Victor Oropeza's Arizona Bigfoot Footage

Victor Oropeza Arizona Bigfoot, Nov 24, 2011

"You're looking at the eye of a bigfoot/sasquatch creature. No games, No Hoax, No Bull!" says Victor Oropeza from Gila County, Arizona. He's been hunting Bigfoot in those neck of the woods since 2008 and all the hard work and persistence is starting to show. "A clear head and a rabid passion, I knew that I could capture digital media of a bigfoot. None of this is done through luck." Oropeza wrote.

Although inconclusive, this video raises some questions. Where's the rest of the film? Did the creature walk out of view? How tall was the creature?

There definitely is a hairy/furry animal behind those leaves. But is it a Bigfoot? We'll need a professional to break this one down. Hint: The Crypto Hunters, FB/FB.

Uploaded by AzBirdDog on Nov 24, 2011
The footage that told me that it could be done during the day.
With hard work and persistence, a clear head and a rabid passion, I knew that I could capture digital media of a bigfoot.
None of this is done through luck.
I devote my life to bigfooting.
And I share everything For Free!
Since 2008, I have been giving this everything that I possibly could, and I still do to this day.

You're looking at the eye of a bigfoot/sasquatch creature.
No games, No Hoax, No Bull!
I guarantee that my subscribers will get none of that from me.
Arizona Style!


  1. Bullshit! I don't know about anybody else, but a helluva lot of things don't line up.
    1. Why is bigfoot at eye level with the photographer?
    2. How far away was he zooming in?
    3. Why doesn't the BF move even the tiniest bit. If you look at the leaf in front of its face, it never moves even a fraction of a bit and yet someone is filming it. I used to model as a mannequin and even I couldn't stay that still.

    I ain't buying it. That he put together this spiffy video with his photo and info and "this is the real thing" kind of boasting--my bullshit button is going off.

  2. Well the eye doesn't appear to be shading at all, so it could be. In any event, it's a personal keepsake and nice vid to share but no earth shattering video footage. I commend Victor for the shot because I know that he works hard at it like some of my friends. And I am sure that everyone appreciates him sharing it as well. No need to attack the guy if he presents something in an honest fashion (not intended to deceive). Otherwise you shut down others that may have wanted to share. All that said, I frown upon those that put stuff out in a staged fashion (falsification) or with knowledge that it's just an anomaly that might fool a few people. Alex MW

  3. I believe in big foot, but it looks like it could be a bear to me. That's what the skeptics will say.

  4. I was just watching this. I'll break it down when I get home.Currently slacking at work atm.

  5. Wow looks cool. Am I the only one seeing a few possible faces?

  6. I meant, "I don't see squat(ch)." ;)


    If you are about to insult someone's ability to see, it is a good idea to look at your own words to make sure they are spelled correctly, like this:

    "Then you're blind."

    Also, merely asserting a position without backing it up with a good argument is about as intellectually stimulating as a school yard altercation:

    "Did not!"

    "Did, too!"

    "Did not!"

    "Did, too!"

    I am an artist. One "exercise" I engage in is the cloud game. We all did it as children. I use wood grains, clouds, acoustic ceiling patterns, leaves, etc. to fire the imagination.

    If I get my imagination going, I bet I could spot at least 42 sasquatches in that video. My rational mind doesn't see anything. I'm waiting for EVIDENCE, not vaporsquatches.

    "Methinks it is like a weasel..."

  7. Don't think this is a BF for a couple of reasons...First this does NOT appear to be trees we are looking at, it looks like small looking under growth. No eye blink and you reall can;t see c'mon man throw a rock at it and make it move.

  8. I can't make much of this.
    Close ups are great but I would prefer if people started with a wide shot then zoomed in,or vice versa.I like to see the lay of the land to get perspective on what I'm looking at.
    For all I know it could be a leaning tree trunk behind new growth.
    Also,as Autumnforest mentioned in the past,more details need to be included with videos.
    Time of day,distance from suspected subject.Perhaps,as in this close up,what kind of trees.Looked like an oak and some other growth but focus was unstable.
    I'm not knocking the videographer at all,just pointing out that details are important.
    He really seems sincere and passionate about his searches.You should see his night time camera he's working on.Leaps and bounds ahead of NV and IR.

