Weird Bigfoot News: UFO database contains recent sighting report about 'translucent aura' Bigfoot spotted sprinting across road in Kentucky

Bigfoot Aura

This recent sighting report is a testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. According to the report on December 28, 2011, while driving in Kentucky, the witness spotted an entity sprinting across the road at approximately 40 feet in front of the car. What's weird about this story is that the witness described the 7 ft. tall creature as having a "translucent" aura around it.

Read the report below:

I was driving down a residential street in the dark when suddenly, my headlights landed on a ~7 ft. tall man like creature. It almost looked like a very tall standing monkey, but it also resembled a man. It looked as if it had fur all over it's body that was a medium red color. What really looked odd to me was that it seemed to have a translusent aura around it. I had to focus very hard to see these details because it seemed like the creature was moving at a pace of nearly 50 mph. I was afraid, ofcours, but I didn't feel as if it were here to harm me or anyone else. It seemed scared more than anything else. I feel it was trying to hide or find a way home because it was running right toward a large wooded area. I lost sight of the object within 2-4 seconds of first seeing it because it was moving so fast.

According Paranormal Examiner News, Kentucky is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Kentucky had 7 reports in November, the 26th highest reporting state - while California had 72 reports in November 2011 - the highest reporting state in the nation.



  1. You know, I think when you have a furry creature, you get something like on the banner at the to of your blog--a backlit creature which creates a halo effect. You should see my insane mane in the nighttime with a moon or car lights backlighting, I look aglow too. I wouldn't put much weight in that part of the witness's interpretation.

  2. I was thinking the exact same thing as Autumnforest.

  3. The loons at the BFF are going to talk about this one for weeks, it's very sad.

  4. I witnessed illumination from a BF's eyes that seemed a great deal more than reflected starlight, it actually cast a luminous glow around it's head and it's movement in the forest could be followed as it approached camp from the ridge above, by that low bluish glow. It arrived and cast light in my tent. I have no explanation, as modern humans at this location are very unlikely, and the event so startling I remained quiet and motionless. It was 2am or so and pitch black. In the morning I found no evidence of anything entering camp but am convinced it was a BF b/c of spread/height on the two blue glowing pinpoints and behaviors.
    I can't answer this one, except to say I witnessed it more than once.

  5. i assumed around "it's head" because of the movement through forest, the height and where it went...up close, what I saw were two well defined spots of light about 8 to 12" apart and about 7' poff the ground...and they actually cast a blue glow on items in my tent as it viewed them - the other explanation..some human taped two small led flashlights to glasses and walks around w/o car in remote wilderness...and doesn't make noise or leave experience, most humans are slobs and leave large swaths of evidence of their I vote BF, but I haven't explanation unless Bio-luminescence plays a role..and this is a detail I rarely tell, b/c it is hard for even BFers to accept.. and so many even more strange explanations are the end all speculation, unless I go back and this time stick my hand out to shake.

  6. I'm not sure if its the glowing 7ft monkey or the 50 mph bipedal jogging part, but I'm just not feeling it.


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