Are we the only animals to cook food? Not anymore [Science]

Kanzi, the ape who HAS learned the secret of man's red fire

Cooking is certainly unique to humans, there’s no other species that does it. The obvious reason for that is because we’re the only ones that can make fire, which is a prerequisite.

After learning that there's a bonobo ape out there that knows how to collect wood and small pieces of branches to light up a fire, we were amazed and at the same time, freaking impressed. Not only can this chimp start a fire (with the help of a lighter), he's got mad cooking skills too.

Don't believe us? Check out the photos below via

Eagerly he collects wood from the ground, snaps the branches into small pieces and carefully balances them in a pile. Then, taking care not to burn himself, he gently strikes a match and gets ready for a fry-up.

Like all red-blooded males, Kanzi loves messing around with a barbecue. But then, as these extraordinary pictures show, Kanzi is no man. He is a bonobo - pygmy chimpanzee - and his love of fire is challenging the way that we think about our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.

For although bonobo apes and larger chimpanzees use twigs and leaves as tools, none has ever shown such skill for cooking food.

Skill with a skillet: After slaving over a hot stove, Kanzi the bonobo, tucks in to his creation. These pictures are the first to show a primate's skill at cooking food

Kanzi is one of eight bonobos in the care of Dr Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, one of the world’s leading experts in ape behaviour and language. She believes 31-year-old Kanzi’s fascination with fire reveals a deep intelligence.

Dr Savage-Rumbaugh, of the Great Ape Trust, in Des Moines, Iowa, adds: ‘Kanzi makes fire because he wants to. He used to watch the film Quest For Fire when he was very young which was about early man struggling to control fire. He watched it spellbound over and over hundreds of times.’

He was also fascinated by the camp fires his keepers made to cook food. And he was encouraged to interact with humans and copy them. At the age of five, he was making small piles of bone dry sticks.

Hunter-gatherer: Kanzi carries his barbie in a backpack (left) before finding some dry wood and breaking it down to size in much the same way a human would

Intelligent cooking: The pygmy chimpanzee searches for the perfect site for a camp fire then carefully piles sticks onto a bed of dry leave

He was taught to use matches, a skill he picked up quickly. There’s something eerie about watching Kanzi strike a match. The way he then holds the flame - taking care not to burn himself - is remarkably human.

‘Fire is one of the most important factors in our evolution,’ says Dr Savage-Rumbaugh.

‘When humans learned to control fire and to domesticate dogs we began to feel a new level of safety which freed us to become creative and to create more sophisticated cultures.’

‘Fire enabled us to cook meat, which helped break it down and meant we could eat more of it. Plants we cooked on fires were made more digestible. In short, cooking led us to eating better, which meant we developed large brains.

‘We sat around in communal groups cooking, stoking and simply watching the fire - a situation in which language and conversation started to develop.’

Adept: His hands look almost human as he strikes a match and, with a look of satisfaction, watches the smoke start to rise as the fire takes hold

Kanzi - the name means Treasure in Swahili - does not stay close to make sure his fire stays lit. But he does throw on more wood from a distance. And he has learned how to cook. He will take a marshmallow, stick it on the end of a twig and hold it carefully over the flames, ensuring it doesn’t burn.

He can place a grill pan on the fire and cook hamburgers. When he has finished with the fire, Dr Savage-Rumbaugh asks him to put it out using a bottle of water. He will carefully pour the liquid over the flames until it has been extinguished.

Kanzi is now incredibly passing on his skills to other apes. His son Teco, who lives in the same research centre, watches Kanzi as he solves problems. The researchers believe he may learn to make fires, too.

Healthy flames: It's time to set up the barbecue with a makeshift grill and then get the pan on ready to cook some tasty hamburgers

Kanzi, who weighs 12st, is the brightest of the apes at the Great Ape Trust. With two other apes at the centre, he uses paper keyboards to communicate with Dr Savage-Rumbaugh and fellow primatologist Liz Pugh.

In conversation with the researchers he points to symbols, known as lexigrams, on the keyboards representing different words.

He has learnt to ‘say’ around 500 words through the keyboard, and understands 3,000 spoken words.

Bonobos are one of the most endangered species and there are around 10,000 to 50,000 left in the wild, all in Africa’s Democratic Republic of Congo. They share 98 to 99 per cent of their DNA with us.

For Kanzi’s own safety, he is only allowed to make fires under close supervision. But his behaviour raises fascinating questions.

And for dessert... he pops a marshmallow on a long stick and toasts it with care making sure he doesn't get his fingers burnt

What would happen if he was released into the wild where other bonobos could copy his behaviour? And could wild bonobos learn how to master fire independently just like our own ancestors?

You don’t have to be a fan of the Planet Of The Apes movies - in which intelligent apes threaten mankind’s supremacy on the Earth - to find those questions disturbing.