  9. If what I'm seeing is the "eye" mentioned in the article under the still photo, then bigfoot has a nose like Pinocchio. If this is a sasquatch, it in no way shape or form resembles the face of the creature in the Patterson footage.

  10. A portion of the article reads, "You're looking at the eye of a bigfoot/sasquatch creature. No games, No Hoax, No Bull! I guarantee that my subscribers will get none of that from me."

    Subscribers? What is meant in this context by subscribers? As soon as the word subscribers is used, the B.S. meter starts to go up.

  11. @Anonymous-"Subscribers" refers to people who follow his YouTube channel.
    It's no different than one blogger following another blogger.
    Nothing sinister here.Subscribing allows a viewer to find his/her favourites quickly,much like a Bookmark.
    Hope that clears it up.

  12. An object that does not move and is the size of a leaf.

    Not buying it.

  13. I don’t know as far as Blobsquatches go it’s pretty good. I swear I can see a ear and a mouth in a few spots on the video and I hate Blobsquatches. I don’t believe it’s a bear, I have seen many in the wild and have never seen them stand still for that long. Inconclusive but at least the quality is pretty good.

    Autumnforest, no disrespect but Bigfoot I’m pretty sure aren’t born 8 feet tall. lol

  14. Crap, I'm always amazed how people " analyze" terrible video, if it was or wasn't you can't tell anything from this terrible video.

  15. It's a squirrel folks. Simply as that. I can clearly see the squirrel's little head and its eye blink every now and then. For the most part, it's doing what squirrels do best - sleep/nap. At about the 55 second mark, I clearly see its head move up. At the 18 second mark, Oropeza points with the pink arrow to where he sees a BF head. If you look closely, and freeze frame (pause) at the 18 second mark, part of the squirrel's face (eye, nose and ear) is actually displayed inside of the arrow. Don't look to where the arrow is pointing. Look inside the arrow. Keep watching that little face. And's a friggin' squirrel. Its eye is slightly open, but does open further from time to time. I recommend watching the vid on 'full screen' to see the cute little squirrel.

  16. For the record, Anonymous poster at 7:19:00 PM PST is not the same as poster at 7:14:00

  17. It looks a bit like a decomposed Dick Van Dyke. Why is it that this bigfoot looks nothing like the faces shown on previous footage, stills, and drawings of bigfoots (bigfootses? bigfeet? bigfooties?)? I get so disappointed when I read about a new clip and it turns out to be another blobsquatch.

  18. Just so everyone knows, Victor (the one who shot the video) did not see a BF when he was videoing. He saw a bigfoot when he reviewed the footage...ahem..thought he saw a bigfoot. It's a squirrel.

  19. What is that added pink arrow supposed to be pointing at?

  20. "It looks a bit like a decomposed Dick Van Dyke." I LMAO when I read that. It does. It also looks like it could be a shrunken head. Seriously, I wish it really was a bigfoot instead of a squirrel.

  21. I stabilized about fifteen seconds of the footage. I've watched it over and over. I think we're seeing the left side of it's chest or abdomen. With the left arm casting a shadow. I'm seeing shaggy auburn hair blowing, but no eye or mouth. All of this is my best guess. I'm no expert.

    As for why it doesn't move. Stealth would have to be a major part of their life, how they hunt, and avoid being hunted. They are the ninjas of the forest :)

  22. Look at the size of the branch and the leaves. The varmint in question is likely a house cat. Since there is no law against naming your cat "Sasquatch" this could in fact be authentic Sasquatch video.

  23. There's definitely some sort of fuzzy blinking creature back there. It has a snout, it is most likely a cat. Maybe a dog. I know what it's not.

