Watch This Video To Get An Idea Of What A 10-12 Feet Tall Bigfoot Looks Like In The Purported Erickson Project Film

Rumor has it that Adrian Erickson has been working with Hollywood to produce a documentary featuring Bigfoot footage from Crittenden, Kentucky of the male, the young female, Matilda, and her two babies.

According to Robert Lindsay's source, Adrian Erickson recently showed his footage to a very wealthy Bigfoot investor and this person watched and marveled at how massive the male is – up to 10-12 feet tall.

Via Robert Lindsay:

Erickson Project in Hollywood verified. This was previously a rumor, but we have just been able to verify that the EP is indeed in Hollywood working on their film, and there is big money behind it. So Randy Brisson is apparently lying in his denials. A release date for the film? The only thing I heard was “soon.” Erickson is totally broke, so apparently he is shopping the film to Hollywood to try to make back as much his money as he can from the film. Whether he is going the TV route to say National Geographic or via a film release, I have no idea.

EP video shown to a very wealthy Bigfoot investor. Adrian Erickson recently showed his footage to a a very wealthy Bigfoot investor, who shall remain nameless, but many of you can guess who it is. This person watched the footage and said there was no way it could have been faked. They saw the footage from Crittenden, Kentucky of the male, the young female, Matilda, and her two babies. The male is absolutely huge – up to 10-12 feet tall – absolutely massive. That is so gigantic that I am dubious, but this is what people are saying they see on the screen.

Here's a video taken from another Bigfoot documentary showing a huge Bigfoot about the same size as the one described by Lindsay's source in the Erickson Project film. This documentary is about a man named Ben Matine in Ontario.

According to the story, on October 6, 2006, Ben was running from a "trumped up and false charge." He fled from authorities and somehow ended up in the wilderness of Temagami, Ontario. Ben's friend Jim, while delivering supplies encountered a massive creature standing at the bottom of a tree root. Jim took 4 high resolution photos of the figure.

Watch below:

Description on YouTube:

Taken from a true story, Bigfoot Documentry, the story of Ben Matine 2006. On Oct 06 2006 Ben Matine was running from a trumped up and false charge. Rumors from a small town bar that Local OPP where going to arrest him, He Fled. He ran North on the old CN rails from North Bay Ontario and ended up in Temagami Ontario.

At a hunt camp and old set of deep mine shafts he arranged to meet friend, Jim Jardineau for some supplies.

During the meeting as Jim was returning with bens supplies he was struck by a standing figure that was not present before.

Jardineau snapped 4 high resolution photos of the figure standing at the bottom of a tree root. 2 pictures at a distance, the 3rd blured from zooming, but his 4th picture was extremely revealing, giving a clear accurate view of what he was seeing.

Ben had no idea what was happening until Jim told him to turn around slowly , pickup Jim's video camera, and shoot. Ben shot 2:34 sec. of HDV video. While video tapeing the large grey black figure was constantly looking to the left of Ben, Indicating communication with something else they could not see. Terrified both men backed off of the seen immediately. Only Jim Jardineau and Aubre' Whitefoot have returned to the site for pictures for the documentary crew.

Ben Matine stayed 2 days in the town of Temagami and later went back in to the site. He vanished for 6 months. Matine turned up in Mattice Ontario and later in Detour Lake / 652 highway / North of Cochrane. The pictures where transferred to Jardineau's home computer but the video was not. Its tape was left in the camera.

Jardineau agreed to meet a MNR Rep. in Tilden Lake Ontario and present the Pictures and Video. Assured that every thing was in good hands the the rep took Jim's Info and left, promising contact, that was the last time he would see his video, it was not returned and no contact was made.

Rumors have called the pictures Fake or its a man in a Gillies suit, and not 1 sasquatch or bigfoot organization has ever made contact after photos have been sent. The only organized groups to make contact where govermental. leaked photos and contrived stories to internet forums by volunteer students in August 08 have also misconstrued the truth about this story.

The 4 pictures are absolutely real, not fake, not a man in a suit ,/ IMPOSSIBLE and it will be proven so. When the figure walked it favored its left arm as though broken and walks like an elderly man. It has a yellow and silver top fading through red brown to grey and black. Future documentary footage will be released 2009.


  1. You're killing me.

    You do know that this Ben Matine stuff was proven a hoax - the mask was found that was used and all was uncovered on the BFF.