Or maybe, like King Louie in Disney's The Jungle Book, he just wants to ape us.

Just right: The barbie ape enjoys his pud... whose turn to do the washing up? Perhaps he can do that as well?


  1. Show me an bonobo ape that starts a fire and cooks his food without years of coaching and I might say you have found another creature besides us humans that have the ability to start a fire and cook his food !

  2. Amazing, he's soooo smart to do all that, but ISN'T smart enough to stick around....has to be leashed at all times. Kinda reminds me of "Planet Of The Apes"...."Speak" Taylor, "Speak"...Why not start with the "basic" commands like,"Stay"???

  3. I'm not surprised. You've shown some primates' videos on here. You know, wearing camo's, toting guns, looking to hunt and shoot BF. They seem to have figured out that campfire cooking thing. We can conclude that apes are trainable.

  4. Maybe it was squatches that started some of the forest fires.

  5. Training an animal to do tricks is not some evidence that evolution is valid. It's merely a trick. It did not come naturally. I once saw a poodle walk and dance on two legs. it was trained to do so and that did not come natural. Same difference.

  6. WOW-When I was an Anthropology student at GSU, I had to log many hours at GSU's Panthersville Primate Center and Kanzi was there as the supreme star even back in 1993 (GULP...Been a long time since I was in College). ANYWAY-Kanzi was known for being able to understand spoken English. YES-YOU READ THAT RIGHT. I can't remember the woman that was in charge of Kanzi and the other bonobos (I was working with other primates), but I used to marvel at her talking to Kanzi and asking the most difficult questions and Kanzi would respond with communiboard, or actually execute response "Kanzi-go into the structure and get the red ball out of the cabinet and take it and put it over on the table, then take the keys off the table and put them where the red ball was". Kanzi would do it with no problem. I remember even a Japanese film crew once coming to film and being floored. I always felt that Kanzi most have been genetically gifted with some gene or brain anomaly that allowed this....None the less-You can see that this ape is extraordinary and it isn't a far cry to think that other primates may also be gifted enough to have some basic understanding of us as well!!!!

  7. Kilt-maker (damn, I could look at your picture all day), that was really interesting. A lot of people make assumption about apes and this is a point I've been wanting to make about BF--we need to determine what makes one human; is it DNA or mental capabilities because those mental capabilities can be seriously impaired in those born with birth defects/DNA deletions. We train people all the time in skills for the work place. There's a difference between original thought and intelligence. It would be interesting to see if giving an ape a skill, he can apply it to other arenas as one would expect with someone who has a higher IQ. Intriguing.

  8. Well, human babies must be taught how to start fire as well, it does not change the fact that this bonobo is quite intelligent. They are more like a 3-5 year old human not a dog so sit and stay work about as well. They are independent thinkers not bred to be human work assistants like dogs. The point is, primates and the yet to be found Bigfoot are intelligent in ways that other animals are not. Orcas for example have distinct "cultures" for the various food sources depending on where they live. The hunting is taught to the young and other members. The "LA pod" has learned how to easily kill sharks, including great whites by hitting, grabbing and flipping over to put them into tonic shock..listless fish...easily eaten. Some animals are more intelligent than others.

    new anonymous

  9. Cooked food is easier to digest- all animals prefer it. This is why racoon and bears seek out trash. They rather the trash over the skunk cabbage or natural sources. This is why a bear will travel outside the forrest to a dumpster- it is seeking something better.

    Place a bunch of uncooked vegetables or an animal carcass next to a plate of cooked food, release an animal and see what it goes to first.

    I like the poodle reference because it shows most animals can be trained to do many things outside of their normal instincts. They are trained by giving them a reward at the end of the trick. Anyone with a dog knows you train puppies this way.

    This monkey has the physical abilities to start a fire and was trained to do so because the cooked food serves as a reward and motivates him to do it.

    We all must accept evolution because you can't say it does not exist. All animals change over time to suit circumstances so as to avoid possible extinction. It is a complicated way to state the obvious- over time living things learn and change.

    Evolution as the source of all life is a complete joke and anyone who believes this is really just a fool. You can't create life in a lab. Many people have tried- if life were simply a random occurrence then we would be able to replicate it. The whole theory is based in simplicity- it happened this way- then do it again in a controlled setting. If we have the science to prove it true- which is what people who subscribe to the theory maintain- then that same scientific basis should allow to do it again.

    Also what started the big bang? It just happened and there was no cause. This flies in the face of scientific thought. Something just happened with no trigger. What created the original hydrogen- it just existed and was just there. What happened before the big bang- you can't say nothing because the theory is based on an event with ingredients- what created the ingredients.

    Explain this to me- if the big bang was a huge hydrogen explosion then why can't we recreate a similar explosion? Hydrogen just does not blow up it needs a trigger. Things do not just come together in this world- something has to create the triggers- based on what we understand today.