  24. I'm Victor .O. aka AzBirdDog, I took the video you all are talking about. I find it funny that the questions come here, and complain about not getting answers, even when you're not asking me anything in the comment section of the video. LOL, That's amazing to me. How does that work?!?
    1: Autumnforest. The camera is NO WHERE close to being at eye level. I don't know how you came to that assumption with a 2D video.
    I was sitting in the drivers seat, stretching my upper body across the passenger seat and holding the camera (Canon HV10) semi out the passenger window, camera pointed down off of the road and DOWN into some bushes that were DOWN the side of the hill from the road that I was on.
    The "creature" couldn't see me, only my camera being tilted and pointed DOWN towards it. The only way that I could see what the camera was recording, is that I had the viewfinder tilted towards my face, so that I could see the bushes down off the side of the road. I did not see the "being." I found it after reviewing the video so that I could positively identify the berries.
    Camera's distance from my face? 2 Feet, my arms length.
    2:Subject was about 13 yards, all optical zoom.
    3: The subjects face does move. The eye in the first part can be seen. Then it goes behind the leaf. Then if slowly comes back out.
    4: Many animals stop all motion when danger is close by. This is Common Knowledge to anybody who has studied wildlife.
    Read it and learn, it should help you when bigfooting or taking pictures of other wildlife. Which is what I bought my 8 camera's for. My first YouTube videos prove this. I am a birder. Hence the YouTube username, "AzBirdDog."

    5: The video is hardly "spiffy." LMAO!
    The video took me about an hour using Windows MovieMaker (Free!)and ULEAD Video Studio 10. Both free, mind you.
    So that BS Button might be backfiring! Need to watch that stuff. I just answered all of your questions, Ma'am.

    6: Anonymous- You are looking at a berry bush, not tree's. The berries were ripe, September is when most ripen and September is when the video was captured. Also, September's berries were the reason why "it" was there, and I knew they would, because "they" were there the year prior.
    7: Citizentruth - This "zoom" was done by digital means using software much after the date when the video was captured. It's a terrible zoom, I know. But it's the best when the software was free.
    I was asked by a gentleman who works in the field of media, if I could send him the original and he could stabilize it for me. I will do this, I'm sure.
    The time of day? About 1pm. The sun is behind me and pointing into the brush.
    The video that was used is 1920 x 1080. Well into HD. So if that gentleman was to stabilize it, it should be damn good! I really want to see the resulting footage!

    I am available for questions at any time.
    I am a bigfoot researcher looking to get answers just as any others are.
    I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to camera's and electronics, and this is why I bought this nearly $1,500.00 Canon. In it's day, it was one of the best. Still is a damn good camera.
    I'm sorry to hear that others don't believe what I say when I say, "This is a bigfoot."
    I understand this TOTALLY! But "Small Town" can achieve things too. If you don't ask questions, You don't get answers. So please, Ask any questions that you want. I'll do my best to answer them.
    But to argue my use of the words "My Subscribers?" Come on now. Let's keep it real.

  25. @Timothy D Ervick

    I'm going to call them vaporsquatches from now on, now that I've been quoted as the famous "some" in the article "Skeptics are listening to claims that Bigfoot is real and that proof is on the horizon" written by Sharon Hill.

    My fleeting moment of glory: "Some have noted that the whole promise of Bigfoot DNA evidence, and clear film proof as well, could be considered the equivalent of “vaporware” – it is said to exist but never appears, just like the creature itself."

    Yay, me. ;) Just call me "Some".

  26. Cmon...This is a load. How come he didn't try to elicit any movement by creeping forward, shouting or doing something that would cause the creature to at least move a little. More trees and bushes but nothing much else.

  27. "You may come to call me the "Mind Fuck Sniper."
    Job as a mannequin?

    Better make sure that "BS Button" isn't plugged into you, Toots! LOL

    Now I have seen and heard it all!
    A real life authority on wildlife! LMAO!
    Seriously, I am laughing now!
    Who is she? Some sort of Vegas Act?

  28. Hey Victor if you are still reading this thread I hope you are not getting too discouraged by the skeptics, video no matter how good will not settle the bigfoot debate at this point IMO.

