Robert Lindsay: "There will be no retractions, and we do not agree with Meldrum's rejoinder"

This morning, world renowned Bigfoot researcher Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum posted a response in regards to the "Sierra Kills" story Robert Lindsay wrote yesterday on his blog. Dr. Meldrum basically accused Lindsay of not getting his facts straight and said the "piece is riddled with errors and false insinuations."

Although Meldrum could not discuss details of his participation in the Ketchum Project due to an NDA, he pointed out some of the facts that Lindsay purportedly got wrong:

There was no "steak" -- i.e. no muscle tissue, just a patch of skin and hair.

I was invited to the scene and had permission to bring a dog handler, but the scene was already rendered unsuitable by the activities of those already on site, and the dogs were never deployed.

I never made the statement rendered in quotation marks.

I never enumerated a list of characteristics indicating it was the "real deal" -- quite the opposite.

I returned to the lab with a tiny sliver of the salted specimen (1mm x 5mm) with a couple dozen hairs attached. I cannot discuss the details of the analysis of the hair further due to the NDA.

I will say that humans are primates. No primates have underhairs. No human populations adapt to elevation by sprouting underhair.

Also, there are a lot of misconceptions and misrepresentations about my ideas concerning what sasquatch are -- more ape-like or more human-like. I don't appreciate others putting words in my mouth, who don't have a grasp of the principles involved.

After reading Meldrum's response to his piece, Lindsay posted this in the comments section of our article and insists that Meldrum was recorded on tape "examining the sample, remarking on its positive qualities, and saying things along the lines of this is what we've been looking for all this time."

Here's what Lindsay wrote:

We continue to stick by our story as it currently exists on the site. This is a version that Dr. Meldrum has many virulent objections to. I have talked this over with my sources, one of whom was there at the time and the other who heard about it secondhand. They say that they are telling the truth and that Meldrum is not being truthful, to put it charitably. Further, much of this scenario was videotaped, and the video may still be available. That is, Meldrum is apparently on tape examining the sample, remarking on its positive qualities, and saying things along the lines of this is what we've been looking for all this time. So perhaps that video can be played one day?

Meldrum, on the other hand, virulently insists that my sources (one of whom was there) are lying. So both sides are accusing the other of lying.

I am not sure what to do at this point, but I for the moment, we are going to stick to our guns. We believe that the story as it exists on the site now is truthful, and that Meldrum is being completely forthright.

I also believe that all of Meldrum's videos state clearly that he thinks Bigfoots are apes. I can't understand why he is disputing this obvious fact, but any time he wants to dump his ape theory and jump on board the hominin train, he is welcome.

Meldrum's explosive reaction doesn't make a lot sense. I think I know what is behind it, but I don't want to go into it right now.

There will be no retractions, and we do not agree with Meldrum's rejoinder.

Click here to read the full response from Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum.


  1. Then produce the tape Mr. Lindsay. I call your BS, John

  2. Lets see, who to believe here? Guy who looks like my grandma in drag blogging in a basement somewhere... or a respected anthropologist? Hmmmm.

    1. RL is in his basement right now working on.... Wait ( Robbie dinner's ready) Ok mom! I'll be up when I prove Dr MELDRUM wrong.... Geez

  3. Gets caught redhanded and still wont admit his lies. Pathetic

  4. I would hardly classify Dr. Meldrum's reaction as "explosive". Jsut sayin'.

  5. A video was shot everyone is quoting? Well, why argue about facts? Let's see the video.


  7. LOL @Steven. Yeah that settles everything.

  8. Yes, what was virulent about Meldrums response. Seems to me like a coherent response asking Mr. Lindsay to stop slandering his name.

  9. While I do like Dr. Meldrum a lot and respect his work tremendously, I think it's odd of him to say he never had a preference for either theory, ape or human. Maybe he's upset because the road most researchers have been taking up until now for so long, is the ape route, and it would appear that trail has now met its cliff. So rather than stubbornly fight it, why not admit the old path could be wrong and go with the new findings. I'm sure he will eventually.

  10. I'll give Robert this: "If I am not making you angry, I am not doing my job."

    He is good at his job.

  11. "I am not sure what to do at this point, but I for the moment, we are going to stick to our guns. We believe that the story as it exists on the site now is truthful, and that Meldrum is being completely forthright."

    I'm not exactly sure what RL is saying here. Did he mean Meldrum is NOT being completely fortright, or that he believes both to be true?

  12. Hey Lindsay, if you're reading this then care to comment on this quote from Dr Meldrum that he claims you made;

    '"You have developed an unfriendly tone in this exchange, and that makes it hard to work with you now and certainly in the future. If you develop a positive relationship with me, you receive special consideration in our reporting about you. Just a heads up'.

