Man In Habersham, GA Woke Up To See Possible Bigfoot Tearing Up The Side Of His House [Video]

On January 29, 2012, at 1 o'clock in the morning, Ben in Habersham, GA, woke up to the sound of his dogs barking and growling. He went outside, and in the flashlight, saw what seemed to be a huge man tearing up the side of his house, breaking his window.

Ben said he went inside to grab his 9mm and came back out to fire a shot into the direction of the creature, towards the back of his house. The creature ran off into the woods and left a trail of trash. Ben says the creature looked almost like a person and he's pretty sure it wasn't a bear. However, when police arrived, they told him it was probably a bear.

In the morning, Ben discovered some claw marks, a broken window, and a bullet hole in the side of his house. Fortunately for him, the bullet didn't hit the hot water heater inside.

Watch the video below:


  1. Ought to be some type of DNA there. Trailer edges are really sharp.

  2. Interesting video. I hope he makes contact with bfro while the evidence is still relatively fresh. It would be easy enough to verify through a police report. The claw mark on the awning looks like damage from a bear.

  3. I wonder what he puts on the insurance report? One of two things--bear--claw marks are not a SQ type of thing, or he's totally bogus. His voice does not sound convincing at all. I vote bogus.

  4. Too bad Justin Smeja wasn't there. He would have taken out the Bigfoot and its little kid too!

  5. Question.. the dog was barking so you went outside to investigate?
    ... you were in the house but you couldn't hear something tearing molding/siding off your mobile home? Uh huh...

    Claw marks? Bear...

    You went outside to check something and you didn't have your weapon? and you live in a trailer and you didn't have your weapon?


  6. Bears do this to house trailers. Food odors seep out of trailers, and bears start ripping at them. It's common behavior. The guy leaves trash outside, what does he expect?

    Claw marks clinches it. As if it needed to be confirmed.

    So what if he says "it looked almost human." People can say anything, and most people havent had enough experience with bears to know what they look like in the dark.

    Why is this even posted here? Just to show how dumb it is?

  7. The claw marks are interesting, like it was pulling on the siding. I guess his credibility goes out the window since he lives in a trailer. I wasn't there and want to be open-minded about his story. Maybe there are more details there are not covered in this 3 minute video. I'd like to hear more. Ken, Tumwater, WA

  8. @ Ken in Wa. Nice post! My initial thought would be a bear, but I was'nt there and did not see what he did!..I find it amazing that people,who claim sightings of their own are so fast to Judge someone else's account as bogus!

  9. Good point, Autumn. Claw marks probably indicate a bear. Never heard of a Squatch leaving claw marks before. From everything I have seen they do not have claws, but human like hands.

  10. The claw marks look like Bear IMHO,


  11. It would've been nice if the guy slowed down a bit and focused on the damage slowly,showing it for more that a second.
    I understand he was probably still wound up from his experience.
    The claw marks could be from a bear,but what I found interesting was that it looked like the moulding was chewed as well as clawed.
    This would be animal behavior,if in fact what I'm seeing are teeth marks.
    Perhaps the guy should look closely for evidence left behind such as hair or blood.

  12. If you stop the video and inspect you see where the metal was ripped from pulling it away from the nails that were holding it. The other area shows pointed indentations but it also shows indentations that more closely resemble fingernails, and I do not see any deep scratches. I think the jury is still out on this.


  13. seems like he was trying to make it out to be something other a a "Hoaxie way"

  14. Perhaps the owner of the trailer had a few too many squatch beers before he went outside to see something trashing his trailer.

    Would a squatch really do this to a trailer? When they feel threatened, a squatch may use a bluff charge or yell/howl to scare off someone. They would have no reason to attempt to trash a trailer.

  15. Even Sasquatch hate trailers!

  16. So now we are judging someone and putting him down because he lives in a trailer home?

  17. No judgment regarding the association of living in a trailer. I myself was trailer raised! That's why I question him not noticing or hearing something occurring.



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