Bigfoot Lunch Club Posts Video Of Bigfoot Tracks Scene In London, Oregon just posted a video interview with Tobby Johnson, the person who alerted Cliff Barackman to the scene. Although Tobby wasn't the original discoverer of the tracks, he was the first to investigate what Cliff calls the "most significant footprint find in the last 40 years".

Guy Edwards noted a few things about the event:

  1. The original discoverer, Max Roy, was not walking his dog, he was approached by a man walking his dog who mentioned the prints to Max. The name of the man and his dog are unknown.
  2. The independent count that Cliff Barackman and I, Guy Edwards, came up with was 122. Toby Mentions over 160 in the video. The 160 may be other prints that were discovered nearby, Cliff and I only counted the ones in sequence.


  1. It's amazing how after all these years finally good evidence is coming in seems like week leading up to DNA study.

  2. Has Dr. Meldrum given his view on the tracks ? Has he found individual toe movement from track to track that it m mind would lend extreme credability to the find.

    1. According to Cliff's blog, Dr. Meldrum has been contacted, but I haven't read any sort of statement from Dr. Meldrum.

    2. Cliff has contacted Dr. Meldrum. The plans are for Dr. Meldrum to critically analyse the tracks that Cliff has, ( and I would think he might look at all the tracks casted by several people ). Cliff plans on doing a peer review paper with Dr. Meldrums alongside.


  3. More of the same....a "great" discovery that will stir the Bigfoot pot but wont really prove a thing. Bigfoot needs to sacrifice one of its own to show us it is real!

    1. Go find one then. It's still a great find, and I appreciate them being so quick to share information.
      It appears that no matter how hard people try, it still isn't good enough.
      Buy yourself a rifle, get some gear, and go find the Big guy for us.
      Wander out in the woods by yourself and track one down. Let us know how it works out.

    2. I will continue to argue that, "if somebody finally bags one", that nobody will believe it for three reasons: 1) The only diehard-skeptic that would accept the story, photos, newscasts, etc... would be the one who pulled the trigger. 2) The 'Georgia Boys' already ruined any chance of BF believers/proponents taking it at face-value. 3) Before you could say "NDA", the body would be whisked away to a research lab somewhere and the doctors involved in writing THAT paper would slam the door in our faces... and we'd be right back where we are now with the DNA study.
      Thus, a body is useless versus doing it the right way. Wildlife biologists DO NOT discover new species with a rifle...
      These tracks may not prove the existance of Sasquatch to the uninformed public (they probably won't even hear about them), but if they are verified... They are an AMAZING find!
      David from the PAC/NW
      PS- I have no "need" to convince anyone... it would be better for the BF's if they didn't know.

  4. I think this discovery would be extremely impossible to hoax. There for it proves a huge humanoid made the tracks.

    How could they be faked????

    Well someone could have created flexible fake feet out or rubber or gel. Then attached fake flexible feet to a set of stilts. Then walked through mud for 122 steps. The strides are too long to be possible for a man to make, even if he was jumping from step to step. If he fell once, he would leave evidence of a hoax. The guy on the stilts would have be careful enough to never fall or again risk leaving evidence of a hoax. The only other possibility is for a crew to come in using a helicopter to suspend a guy from a rope to allow him to create the huge strides found.

    I don't think it's possible for a skeptic to explain this one away.

    Chad a believer in the unknown.

    1. But you know they will.


    2. the step for the 17 an 1/2 tracks was 72 in.. now there is no way a human could space prints that far apart, unless like Chad stated, by using a helicopter..and i doubt that..
      I believe they are real.

  5. the name-less guy holds the key to this incident. and that worries me. dose he not want to be named cause of any follow-up questions. you know the gotcha moment or is it that he is scared of the "crazy" tag that comes along with being associated with anything sasquatch! only time will tell!


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