    Now, to me that very much comes across as a threat. Seems as if you're telling him to play nice, or else.

    Special consideration? Care to explain that?

    Shaun, UK

    1. I agree! Could Dr Meldrum sue for slander at this point?

  13. It's apparent that Mr Lindsay is suffering from certian mental and emotional issues and really needs help or time under Observation. I think the best path is just to ignore him I believe it'apparent that attention fuels his aberrant behavior.

  14. well I know both of them a little...have talked to Robert More than Jeff...I like both guys pretty well.
    Yes Robert stirs the pot a lot but you have to admit he has been right many times about all this bigfoot stuff and seems to have very good contacts. Could it be that Jeff Meldrum is running some damage control due to the NDA? maybe.
    Could Robert has some of the fact wrong? maybe.

    It will be fun to see how this plays out.

  15. Good point Tom.

    three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the TRUTH!

  16. I'm not sure RL completely comprehends the definition of ape or human. This whole thing seriously hurts the already slim credibility of the 'Sierra Kills'.

  17. Lindsay seems like an alright fella, but Dr. Meldrum has zero credibility issues, so gotta side with history here

  18. Ed, I totally agree. Ignoring this as the non-news it is would be brilliant. Kind of hard when its at least 50% of what's been posted here lately.
    Tom, what has been confirmed that RL has been right about? John

  19. RL has been right about tons of stuff...DNA samples(I know some of this as I got it first hand from submitters), Sites the Erickson Project people were at, Justin Smeja story was first broke by him as well I think. He also was first to break about the ketchum video...yes it was a copyright filing and of course they quickly did damage control but it is still true a video was and is planned.
    No RL is not right 100 percent of the time...but who is?

  20. That's how journalism works, Shaun.

    Say you have Mr. X, Mr. Y and Mr. Z, all big players. You don't know Mr. X, so you just write whatever comes down the pike about him. You don't know the guy.

    Now Mr. Y you like. You get good, bad and indifferent stories about him. You ignore the bad and write up the good stories.

    Now Mr. Z has gone out and made a total enemy out of you. You get good, bad and indifferent stories about Mr. Z. You ignore the good stuff, and write every single bad factoid that comes down the pike.

    This is why people in the news make friends of journalists and try not to antagonize us.

    I have made some good friends of some Bigfoot folks who are in the news a lot, and I go real easy on them. Softball pitches, phone calls, emails, I let them respond to things, call them up and ask them if they want me to write this up, how they want me to write this up, etc. "Don't write about that please." "Oh ok, I won't write about that." "Word it this way, ok?" "Sure, good idea."

    I am sure Meldrum knows how the media world works. I can't believe he hasn't figured this out yet.

    1. Oh, so you are saying "kiss my ass, and I will be nice. Disagree with me and I will do my best to destroy you. " Don't play that game buddy or you will end up losing. People don't take kindly to threats, especially when their credibility is on the line.

  21. I will ALWAYS believe Meldrum. He has sacrificed his reputation as a serious scientist to pursue this.

    1. Well said, it doesnt get any simpler and more truthful than that. Nice Blobsquatch

    2. Thx, BH. There is such a dearth of level headed, honest people in this field, and Meldrum is one of the few. He's one of the good guys!

  22. I don't really want to get into a big fight with this Meldrum character, but right now, I have more than two sources who are flat out calling the guy a liar about his Facebook post about the events at the Sierra Kills and afterwards. So it's Meldrum versus a whole bunch of people who are calling him out.

    I'm not sure Meldrum wants to play this game here, and I don't want to get into a knock down drag out brawl with the guy.

    1. Yeah, but were you there? Your assuming that these credible sources are telling you the truth to create a story that doesn't really break any special news. Is this story really worth damaging your reputation more? So why post it?

    2. "This Meldrum character"? How about THE DR MELDRUM, show some respect, you have made the long list of BF personalities to overstep their bounds lose credibility and fade like dust in the wind. Check your sources, I'm sure they'll agree, OUCH!!

  23. Lindsay didn't break the Ketchum video story. He saw it on the BFF. RL routinely posts info from other sources and claims it as his own.

  24. Lindsays sources on site were so credible they told him Matt Moneymaker was on site when he wasn't.

    They don't sound like real credible sources.

  25. Dr Meldrum, If you decide to sue this idiot, please take up a collection for legal fees. I, for one, would love to donate.

  26. Does Lindsay channel his info? I gotta admit, if he reports it, I pretty much picture some dude in his paneled mom's basement in 70s attire talking to friends and using their point of view as his credible evidence.