    Why are you posting this as if it may be real?

  2. Yeah the video is a Hoax...and not a big tall person either.

    Would like to see the Erickson videos.

  3. Beause dumbass, the video shows what a 10-12footer would look like. He just included it cause it gives us a scale. Read next tim you moron

  4. Bwahahh! Bigfoot investor, like its a real job description. * Yeren stock down today on the DOW today while those invested in Sasquatch see a surprising 3 point gain to end at 18.3
    This is drivel. John

  5. Hey anon #2 - dumbass, why don't YOU read it.
    It is not presented as an example, but a hoax. it is not mentioned that it was found to be a hoax, you f'ing MORON.
    go die

  6. It states the video is of another Bigfoot Documentary. It does not state anything else so it appears misleading.
    The video is the Ben Matine video and it was proven to be a hoax. Perhaps the author of this article should have stated "We used this known hoax as an example how to determine size" or something. Otherwise it is written as though it is a real documentary.


  7. I miss the old days when BF documentaries were based on real cases and real witnesses. Man, I miss Monsterquest.

  8. the retard who responded to my post (anon 2). Yes you idiot where did i argue that. Im saying shawn included the video to give us a scale of what a 10-12ft bigfoot would look like compared to a human. No ones saying its real you retard.

  9. Bigfoot + Hollywood = Sounds goofy to me.

  10. I lean more toward bigfoot existing. However, don't lines like "showed his footage to a very wealthy Bigfoot investor and this person watched and marveled at how massive the male is – up to 10-12 feet tall" sound like typical bigfoot BS wording?

  11. Man, I fear this whole history would end like the Cadborosaurus footage. DNA alone does not prove species. Nor footage does it either. At the end, I think the best thing for bigfoot to exist is not to be found.

  12. Crittenden, Ky. isn't some deep forest rural town. It's just outside of a large metro area. There are no 10-12 ft Bigfoots in Crittenden. I'm not saying there have never been Bigfoots in that area, but there are no 10-12 ft anythings in that area except maybe tractors. Lindsay takes pleasure in taking gullible Bigfoot believers for complete fools, over and over again. The suckers just keep coming back for more.
    Crittenden is just down the road from me.

  13. You know what happens when we assumption. Just because its not that far from a metropolitan area doesn't automatically mean there is no way that Bigfoot could be there. Why not if there is cover and available food sources its possible, especially when there is an endless supply of edible food thrown in the trash and easily accessible on the fringes of society. Not one person would think to look for them in an area like that. How's the old saying go "the closer you are to danger the further you are from harm". Like I said nobody would think to look for them. They may not LIVE there but travel there for food? IMHO

  14. Well, the Erickson Project has got to show some footage soon. With all of this talk about Matilda, they're going to have egg on their faces if they don't show some footage that at least looks convincing.

    I can't help but think that all of this talk about trying to get someone in Hollywood to create a documentary is a stall tactic because they've got nothing, at least nothing convincing. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.

  15. @Anon

    "Go die"? REALLY?

    The internet has made you an asshole. It's why I usually don't linger on forums anymore.

    I had over 13,000 posts at a politics forum and a few thousand at a religious forum when I decided it wasn't worth having to deal with assholes like you.

    You hide behind your anonymity and show your true colors because nothing you say has any repercussions in your real life.


    I think most here would agree that although I do not believe in the existence of bigfoot, my arguments have been based on the facts (or lack thereof). I'm not into name-calling or being an asshole. I'll give tit for tat (see above), but that, sirs, is that.

    Nothing I say will change you. I just want you to know that I know what you're doing. I know who you are. I am not amused. I am not hurt. I am not entertained. Whatever the hell it is you want, you're not getting it from me.

    Go annoy the neighborhood bully...or someone in the real world where you'll have to pay for it in some way.

  16. to anon 4:00 pm got one word for ya denisovian

  17. Atheist in Fundyland:

    Boy, did that need to be said. Not much of a poster on forums because of that very thing. I don't understand the mentality of those that somehow fulfill a need to hurl insults and ridicule for some kind of self satisfaction. If you read something that you find ridiculous, why can't some do so
    at least civilly with respect towards the human being behind the keyboard? Another option, mutter "that's crazy or wrong" or whatever to yourself and move on without having to post the criticism necessarily? Lively debate is fine, but condescending and mean spirited responses are not necessary to disagree. But every topic across the online world seems to have their fair share of this. And then once the insults provoke retaliation, then "it's on"..(lol)Of course, there are rude people in real life, but anonymity certainly unleashes the real asshole dying to get out in some people.

