A Skunk Ape's Leg And Foot While Sleeping?

Two years ago, Tim Fasano was virtually unknown in the Bigfoot community. Today, he has over 900 subscribers to his YouTube channel.

Back in 2010, after hiking 3 hours into an undisclosed location in Florida, Fasano captured on tape what looks like a skunk ape with its leg and foot sticking out from a palm cave. Tim was unarmed at the time and wasn't brave enough to try to find out what that foot belonged to. Tim suspected it was a bear at first, but after close examination of the video, he now believes that it was probably a skunk ape.

Watch Enigmatic Anomalies TV interview with Tim Fasano about the video:


  1. Definitly looks like a den of some type..Definitly see something..A leg? A shadow? Who knows..
    Hard to believe a fat lumbering slob could sneak up on anything with all his coughing, wheezing and hacking up phlegm. Twinkle toes Fasano scooped everyone again.
    In his mind anyway

  2. I cannot determine what the dark shape is therefore it could be anything. Gee, how about a trail cam? Or wait and see what comes out from a safe distance? Once again, we are presented with obscure findings that do nothing to resolve the question.

    new anonymous

  3. Why must we keep looking at dark areas in photos of trees and brush and be told that they are photos of Sasquatch?

    I could post a photo like this and say that I took a picture of a alien.

    It doesn't make it evidence, or me an "Alien Researcher".

    Please stop encouraging this sort of thing.

  4. after hiking 3 hours into an undisclosed location in Florida.

    Prove it? as I doubt it....recall his video of a squatch around a lake with people in the background and he was allegedly deep in ther woods? When challenged he pulled that youtube video and uploaded another video with that sound of people in the background removed.

    Sharon Lee was correct.

  5. Please people use your common sense ok If you came upon a Bigfoot Lodge while researching and you think you saw a Bigfoot sleeping inside but were to frightened to actually hang around...LOL "like why are you out there anyway" but just say your scared and run away, wouldn't you GPS the spot he had one then and come back with your buddies. Come on it's a bigfoot hut there's a bigfoot sleeping in it, your not ever going to go back there in 2 years and check it out ! He never went back . It was a complete hoax job by FASANO !

  6. Does look a bit like a horizontal chimp-like foot, but who knows. We never will.

  7. That's one hell of a den. To dark to see anything else. Nice video camera.


  8. I can't determine anything because that PIP thing is in the way.
    Tim has a long way to go still before I take him seriously.
    He should also lay off the drama.

  9. Oh SasquaiNation Thank you,thank you.

  10. Why does all the HOAXERS continue to get attention. I wish all the Bigfoot Reporters would ONLY COVER serious researchers and quit posting about Fasano, Stover, Squatchmaster, and the like!

  11. Just once I'd like to see someone who is looking for bigfoot actually have the kuhoonus to charge in there and risk life and limb to startle the thing and get it on camera when they find one. What do you expect to find when you're looking for bigfoot? You find it and then take off?

  12. I would have left a food-gift and backed up and waited...
    And lets not sling mud, people, OK? We can post our thoughts and impressions without all the accusations and name-calling.

  13. A hoaxer hike for hours "into an undisclosed location" and photographs a foot. As with many things related to bigfoot, this has zero credibility.

  14. Where is the "leg and foot?" I'm not seeing any leg and foot.

  15. I agree with the poster above regarding looking for bigfoot and then taking off when you supposedly see one. I'd also like to see someone actually move in closer when one is on camera. The fact that these distant clips (see some on this site) are distant with little detail leads me to believe that they're fake.

    Roger Patterson is the only one that I can recall who actually ran toward a sasquatch with a camera.

    If you're going to hunt for a sasquatch with a camera, don't bother if you don't have the "kuhoonus" to move in on the sasquatch if you see one. Perhaps you will then be able to capture something worthwile (even if some good close shots are on the camera that is found with your remains).

    1. Haha...wasn't Bob armed with a 30/30 or some kind of rifle?

  16. Most Bigfoot researchers are big pussies when they finally have an encounter, if these beings are not dangerous, how come you suddenly chicken out when face to face with one? Grow a pair and remember why you went there in the first place, please.

  17. You people are nuts to believe anything this guy puts on Youtube! he has been caught hoxing!

  18. That Skunk Ape must have been on a serious dose of Ambien to sleep through that!!



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