    Question: I am having trouble seeing the eye mentioned but is that an ear I see? And if that is an ear it suggests we are looking at the critter in profile view for most of the film?

    Anyways I applaud you on what you are doing- don't get discouraged by comments. Believers and skeptics both get kinda entrenched on their side of the debate IMO. Everything is either automatically a "bigfoot" or an "obvious hoax" in most peoples' eyes. Why is not ok to just admit that a video/photo/story (not yours specifically) is interesting and at this point can't say for sure what it is?

    Anyways 3 yrs is a long time to dedicate your life to anything and don't let the comments on the interwebz discourage you. Keep it up.

  29. @Victor

    Any time you submit something like this, it will come under scrutiny. Any opinions I offer aren't personal attacks. They are simply opinions based on the best analysis my poor mind can process.

    Opinions are like assholes...

    Of course, I'm still waiting for real evidence. Unless you are very lucky, I don't think you will be able to provide that.

    I don't believe in bigfoot, but I'm still rooting for those who do. I would certainly take very seriously any DNA evidence that can be re-analyzed by various labs. Or a body. But if bigfoot exists, I am against shooting one. This skeptic knows the power of proper DNA evidence, but it has to be done right.

    DNA evidence sends people to prison or death row. A properly analyzed and available sample would be enough for some of us.


  31. If this is bigfoot, then the Patterson creature is not bigfoot.

  32. It looks like a Goblin. Long pointy thin nose. Creepy.

  33. What the h@ll are people looking at? Am I missing something? That thing that looks like Pinocchio, a decomposed Dick Van Dyke, or Goblin is a leaf attached to the branch above it. You can clearly see it if you make the clip full screen.

  34. Are there supposed to be two of them? It starts out showing something with an arrow added, and then it pans over to the left and stays there. Yeah, it looks to me like a slightly browned leaf turned sideways a little.

  35. Get this over to bigfoot Moneymaker. They'll give you nearly 30 grand for over four minutes of clear footage like this.

  36. Its a squirrel . I can see the left side of its head, and I saw the eye blink. There is another squirrel silhouette briefly while the camera is panning and shaking. Sorry....It ain't BF (As much as I wanted it to be!).

  37. Keep making mens skirts, because you know nothing about wildlife.
    You apparently can't even identify a squirrel.

  38. Vic said...

    Jon, Apparently you've never seen a bear before.
    So far, as many as 8 to 10 life long hunters have told me that it's not a bear.
    Real hunters, That is.

  39. Very clearly a squirrel. End of story.

  40. Why didn't Victor mention that he wasn't knowingly looking at anything? He was just randomly videoing, and only found the subject in the video after reviewing the video. Isn't that true Victor? Were you knowingly looking at what you're claiming is a bigfoot in the video? You told someone else a couple of days ago that you didn't know that anything was in the tree. The above poster is correct, it is a squirrel...and it's very clear that it is if you ignore the arrows in the video, expand the screen to full, and watch the little squirrel eye blink every now and then. Bigfoots reportedly have very large eyes. Comparitively, squirrels have very small eyes. A good researcher can NOT look for bigfoots in videos after the fact, otherwise they will be accused of suffering from pareidolia, especially when the creature in question is not a bigfoot. A good researcher will look at ALL other possibilites before jumping to conclusions. Did you consider ALL other possibilites Victor? Or, did you automatically "see" a bigfoot in the video? The truth is, you shoot videos, then go home to find bigfoots in the videos. Isn't that true? Sorry man, but that's not the way to do it, unless you have CLEAR, CONCISE video of bigfoots. Not to sound harsh, but you will never be considered a credible researcher when you claim your video of a squirrel is that of a bigfoot. That's the truth. Even if it wasn't clearly a squirrel, it has to be clearly a bigfoot before you can state it is a bigfoot. Name another credible researcher of anything that works on this principal.

