If You Believe In Bigfoot Is An Ape Theory, You May Want To Check This List For Your Name

Robert Lindsay believes there's a war going on between the "Ape Theory Gang" and the "Human Theory Collective." Lindsay says the Ape Theory Gang is mainly led by Bigfoot researchers like Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum. "[T]hey say that Meldrum’s stranglehold over Bigfootery is the biggest thing that is holding the field back. I am inclined to agree. I am starting to think that Lord Meldrum is a problem," Lindsay wrote in an article today.

The war between the Ape Theory Gang versus the Human Theory Collective. There is a war in Bigfootery between the Bigfoots are Human folks and the Bigfoots are Apes theorists. The Ape Theory Gang is led by Field Marshall Meldrum and includes Bindernagel, Moneymaker, Bart Cutino, Mionczynski, Tim Fasano, Rick Noll and many others.

On the other side are the Bigfoots as Human Theory Collective. This line includes Bobbie Short, David Paulides, Richard Stubstad, and others, including us. The Human Theory folks have complained for years that they have been marginalized by the Ape Theory Gang. In fact, they say that Meldrum’s stranglehold over Bigfootery is the biggest thing that is holding the field back. I am inclined to agree. I am starting to think that Lord Meldrum is a problem – the despotic associate professor of Bigfootery.

This is excellent story, but unfortunately, we am not allowed to report on the juicier bits at this time. Hopefully we can dig up some more with time.

- Robert Lindsay


  1. Here are 2 idiots that argue over semantics..I don't give a flying donkey if it is a new breed of hummingbird..SHOW ME PROOF ASSHOLES

  2. I personally believe Squatch is an ape! So what's the big deal, I mean you can't really compare until we actually have a body.

    I just feel its a descendant from Giganto that migrated over the ice bridge and adapted to our climate. Animals do it all the time, so I don't see why this has to be a "war" its like evolution vs creation! Who really gives a shit at the end of the day.

  3. If you believe this drivel I've got swamp land In Az up for sale cheap, why would you give this Jackass this kind of coverage.

  4. Actually, Mormon Lake has swamp in Northern Arizona. Isn't Cliff Barackman on the ape team? I am disappointed by that. I truly believe we're talking about more human. It isn't just walking erect, there is something way too intelligent about the way it manages to stay so well hidden.

  5. No disrespect, but I'm not interested in soap operas and I'm not interested in what Lindsay has to say about Dr. Meldrum or anyone else. I AM interested in what Dr. Meldrum, et al, has to say about Sasquatch! I AM interested in what Paulides, et al, has to say about Sasquatch. Hell, I'm interested in what Standing, Biscardi and Fasano have to say about Sasquatch! I was more interested when Lindsay (BS, or otherwise) stayed on-topic. Robert, it's getting difficult to see with all this slung-mud in my eyes...
    David from the PAC/NW

  6. Bigfoot as Human!....I can see it now."with the first pick in the draft, the colts select DE Sasquatch" The big guy gets a huge bonus, and is able to buy his clan a large property to live in peace!... Oh yeah! I can picture what his bust will look like in Canton!

  7. Well I knew Lindsay would start his "let's crap on Dr Meldrum" campaign. Face it Lindsay, Dr Meldrum called your bluff, made you look like a fool and you can't take it. Just give it up and quit acting like a preteen girl who has been dissed by the popular crowd. Grow Up!

  8. Lindsay does not deserve your coverage. Then again, reading articles here where every researcher proclaims themselves as Truth and everyone else a Hoaxer, well maybe he's just like everyone else. It's sad really - your cause would be better served by speaking as a single voice. You want to be treated seriously but you can't even treat your colleagues seriously.

    That said, a late 80s encounter that can't be ascribed to known woodland critters and unlikely human made me a believer. But I'm also one of those dreaded Science dudes, people who like facts and logic and stuff. Here's the deal - which human culture does not use fire? Ummm... none. While there are primates that can make tools only humans create and control fire to cook, clear land, stay warm, etc. When someone shows me a Sasquatch making a controlled fire or burning their dead Nordic style in a blaze of Glory, then I'll consider human. Until then, they are apes.

    And here's something for you to ponder - tree-pushing as learned observed behavior. Seems to be a lot of trees falling around field folk these days. Maybe it's a territorial display specific to humans since they observed us "pushing" down trees (with saws) and then claiming 'their' land as our own. Some folk think this behavior is a "Message"... I do too: get the Hell out of my forest puny hairless brat!