    Evolution is a fact that defines a part of life but it does not explain anything other than the fact that living things will change over time to survive.

    The zealots dont get this- their position supports the existence of god because they put forth a theory with huge holes. "God created the heaven and earth" all the theory does is highlight or try to explain what actually went into creating the world and boils down to what may have happened. When you look at the theory the gaping holes and the refusal to simply state what caused the creation of the universe and there being no rational explanation simply shows the existence of something bigger we dont understand.

  10. People also only use evolution when it is convenient.

    I have a friend who is doctor and the theory of "aliens" interests him and he has a different theory then most. He says that when you look at the state of the universe you can't explain how any beings could obtain the energy to travel the distance from where life could exists to here.

    The laws of physics at this point do not offer an explanation and we say it is beyond our understanding of technology. These same physicists talk about how time travel is a possibility.

    When one embraces evolution and really studies it- the depictions of aliens do represent what humans would look like very far into the future as their physical appearance changes and the beings witnesses report seeing may be time travelers from the future. The tests people claim are done could be there studying our makeup to determine or avoid something that may be negative in the future.

    Nobody really knows.

    People need to accept Evolution does not answer everything. People embrace it like fools just buying into it. If someone gave you a story about something in your life as full of holes as evolution you would be offended and not believe them.

    Its not the answer- at this time nobody "knows" the answer to where they can prove it. This is just the way it is.

    The best part of the evolution theory is how people embrace it like the greatest truth while the scientists who actually study it will admit its limitations. Has anyone who spouts evolution is the end all in this forum actually ever read about Charles Darwin? He put forth a theory as to why certain creatures become extinct- they just lose the ability to adapt as necessary- we don't know why.

    If you really believe in evolution then acknowledge that man is not the dominant species and is nothing special in the theory. Rats and cockroaches are the ultimate survivors. We need to create new poisons on a regular basis because they become immune to them- naturally. These are the "fittest" life form in this world and they have the lowest probability of extinction. If you believe in evolution then you must acknowledge these species as the highest form of life as they naturally do not face the threats that we do. The point of evolution is survival drives everything- well then we need to acknowledge these creatures are then the highest form of life. They are so beyond us they did not need to develop "advanced minds" as we did- to ensure survival- they just do it.

  11. To new anon

    This monkey is just like a dog- humans domesticated dogs many centuries ago for a number of reasons.

    Lets test evolution by domesticating monkeys or apes. Breed and raise generations in captivity and then test what they do.

    The extent of what they can do will likely be at a much higher level. This is not evolution but man taking an action. Domesticating monkeys is not like hungar or wanting warmth it is a decision.

    Evolution is supposed to be natural. If animals do not do things because they do not have to, then their taking certain actions shows something if they do it on their own in the wild. Humans training them does nothing other than showing the animal is intelligent. An ape's intelligence means nothing in terms of evolution because dolphins show similar levels of intelligence- we dont have what would be the next step of the dolphin if one assumes man is the next step from an ape-why?

    The traits we share with apes are numerous. Grizzly bears and cougars share many traits- what does this mean?

    What came first- the chicken or the egg. Why can't this be true: Humans and apes are completely separate life forms who evolved under many of the same conditions accounting for the similarities.

    Don't say the fossil record- we dont have fossils of every species that has ever existed. We keep finding earlier and earlier civilizations. Human bones may not fossilize for a number of reasons accounting for why we only have one tooth from an entire classification of early man.

    Flores man was only recently found. It is very likely that because man is so different it lives in such a way that the conditions that will exist around a body will not allow for a long term fossil record.

    The reason something is a theory is because it is not a proven fact. Not because it can't be "proven" but because there is still no explanation for questions. Bigfoot is probably the best example- science says "no body" we cant take it as true- yet other theories still called theories are accepted by the masses with much bigger questions than in Bigfoot.

    I will clearly state- I have no idea the answers to all the questions in the universe- but I acknowledge there are still alot of them. We dont have all the information necessary at this point to remove them all.

    Bigfoot should make this clear to everyone- for years those who believed and are considered highly intelligent believed in an ape theory. All these efforts were made taking this into account and results were minimal. To me it raises the question-maybe humans descending from apes is way off- we have identified what may be the "missing link" but it really does not act in the way that would be consistent with the theory. Maybe it is part of a group that we are also a part of that we did not know existed. We have small fossils and only one tooth from an entire other class- maybe apes and humans just are not as close as we thought and the similarities result from other natural causes.

    I dont understand how this would even endanger the theory of evolution- it just brings in another group of animal way back when.

  12. To the above anony 11:56

    "Lets test evolution by domesticating monkeys or apes."

    That is not evolution.

    All this story says is that Bonobos are intelligent...not sure what the rest of your post is going on about. Maybe answering another poster above?

    New Anonynous

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