Cliff Barackman mentions Bigfoot DNA Study on 'Right This Minute' news interview [Finding Bigfoot]

Cliff Barackman interview with "Right This Minute"
via Home Computer

In this interview clip with the "Right This Minute" news team, "Finding Bigfoot" team member, Cliff Barackman talks about the search for Bigfoot and what he hopes to learn about Bigfoot through the DNA study that's currently in peer review.

Click here to watch the interview.

[via via]


  1. What an in depth interview. Got to love these dizzy blondes. Best viewed with your eyes, and fingers in your ear canal.

    Chuck in Ohio

  2. Chuck you are funny. I thought no one was supposed to mention the study while in review. Guess that's just for annoying posters.

  3. There's only a few people I want to hear talk about BF; Jeff Meldrum, Mike Rugg, and Cliff Barackman--intelligent, not ego-driven, not defensive, just matter of fact. I love that guy!

  4. The New York "baby bigfoot" is still a freakin' gibbon, dammit. :)

  5. Found stone carving of big foot near copalis Washington

  6. Found stone carving of big foot near copalis Washington. If you have some information please email me at


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