    Dave in WA

  9. I'm with the folks who say that you should not be posting the word of a gossip columnist who calls himself a reporter. This dude actually defended the concept of misleading reporting without even offering arguments in favor of the morality of it. He just said something to the effect of, "That's how journalism works." Well, maybe in the United States where they have lax libel laws and a gutted FCC, but in many other, more responsible, countries, where the concept of freedom of irresponsible and potentially harmful "speech" is not considered to be paramount, Lindsay's "reporting" could get his ass in big trouble. If Lindsay is not careful he may get hauled into court and successfully sued even under the weak libel laws of the United States. Don't give this guy more publicity.

    1. Well said, can the lets pretend reporter his tabloid style isn't even that good.

  10. What a frickin' jealous cry baby. Go sensationalize somewhere else, Lindsay.

  11. Its funny how things change. 3 weeks ago people actually discussed what RL reported, and now the discussion is about his reporting ethics.

  12. The comments mention the pancake video. I have never seen it and Robert Lindsay said its hidden but it is out there. Does anyone know where to see it?

  13. if it aint an ape then what is it? if it were a person it would of said something by now don't you think?

  14. I hope RL sees this, it's people like you that are the problem. There is no shortage of people looking to make a name and a buck in this field. A few have succeeded, but how many have shot themselves in the foot? I can give you the names of the ones that haven't, "KING Meldrum", Mionczynski, Bindernagle, Moneymaker, I know some don't like is personality but MM has without a doubt done this field good as have the others. But now it seems everyone wants to get on a soapbox and make the ones who do GOOD things look BAD. And all in an effort to make a name, wether its good or bad. We don't need anymore Robert Lindsay's.

  15. It's a completely wrong-headed debate, people - humans ARE apes! That's a fact!

  16. I can't believe what I am seeing. Is this silly man actually saying this shit. He's lost his goddamn mind if he is. Like, how much did this guy drink in his life, to be so stupid. I mean, seriously this is something I'd expect of a handicap man. This is textbook retarded, with a capital R. How can one man be so crazy, so insane. Honestly, either he is bonkers, or I am not Cliff Barackman,

  17. Shawn, I hope u track the last ip address from "cliff barackman", I'm sure that's not him, and I bet that the real one would like to know who it is. Not good taste.

  18. Thanks Robert wel will get right on it!

  19. Sasquatch is 100% Ape... As am I!!! Check your own taxonomy. The question is, how far down the classifications do we share that taxonomy. We have ancestors (Austrolipithecus and prior) that don't classify with us all the way through Homo, yet are a part of our human ancestry. Exactly how far down the line Sasquatch fits, remains to be seen. I like to imagine being the same through Hominina, which puts them within the exclusive realm of our ancestral line, but twice removed from Homo Sapiens Sapiens.... and twice removed from exact definition. Who knows...
    There are a definitely issues with current human taxonomy, but that's what we have to work with. Listen to me ramble. LOL ;)
    David from the PAC/NW

  20. Keep ramblin' David! I enjoy hearing the input.


  22. Lindsay calls himself a jounalist.... He (badly) writes a blog without carrying out any research, then threatens to write bad things about people if they don't 'work' with him ON A BLOG!! What a joke.

    Shaun, UK

  23. Having looked one in the eye, all I can say is, "Ape my ass!"

  24. Exactly. I haven't seen one myself, but I know from other people's experiences that the beings are behaving and looking much too humanlike to be considered animals. I truly think we've been fooling ourselves all these years, afraid to go there and even consider it. We like to stay boss on the planet, even though we fear deep down we may not be. People who say it's an ape - which technically we may be as well - say so that it can be shot. Difference is we use the term human about ourselves, and animal about apes, but thinking Bigfoot should be in that group for the hair is ridiculous. What about the face, the feet, the bipedalism, the language. I don't even say it or creature anymore, I say them or they and beings. If they have language as proven by Dr. Nelson, it's dumb to even continue debating the nature and status of the species. It can only be a people of some kind. In fact, Disney family movies are actually closer to reality than monster movies.

  25. Im not an ape! I dont care what any scientist says. On a side note the most primative of humans left behind signs of their culture. I have not seen any evidence that a BF has a culture. So no culture means not human!

  26. Who ever said you're an ape, dummy? You're a dummy, that's all. Sasquatches are not apes.

  27. Exuse me! They HAVE to be apes! Humans are apes! Oh my God all these people who say "The Sasquatch is human, not ape" are so intellectually inconsistent that it's not even funny. They're all redneck, trailer park dwelling, newcomers who don't know shit!

  28. I believe they are related more closely to ape's and gorilla's wrather than the homosapiens!!!

  29. I think they are evovled bears, nothing ape like about them and nothing human about them. Only DNA will tell.

  30. This feed is nothing but insults. I will probably be getting an insult now for pointing this out


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