Close encounter with a Bigfoot named Tumack

This story about Bigfoots visiting a family ranch was posted earlier today in the comments section of Bigfoot versus Aliens versus Ghosts by an Anonymous reader. Whether it's true or not, it's an interesting read.

This is the first time I have shared this story to anyone but my close friends and wanted to do it here.

I grew up on a large ranch in a very rural area. My father was a very successful-we had money- his true passion was the outdoors and he wanted to pass this love onto me.

The area was beautiful but also incredibly wild. I learned to use a gun at a young age because I may need to use it if all other precautions fail. It was like teaching a child to call 911. Only in this case.

We moved in when I was two and by age four or five I considered Sasquatch a part of life and no different than racoons. They are around but meant and did not mean any harm.

I would see one most often when looking out my bedroom window from age 5 on. My mother loved my father and dealt with the area because of that she hated the area and grew up in the city she had one option to avoid boredom that being learning to garden. I remember watching as one would come to the garden and take her crops. She was funny because she did not care and the idea was to pass time not harvest the crops.

I enjoyed fishing and from 8 on would fish from 3 6 or 7 at night depending on the time of year. I also looked for indian relics i still have. I had a small area where I found arrow heads. I say small because it bordered a ridge that I just never crossed and neither did my dad. He told me- look at all thats in front of us if we go there we will miss something here. From 10 years old on I could tell something was watching me fish. I think before that I just thought it was my mom. I knew it was not a bear because they wont watch they will either become aggressive, run away, or go about their business knowing you are there. We also had a caretaker my father hired just to keep tabs on bear and mountain lion. (lion were very rare back then i saw one in my life and that was his tail and hind legs taking off, they stayed in the high elevations and were never an issue) He lived in the guest house and his job was literally to just hike and drive a 4 x 4 looking for animal signs. I was not afraid as if they wanted to harm me they could have long ago. I never released what I caught and would throw fish toward the woods or leave the pile on a large rock near my favorite spot. They did get used to my gifts and I did start to feel like I had to bring something everytime I fished- often it was some garlic or corn on the cob.

I went away to college and the time at school before my first trip home was the longest I spent away from the ranch. It was October and I missed fishing so that is what I wanted to do first. I grabbed a few ears of corn and canned peaches and left them on the rock. I caught three fish and left them all in the general area. I did the same thing the next day and on the third day something I will never forget happened. I was fishing lower down the river by a small inlet.

A Sasquatch appeared and just kept looking at me. There was also one up to my left and I became scared and wondered if I crossed some line I should not have. I did not know what to do but eventually it became clear they wanted something. I was scared out of my mind finally they moved and I felt I had to leave. As I did they started to move making me follow a certain path home. It was on this path where the amazing thing happened.

I was very scared as I thought they were all around me and my mind was thinking-they want me out of here they never did this before- could a Grizzly or wolf be stalking me and this is their way of saying go. As I came around one bend there was a very old Sasquatch that appeared to be waiting. I was very scared and it garbled friend who speak white man and tried to smile. It motioned me to an area where there were three arrow heads and a spear head. This put me at ease and he slowly approached only after he knew I calmed down. He patted me gently on the shoulder. I sat down at this point and he showed me a very large wound on his leg that healed. He said in a very drawn out way that my gifts of food helped when he was injured and he was unable to easily get food on his own and I never bothered them or tried to disrupt the peace of the area. He also told me that his people were of an ancient race- he could speak some of our language because he heard it so much over the years. He was the kind who would follow and listen to men as he was interested in their ways after stories of trading with man were told to him many years ago. He can make sound in this way but not many others because now all learn they must only make sound like the animals around them. He said that his people live with nature and believe in "not fighting or harming other life" and that because of their size ancient people in the past wanted to control them and use them to fight other people over the land. I could not understand another portion where he talked about them fearing man and they were controlled by man's ability to control fire. He said when I left he was worried something happened to me but now he knew I started "my travels" to learn about the rest of the world. He then said he and his people now must leave this area. A town was growing in an area where for years there had only been our ranch. They had to hide far too often now because of more people and this did not allow them enough time to secure food. He said they could taste in the water the area could no longer be shared.

I asked him his name and he said "Tumack". His eyes were what I remember as they were very kind and light gray- I dont speak this way but the only description I can use is of "an old soul". They were almost hypnotic and this was the only time I felt anything but peace as he explained to me this comes from my sensing he knows much of the natural world and while man desires this knowledge he can't comprehend it and this leads to a clouded mind. This did not disturb me- what did was the fact he said this was important. Not all like him are of a peaceful nature those with "red eyes" he said "those with eyes like blood" are not peaceful and man must be very wary. They will remain in the deep wild parts of areas while those like him populate an area but with them gone these others would soon enter the area and not want peace with others. He said his people were smarter than those he described and because of that they feared them and did not bother them. He said to now be wary of the woods as I while I might think nothing has changed, the others would not consider me a friend as this is not their way. I asked where they would go and he said to a place with much water as this allows them to know when anyone comes to the area with enough warning so as to hide.

This seemed like 10 minutes but when I looked up is was almost dusk. He sensed this as well and said the mind takes much longer to understand the old world and this is why time seems to disappear- the mind is so overwhelmed and preoccupied to notice other things on a subconscious level. I asked him if I could offer anything more and he pointed to the fishing line in my tackle case and the other pieces of string and twine that were a part of my pack. I offered the whole pack and he seemed very greatful. I also offered my swiss army knife which was declined because he said it was too small for them to make use of. I then offered my belt knife and he was at first very leary of taking it believing it was too important and something I would need for protection when in these woods. I told him this was not true as i had many and he accepted it.