  18. I have a source in Crittenden who lives right near the property where the Bigfoots were at. They assure me that the BF's were there all right.

    I have seen photos of the area. The forest is very thick in that area. Also, a friend of mine took a trip there. He was driving there and a deer ran across the road and went into the forest. As soon as it hit the other side of the road, it disappeared. That's how thick the forest is around there.

    The estimates of the size of the large male in that footage vary. One told me it was "over nine feet tall - huge." The source quoted here said "10-12 feet tall. So it is anywhere from 9+-12 feet tall.

    The documentary is already done. Erickson just shipped it down to Hollywood where it is in post-production and they are fixing it up. Even when you give them a finished product, Hollywood likes to do it their own way.

    I'm not sure how Erickson is shopping it to Hollywood - TV, movies or whatnot. Has he sold them rights or limited rights? Don't know.

    I also don't know when it will be released other than "soon."

    P.S. If you ask Erickson Project if their movie is in Hollywood, they will deny it.

  19. Ericksons project website is back up.

  20. If anyone believes maintaining a site like this is easy, then you are welcome to prove you're superiority.

    Shawn puts up hundreds upon hundreds of articles a year and does a fabulous job.

    It's always the anon's who have the biggest mouths. The fact is, you're not anonymous at all. Surprise! We know who you are.

    As for the hight of Bigfoot, I will never believe that there are 12 foot tall specimens out there. Take out a tape measure and lay out 12'. Now, you get the idea of how big that is.

    I estimate from all the research and time spent studying BF that 9' would likely be pretty close to the limit for height.

    Scott McMan

  21. I always think about David and Goliath. If any of you have seen life-size paintings, you know how big 9'9 is.

  22. I just did some math- If BF limits are the same as humans, here are some guesses to size:
    Shortest normal
    Human- 5' BF- ~6.5' (just a guess)

    Tallest normal
    Human- 7' BF- 9.1'

    Human- 6' BF- 7.8'

    Tallest ever
    Human- ~9' BF- 11.7'

    Shortest ever
    Human- ~2' BF- 2.6'

  23. is difficult to establish a height because of the alleged BF photo is taken from a very different angle than men's, and horizon lines leaking where the figures should be different.
    In a hypothetical world, if we use the comparison pictures in the video and use the horizon line to the eye of man, and we assume that it is between 5'to 6' tall, the "creature" or "Mannequin" is between 7'7" to 9'1" tall.
    please copy the link and paste in navigation bar to view the picture measurement.
    Image link

    Pixel scale
    man: 282 pix
    "creature" or "Mannequin": 434

  24. Humans living from 2008 to the present, measuring between 7'7" and 8'3" are:
    *Sultan Kosen: current tallest man (8'0.5" standing barefoot with kyphoscoleosis height and 8'3" spine height corrected) current larguest hands.
    *Brahim Takioullah (GWR him up at 8'1" and probably 7'11" for its deviation in the spine) has the world's longest feet with 38 cm,a real "humanBigfoot"
    *Morteza Merzhad (8' standing barefoot height probably 8'1.5" corrected spine posture)
    *Zhang Jun Cai 7'11" barefoot and probably 8'1" corrected spine posture.
    *Ijaz Ahmed ( probably 7'8" with very bad scoliosis posture and close to 8' corrected posture)
    *Baho Xishun (7'9", probably 7'8" lost altitude)
    *Naseer Soomro (7'9" probably 7' 8" lost altitude spine curvature)
    *Sun Ming Ming (close to 7'9")
    *Ri Myong-hun (close to 7'9")
    *Igor Vovkovinskiy (a bit over 7'8" barefoot)
    *George Bell (7' 8" in his young day,current probably 7'6" to 7' 7")
    *Wang Feng-Jun (close 7'8" corrected posture)
    *Neil Fingleton (close to 7' 8", maybe he is the current "natural giant man".
    *Hussain Bisad
    *Paul Sturgess
    *Ramazan Karageyik
    *Huang Chang-Chiu
    *Kenny George
    *Gheorghe Muresan
    *Jitendra Singh
    *Leonid Stadnyk

    1. I must admit that it seems to suit this fake sasquatch

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