  27. Dr. Meldrum has given us no reason to doubt him as of yet, he is the only untarnished name in this web of lies and deceit we call Bigfoot research. He has done nothing but good for the subject and has earned our respect. Robert Lindsay, first haircut, then new glasses, step three, regain credibility, and begin....

  28. RL, if you want us to believe this then cite your sources. Once again you have no credibility. John

    1. He won't do that, because I am sure his sources are Smedja and those involved with him. We all know how credible they are sounding.

  29. Virulent? Explosive? What are you talking about Mr.Lindsay? Ever hear the word "Hyperbole"?

  30. These are incredible posts, and threatening. Who are you Bigfoot people?

    Read this winning quote from above:

    THE DR MELDRUM, show some respect, you have made the long list of BF personalities to overstep their bounds lose credibility and fade like dust in the wind. Check your sources, I'm sure they'll agree, OUCH!!

    Seriously, is this person writing sarcastically?
    Maybe, if that is true, it's the reason BF research is in the toilet.

    What a classicist comment.
    Too F'ing Funny.
    I vote for Lindsay now.
    This is a popularity contest right?

    1. No sarcasm here, that's the truth of this field. Biscardi, Standing, they both started out legit, but now they have put themselves in a position where nothing they say or are involved with gets taken seriously. Now add RL to that list. The class nerd went head to head with the high school quarter back, everyone knows how that one ends.

  31. Sadly it seems so Anon above me at 5:59 pm.

  32. I honestly don't know who to believe anymore.Credentials or no credentials doesn't really matter,anyone is capable of lying or sugar coating the truth.
    The problem I have in deciding who is truthful and who is not is difficult because nobody can provide others who will back their story, or stories.
    I'm not accusing Dr. Meldrum or Robert of fabricating anything because ultimately I have nothing to go on.
    I don't care who is popular,I care about who is truthful.
    Unless anyone can corroborate their claims,it's just a pissing match.

  33. This was posted on the "This is It" article on this site today by Meldrum him self It end this debate IMO

    Jeff Meldrum said...
    I have not spoken about the examination of the site or the tissue due to an NDA with parties involved. I will say that most of what was stated in Mr. Lindsay's piece, both about the event and about the nature of hair, is tripe. He would do well to reconsider his "sources." I can say there was no "steak," rather a piece of skin with hair attached. I posted on Project Sasquatch facebook page the text with the inaccurate or offending elements highlighted. Have a look and judge for yourself how reliable is Lindsay's reporting


    Last post in the comments secion

  35. Thanks Ed,I have read all of this.
    My point is that neither person can produce another person,or people to verify their claims.
    Robert says he has sources but won't reveal him/her/them.
    Dr. Meldrum says Robert is either lying or misinformed,yet the good Dr. hasn't presented anyone to vouch for him.

    I have no animosity towards either of these men and I have no favourites.

    Nothing in this community ever seems to have hard facts.It's smoke and mirrors,or name calling and sand kicking.
    Most times readers are left to speculate.
    It makes for great debate amongst ourselves but in the end,what has really been accomplished?

  36. WOW, that's all I can say. I'm starting to see why people think we are descended from apes. Whole lot of poo throwing going on with this post. Lol

  37. The anonymous have no credibility. If they want it they should step up. Lindsay's claims are without merit until they do. Your move RL.

  38. SasquaiNation, did you go back to where you left the oranges yet? I'm anxiously waiting for that follow up.

    Thank you.

  39. Robert Lindsay looks like Mrs Doubtfire. But more like her ugly unloved and unwanted sister.

  40. Rictor, what...didn't you make it out of 5th grade yet? Want someone to say what YOU look like? You act like a moron on this site cuz it's allowed (NOT putting down the site at all Shawn!). No way would your buddies over on BFF put up with the kind of toxic spewing you've subjected us to here.


  41. Keepem comin' Rictor! I laughed.

  42. Ya rictor stfu, lindsays a better man then youll ever be

  43. Derek Randles just posted an update on Meldrum's Facebook page concerning this.

    Bye bye Lindsay. It was a nice run while it lasted.

  44. 'That's how journalism works, Shaun'

    Is it? I thought a journalists job was to discover the truth? From your description it would seem its just to print information from those in your favour, or those willing to suck up to you? Complete lack of integrity.

    Shaun, uk

  45. Dear Mr. Lindsay;
    A broken clock is right twice a day. Even a blind squirrel occasionally gets a nut. Sometimes a liar like Bob Heronimus will fool a lie detector....get where this is going? Get Ur scat together or you'll be the Bobo who cried "SQUATCH"!!

  46. LINDSAY is the SQUATCH community's version of a shock jock. I get where he is coming from tho I disagree with it. Guys like him think sacred cows make the best burgers, but he made the mistake of lying about the most respected guy to come along in our field in years. SMH.