He thanked me and left saying we were brothers always bound by our love for nature and maintaining its peacefulness.

The following summer my recently retired father said he needed to speak with me. Our chicken coup was ransacked and my mom did not care what did it. She said she had enough of the ranch and could accept it while it was what is was supposed to be and what he wanted. A haven in the wilderness, an oasis for her to avoid it and my fathers way of having the wild at his finger tips. Now it was the biggest house in a rural boring area becoming dominated by new developments and culdesacks. She was not going to deal with the construction of a new Walmart pushing displaced bears and cougar toward the house. She indulged me on Sasquatch but never embraced the idea openly in front of us.

She wanted him to sell and it was not what he wanted anymore. He wanted my blessing to sell my childhood home. I gave it as it allowed them to go the beach house and log cabin route making both happy.

The ranch where I grew up is still there. A condition of the sale was our caretaker get the guest house and a piece of land and the right to guide hunting trips through the area which has been set aside and will be preserved. We still talk and he says they are all pretty much gone. He said you get a glimpse of one and then could sit in the same spot for a year and not get another. They are not in the area for a reason and when they are it is for a reason and they get in and out quick. He and i did not dwell on it when i was young because he told me we know all we need to know about them- they mean no harm. He stressed teaching looking for signs of dangerous animals, if they may be injured and avoiding snakes.

The are stil sightings in the area but only every few months.


  1. Reads like fiction. The grammar and sentence structure is also pretty bad for someone that supposedly went to college...

  2. I had this exact same encounter with a bigfoot named Tumack as well. My encounter came one summer's night after drinking tea made from some 'shrooms we found in a field. We made mushroom tea to soothe our bodies after a long day outside. Tumack soon came and we talked for hours too. Were you also drinking tea when you met Tunack?

    1. Evolution is dead !
      The hoax has been revealed

  3. This guy is either a great fiction writer or this story is almost unbeleivable. Either way, a great "short story" read.

  4. So, who taught "Tumack" how to speak English? Absolute nonsense. Would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

  5. Shut up lobster its just a story. Debbie downer

  6. Great story! Thanks Shawn. Love the picture in the post. Wish that was my ranch!

  7. Akita, akita! akita.. tumak.
    ahut akita tumak.

  8. Hey, I missed the [Humor] advertising in the blog's history Title. Hahahahahahaha!

  9. Yes! I love it, please more bigfoot fan fiction Shawn.

  10. Sorry anonomous, I just have a low baloney tolerance.

  11. You never know it could be true. They've been around us for thousands of years, maybe watching you reading this right now through the window or smoking a cigarette on your back porch. They could have easily picked up our language over all this time. Many Native American tribes have reported trading with them for hundreds of years. There had to be communication to haggle over a price for goods.

  12. I hope it's true the red eyed ones sounds true.

  13. You know what is very interesting? The fact that Lobster person is actually angry over a post on a Bigfoot message board.

    He did not believe the story- that si fine many would not. But this person showed real objection and anger because someone post their own story about Bigfoot.

    This man must live a very strange existence.

  14. Really? I wasn't aware I was angry. Actually amusement would be more accurate. Of course I find it interesting that you even care what I think. I admit, I am flattered!

  15. Tumack was one of the prehistoric fellows in the movie One Million Years BC. One anonymous person provided some of the movie dialogue above.

  16. I also wish you lived in a have the power!

  17. Very interesting. i've seen the videos and heard the recordings of their voices and sounds. i imagine other primates have the ability to make sounds. perhaps Bigfoot have their own "language", a rudimentary form of communication.

  18. I love this! This is a great story! Very believable, too, especially the part about being guided by a couple of them to the elder and his feelings during it. For some of you who apparently didn't read the whole story, they are very interested in man and pick up some of the language by watching him, but the younger ones now only learn animal sounds. I've heard recording of Sasquatch that sound like American Indians - these are not primates.

  19. What an amazing story! The English part doesn't surprise me at all. With Sasquatch having a language and linguistic abilities Tumack could have easily picked up English over the years!

  20. It's totally plausible I think. Albert Ostman was kidnapped by bigfoots. If they're smart enough to kidnap a person, don't you think an old one would be able to speak a rough version of English? I don't think this man is lying. It's a good story. And... to reinforce his claim, there are still sightings there every couple months. Hello everyone! Let's take down the walls. Open up that fantastical, magical, anything-is-possible part of yourself. Stop being so skeptical! You don't know how many people have had encounters like this. Partly, Bigfoots probably find it hard to trust alot of human beings, and people would never let anyone know if anything like this happened to them. Criticism is way to high for things like this. If you have had an encounter like this you should post it anyway, just do it anonymously. Please, just leave the poor dude alone!

  21. If Sasquatches exist, and most of us here think they do, then why would they not at times have had closer contact with our own species? Of course they would, only those skeptical and cynical enough about the whole thing doesn't seem to get that bit. Don't want to get it. Makes sense too if they're humanlike, or a people, and that does seem the most likely explanation. The animal idea is out-dated news now. There's only one thing they can be if they're there, and that's hairy people. Period. So skeptics should explain why, if we assume it's a human type, they wouldn't attempt closer contact once in a solitary while?


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