blog today.

According to Cliff, the footprints are probably the most significant finding in the last 40 years:

[...] I think it's safe to say that the London Footprints are the most significant footprint find in the last 40 years. They certainly represent the largest collection of data ever retrieved from any single bigfoot site, ever. To my knowledge, over 100 footprints were cast representing two individuals, at least three videos were taken, scores of photographs, and dozens of measurements were obtained. All of this will take some time to be collected put together, and in the meantime I have to hit the road for a while to film a TV show. Please be patient with me regarding this most important event. All of my information will be made public in time.

Some Bigfooters involved in the casting of the footprints were Thom Powell, Guy Edwards and Autumn Williams. "Autumn found some large impressions coming down an embankment on the other side of the nearby road leading to the place where the larger individual was standing. These impressions discovered by Autumn matched the size and shape of the larger prints, but lacked any detail, such as toe imprints," said Cliff.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum was also contacted and agreed to assist in writing up a report as soon as Cliff returns from filming season three of Finding Bigfoot.

For now, allow me to leave you with this thought... To my knowledge, over 12 bigfooters and several laymen were involved in this event to varying degrees. Those bigfooters represent a wide array of perspectives on the nature of sasquatches, from the "ape" camp to the "human" camp, and from "flesh and blood" to the "paranormal." This event would not be what it is today without all of them, despite our diverse perspectives. Disagreeing on the nature of the phenomenon did not, and should not, preclude working together for the greater good and increased understanding of these amazing creatures. I hope that beside the knowledge that is gained from this unique and important event, it stands as a symbol of what can be accomplished if we, the bigfoot community, put down our perceived differences and work collaboratively for the greater good of the species, rather than continuing the posturing and infighting that so often pollutes our dialogue.



  1. Cliff wrote a very compelling post. That he was there personally and accounting for all those prints is an enormous task, but I feel much better knowing the source of the gathering was someone who has a huge body of experience in the field and a lot of integrity.

  2. Good work Cliff!!!
    We don't even get to see the full report for months, but I know for a fact that nobody is gonna second guess it, because he's been forthcoming with the backstory, general location and collection method. He also asked for outside opinions...
    Everyone else, please take notes!
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. "Good work Cliff and friends!!!" (forgot to change that)

  3. Geez. I so glad that this report is on Shawn's site. I reported about this find over three days ago. Most folks were caught up in the Mellisa Hovey picture,(Which warranted some attention) when this tremendous find was right in front of our eyes. I said how excited Cliff was and how he had personally casted 72 prints, and was calling the big shots in including Dr. Jeff Meldrum.

    Cliff did not find these prints, howeverhe was one of the first people that was called upon this find. I think that Cliff Barackman is a superstar in Bigootology and those in the know will continue to call upon him for his expertise. He may not know it but the public feels so comfortable in the way he handles himself, and can easily decipher that what he projects is true. Like the dove commercials that have been on the tube this past few months, Cliff is very comfortable in his skin. I guarantee that in the next several weeks or months there will be much analysis from this London,Oregon Bigfoot prints and we will be the winners. Finding Bigfoot brought Cliff Barackman to the forefront and whether he embraces it or not he is a spokesman, and i have a feeling the best is yet to come.

  4. I read Cliff's post and it's not surprising to me that the event was so well documented.
    This is an exciting find and I can hardly wait to see the results.
    What I found truly impressive was the fact that everybody from different areas of the Bigfoot community pulled together as a team to accomplish such a large task.

  5. Jeepers. I just read his post and it is even more impressive than what I have written above, as I was only writing about the headline, without reading it. Whow, I can not wait to see analysis of these prints. If I souud excited it is only because I am, as I think we are onto a truly monumental find.


  6. "...I just... what I have written... as I was only writing... I can not wait... If I souud... because I am, as I think...


    1. Thats right. Pretty exciting is it not.


    2. You still don't get it.

      "Alpha Dog... I.. I.. I.. I.. I.. I.. I... Chuck"

      You? You?!


    Robert Lindsay's hardware problem is FIXED


    Stay tuned to the blog for more details...

  8. Let's go to the videotape, I hope the most important discovery was taped.

  9. Fasano is currently driving his cab from Tampa to Oregon. He feel this find needs his expert opinion

  10. didn't notice that david koresh(lindsay) was not involved. but watch this socialist clown will try to take some credit for this. i'll bet he'll say they contacted him before anyone else. but due to his homosexual encounters he couldn't get to the track locations. yes it's true that i dislike that super-tool. but he's the guy that sits in front of his computer and tries to take all the credit for anything bigfoot. where you at robert where all waiting with baited breath? hey koresh, go out into the feild once in a while. you trust-fund baby LOSER!!!!!

  11. I like the fact that Cliff was there to cast and video this find...But the reality is that tracks are easily faked! Dr Meldrum himself showed how to make realistic prints!..Monster Quest I think?......Ken

  12. Wow! Look at that nice Drop Leaf Table Cliff has stashed
    in his Garage! Oops. Too much watching Storage Wars!

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  14. I planted those tracks using nine different templates, molded from ballistic gelatin. Tell Meldrum I said hi.


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