Watch this Jacobs Bigfoot creature clay replica showing things from a different perspective [Video]

In 2007, a media flurry ensued when Pennsylvania hunter Rick Jacobs released a recent photo of what some enthusiasts claim to be a Sasquatch. Jacobs obtained the photo by affixing a camera with an automatic trigger to a tree in the Allegheny National Forest. When he saw the photo, Jacobs contacted the Bigfoot Research Organization, which is dedicated to pursuing information about the legendary Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

The Jacobs creature holds a special place in the hearts of many Bigfoot enthusiasts. For the BFRO, the creature in the photo depict a juvenile sasquatch, and it's not a "mangey bear" like many have suggested. This clay animation someone named Galahdwhidbey1 put together on YouTube shows the creature from a whole new perspective.

From a different angle, the YouTube user sees that the creature in the photo looked like it was rubbing it's shoulder on deer bait trying to get a better smell. "I have seen my dog do this when it finds a curious smell. It will rub it's shoulder on the scent. I believe that is what the creature is doing in this pose, rubbing the deer scent on it's shoulder," Galahdwhidbey1 wrote.

Uploaded by Galahdwhidbey1 on Nov 23, 2011
Many have speculated that this image is either a juvenile sasquatch or a bear. Myself, and many others tried to figure out the final pose and what the creature was doing. I created a clay likeness of the image and the pieces of the puzzle started to come together. The tree root was sprinkled with deer bait. This was of interest to the bear cubs and the subject in question. The first picture shows that the creature is taking an interest in the deer bait. I believe it is sniffing at it. The next pose seems to indicate that the subject is rubbing it's shoulder on the bait. I have seen my dog do this when it finds a curious smell. It will rub it's shoulder on the scent. I believe that is what the creature is doing in this pose, rubbing the deer scent on it's shoulder.

Was this strange creature accidentally photographed on a game camera a real Sasquatch?


  1. Look at the feet of the creature sniffing the ground. Do these feet in any way, shape, or form look like the feet of bigfoot? If you think that they are the feet of a sasquatch, then every cast taken of a bigfoot footprint is incorrect.

  2. I am trying to account for the behavior. It is a possibility that this creature is rubbing it's shoulder on the scent. If that is true, then is that typical bear behavior? I am not a bear expert. Then again maybe it isn't rolling in the deer scent. I don't know. Just trying to make sense out of that posture. It's a theory that could fit either model.

  3. This is clearly a bear.

    A bear.
    Not a sasquatch.

  4. I'm with the two anonymous peeps. Those are bear's feet and the butt is too boney for that of a primate. This is a malnourished, mangy bear.

  5. It's clearly a bear. A hungry, mangy, respectful bear. The creature in the darkness just off camera that it is bowing to in deference? THAT is clearly a Sasquatch.

  6. Damn,I must be losing it.In this picture I see a face beside the tree.
    In Timbergiant's video I see a face in the trees.
    Both are NOT Bigfoot.
    Maybe 3 hours of sleep and 15 hours of driving have a part to play.

  7. I grew up in NWPA and have hunted in those same woods for 20 years.

    Bears can get very thin and this is nothing more than a thin, young black bear. I've seen enough of them to know and yes, they can arch their backs like that.

    This is a bear, was a bear, always will be a bear.

    Scott McMan

  8. Scott, I believe you are qualified to answer these questions. Will bears roll in deer scent? What would the purpose of that action be? I built a 3-D model, did you review it? Bears have the best nose in the woods. I think the subject 1st smelled the bait then rolled in it. Just for clarification I have no axe to grind. If bears do this behavior then claim it as one more attribute that makes this a trail cam photo of a bear.

  9. galahdwhidbey,

    Although your assumption that the animal is rubbing itself against the deer scent is pure speculation, black bears regularly mark their scent on trees and will in fact rub over top of another animals scent to claim the area as their own. There are actually several reasons why a bear would leave scent but this is the one I've chosen to focus on.

    Black bears often play and clown around in the fall and can contort themselves like a gymnast.

    The BFRO is making claims as to why it's a Bigfoot based on what they think a bear should do where I base mine on what I've seen bears do.

    Furthermore, if we were to believe Finding Bigfoot, everything would be a "Squatch" (ugh!)

    I hope this helps,

    Scott McMan

  10. By the way, if you'll notice the hind legs are very long. The hind legs of black bears are longer than the front.

    Finally, I'm not ruling out a hoax. For all I know this is a gaff made at a taxidermy shop.

    Scott McMan

  11. this is a bear, jeez, are you so called experts blinded by your zeal that everything in the woods has to be a bigfoot? i've never seen a bigfoot, but i've seen lots of bears and thats a bear. its looking toward the camera and looks like a cub underneath. look at the photos that went with this photo, there were 3 cubs in those photos. the clay model has a bigfoot in a stupid position, why would it do thats? bigfoot has hands, it can reach down and pick it up, this is a bear, it was born a bear, and if its alive today its still a bear.

  12. That was no bear, clearly it was reaching with its hand toward the bait. This was proven not a bear in 2008 scientists measured a model on location through the game camera lens. The proportions were not possible for a bear. The thing underneath can't be a bear there's no legs on it unless it ripped them off. Those bears were half an hour away when this juvenile Squatch showed up and they never returned to the bait. I think the clay model is a good representation of it.


    I found this video how they checked it out... very strange

  14. Might just be a bear, or is this a Cupacabra? =)



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