Russian Bigfoot was hoaxed for a good cause, hotel maids weeping as prospect of Tom Biscardi showing up in Russia withers

Well Folks, It's Official: There was no Yeti and that creature you saw in the video was just a man in a monkey-suit.

We have to admit that Tom Biscardi's monkey-suit looked more convincing. Unlike the Georgia Bigfoot Hoax, this hoax lacked the Las Vegas showmanship of Biscardi. The Russians could have went all out and invited the worldwide media circus, but instead, the bean was spilled way too soon.

The local Minister for Labor and Social Development, Bagaudin Marshani said the hoax was about raising money for orphans and thought it was a success. However, having a video showing the Yeti dragging a dead sheep did little to convince anybody that it wasn't a hoax. Those who have seen "the second video" thought it was laughable why they would put out such an obvious fake. President of the BFRO, Matt Moneymaker couldn't hold back his tongue any longer and said the video showing the capture of the creature was "fake as hell."

Here's the official report

Concern for orphans is not something one would normally associate with the Yeti. But now, in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia, the Abominable Snowman has been raising funds and public awareness of orphans’ problems.

Earlier, sensational news about the capture of a mysterious Yeti was spread by none other than the local Minister for Labor and Social Development, Bagaudin Marshani.

He announced that the beast would be placed in a zoo, and visitors flocked to see the animal.

On Thursday though, the minister spilled the beans. It turned out that the Yeti was an ordinary Ingush hotel worker, dressed up to resemble the fantastic creature.

The minister revealed the reason behind the show.

“It was a promotional event, a New Year joke to put the spotlight on orphans and children from dysfunctional and low-income families,” Marshani said.

He explained that the “Snowman” was kept at the zoo for people to come and see, and make a donation. All the money raised will go to help children in need.

The prank was a huge success, with crowds from across the republic and even neighboring states hurrying to see the Yeti in the flesh.



  1. So what, they have to lie to the whole world about some groundbreaking find, just for this?

    Nice job dickheads.

  2. This sort of bull shit is typical for Russians

  3. To bring light to a worthy cause you have to lie to people to give you money! Sounds like our politicians in America.

  4. I gotta admit that it was a good way to lure people to the zoo, and it was for a good cause. However, that doesn't excuse these jack asses from lying to the world and trying to pass off those idiotic pieces of footage as legitimate.

  5. This hoaxed video to garner attention is for a much better cause than the self serving North American researchers of Bigfootery routinely parade here.

  6. I don't buy that it's a hoax. I think everyone is swallowing a cover story, hook, line and sinker.

  7. Yea. That yeti in the cag is 100% real looking. Its a cover to hush up a real yeti find. Just lik bigfot deths here was covered up by the goverment after mount saint helens.

  8. Yeah, I think the real victim here is Tom Biscardi. Why couldn't they have waited just a few more days to come clean -- or atleast until Biscardi had bought a plane ticket to Russia and was in the air?!?

  9. Poor Tom Biscardi, taking heat and he hasn't even
    commented on the Russian Capture. Can't you just hear the disappointed Ruskies?

    Ve Luv das Amerikan Biscardi....So Sad His Not Coming to see our Yeti. He coms..... all Russa coms.
    Now Orphans suffer....Zoo Closes.

  10. It looks like Tom Biscardi is in that suit. Let's check Tom's passport. I trust that more than I trust Obama's birth certificate.


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