  47. @Blondie-I am going back this weekend.
    I had a few out of town trips with work,it was -30C for a week and family came to town.Life got a bit hectic but I'm anxious to get back there.I'm going through withdrawals.

  48. Who cares about that video, or who said what in it, this fighting is all hogwash anyway. If we want a video it's of a Bigfoot. But Dr. Meldrum's reputation is spotless, he's done nothing but good for the research and I'm sure will continue to do so. Unfortunately for the apers in the community it's not what they thought it was, so what, get over that. Why can't people just control themselves now, it's very easy to do actually, just sit back and wait for Dr. Ketchum's report. It'll come out one day and it'll all be in there, this can't be a rush job, those who think the discovery of a new human species is a walk in the park know very little of how this works. When it happens then we can all celebrate.

  49. I saw Finding Bigfoot, it seemed pretty fake, but I came here. This is what I found. Folks here are delusional, unfocused and mean. I see claims a Professor is spotless, tell Jesus that! And claims a blogger is the worst scum on the planet, tell Jesus that, if you ae spotless. I guess that would be the Professor. The posters are really into this. So watz up? Something.

    1. I have absolutely no clue what the hell your talking about. Nobody claimed Meldrum was "Jesus" perfect, but you just weigh the evidence and credibility, and this is what you get. So I guess that's "watz" up.

  50. I don't know what you all talking about either. It seems a nerdy blogger, or pedophile blogger, has challenged a Bigfoot figure, a Professor, who supporters think incapable of lying or getting it wrong. So, from that then you (or whoever these posters are) jump to explaining how that nerdy blogger will not get anywhere in the Bigfoot field, just like others who didn't buy into that Professors words or work? Does that make the Good Professor look good? Does the pedophile blogger care? Doesn't sound like it from the blogs. The Professor suporters sound scary.

  51. the funniest part about the comments here is thay Robert Lindsay thinks he's a Journalist.

  52. I think the funniest part(s)here is where everyone is so quick to put Meldrum on a pedestal and Lindsay in the toilet. Meldrum is well respected but that does not mean he can't be subject to speculation as to his intent. That's what journalism is...or has come to.

    How do you think so many politicians (for example and there are many to chose from, no?) come to fail in the public eye? We are all influenced by what is written, doesn't matter who writes it. And, if you think other journalists don't write just the "good" or "bad" stuff based on how their subject reacts or treats them, then none of us would have a basis for opinions at all when we read what is "reported".

    We base all of our knowledge two ways - direct observation or reading information from others (based on their observations or what they've "learned"). It goes round and round so if you don't have direct knowledge based on observation, all of this is simply hearsay, really.


    1. Dude, just because journalism died during the last Presidential election, it doesn't mean we have to accept s#*tty reporting! No disrespect, but that's a lame attitude. We should DEMAND journalists vette their sources and not just throw crap out there to see what sticks. And a journalist is NOT above reproach! They are public figures just like those they cover, and can be called out if they are wrong. Matter of fact, they SHOULD be called out.

  53. Here is why you should take Lindsay's comments with a grain of salt. Hes nothing more than a tabloid journalist, at best. Let me insert a quote from Mr. Lindsay. Try banning me from a website that isn't even yours. Shitfuck!!!

    "My stuff is not meant to be taken entirely seriously. I write a lot of this in a mock National Enquirer scurrilous style because I've never written that way before and I wanted to see if I can do it. It's all kind of a big joke in a sense, a parody, like the Bigfoot National Enquirer."

  54. Exactly, guys got 0% credibility. Done.

  55. JN, several eye witnesses have stepped forward to back up Meldrum.
    It's hilarious that you're still defending Bob Lindsay.

  56. I have absolutely no problem with Dr. Meldrum but nobody is above lying to suite themselves or their own interests. Not to say that he lied but hell anyone would to protection themselves. If you think Clinton was telling the truth when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and that he didn't inhale. Then we are just a gullible bunch of schmucks and will never find the answers we are looking for. Wasn't trying to bring up politics but it's a story everyone knows and no one believes.

  57. LOL, and nostalgic! Comment tip +5

  58. Dr. Meldrum has one more thing in his favor... He's not a politician. ;)

  59. I know I'm late to the party, but I've been saying for years "What are you going to compare the DNA too?"

    "Nothing, if you don't have a live or dead body."

    Its now Oct. 2012, is Meldrum still working with Ketchum?

    Have they broken up?

    I get it, everyone wants to protect their data. Some want to take info from other people and hopefully someday sell it for lots of money.

    But I just don't see how being secretive helps push things forward. The joke and likely the last laugh will be on them; BF will just hide for another hundred years.

    Grover Krantz didn't live to see the day.


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