  41. Anonymous, If you would actually read, you would have learned that I stated clearly and many times that I DID NOT SEE THE "BEING" IN THE VIDEO AT THE TIME OF RECORDING!
    Geeze man! Do you read at all?!
    Everything you say is WRONG!
    A squirrels eye's are BIG compared to it's head!
    Anybody who has seen a squirrel will tell you this!
    Apparently you have the idea that a squirrel has little beedy black eye's. LOL
    That's laughable!!
    Highly Laughable!
    And apparently you're the only one who knows how to Properly Research Bigfoot. lol
    Do you have any books on the subject?
    You're a joke!
    Keep your name at "Anonymous." It shows a great deal about you.

    Vic .O.

  42. In comparison to a bigfoot, as you should know, and as was stated, a squirrel's eyes are small. The squirrel in your video has its eye only partly open, and blinks from time to time.

    You are quickly becoming the joke of bigfoot researchers Victor, with your quick assumptions and ill-witted attacks. If you could only open your eyes and close your delusional mind, you'd see that it's clearly not a bigfoot and most likely a squirrel.

    By the way, found any more aliens in your photos?

  43. lol as the other anoymus said its a squirel

  44. I agree with squirrel, just look at the leaf sizes and the object in question, it is small.

  45. Other candidates

    Coati (Nasua narica)
    Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus)
    Javelina (Collared Peccary) (Dicotyles tajacu)

  46. I very clearly see a squirrel's head with its little snout, its less than half open eye and an ear. The squirrel even lifts its head later in the video. Why would anyone think this is a sasquatch? That's just crazy.

  47. hahaha the goofball that wrote "keep your name at "Anonymous". It shows a great deal about you", is also listed under the alias of anonymous. LMAO
    It's a small creature of some sort. I agree with the scale of the leaves showing that it's something small.

  48. If you didn't have cheap equipment, you wouldn't have to zoom in to find your bigfoots. A real bigfoot researcher would have good equipment, that when he or she gets home, he or she wouldn't have to zoom in.

  49. You people could not even come close to what a true researcher is. Vic is a true researcher. If you go to his YouTube channel (azbirddog) you will see many examples of Bigfoot images he has captured. His work clearly shows bigfoot is capable of morphing in size when needed to hide, he is the only one around who has proven this with real evidence. Although Vic has not come out and said it yet, I believe his work also shows that Bigfoot is capable of levitation, look at his evidence and you will find the proof. If you cannot see both of these things in the photos and videos then you have no business calling yourself a researcher, free your mind and the truth will follow!!!!!!!!!

  50. hmmm...victor once again posting as 'Anonymous'.

    So...Victor Oropeza believes that "bigfoot is capable of morphing in size when needed to hide"? WOW...that explains a lot. I guess he believes that bigfoots morph into squirrels too. Maybe Victor is a bigfoot then...or maybe he's a squirrel. One thing for certain though, he's not a credible researcher. I wonder if he can morph into that? Not likely.

  51. lol, bigfoots morphing. Free your mind and the guys in white coats will knock on your door.

  52. you know its a true researcher when he has to use a pink arrow to point to the subject.

  53. Hey vic, what is the range they can morph to? How big to how small? Like elephant size, down to a chipmunk size?

  54. chipmunk size...only squirrel size. Everyone knows that you can't go from elephant size to chipmunk size.

  55. I did a reverse negative analysis of the subject in question at the 2:08-2:24. I do see a definite mouth and ear. The eye is yellow/gold in color and appears to blink twice then shut its eye(s) as if sleeping. There is other movement in the video.,however its is inconclusive . My opinion is this is a juvenile BF sleeping or playin possum. Good job AZbird,,,

  56. I'm a professional video analyzer. I did a full analysis of the subject in the video and it's clearly a squirrel. I saw a half open eye, a little squirrel face, a little squirrel nose and its nuts. I think it was napping after a snack.

  57. Take a look at this video. It shows more from vicomte and what he captures in the bushes.

  58. Yeah sorry bout that, search YouTube for dumddumdum Channel and the video he did about a video by azbirddog, once you see it you will understand vic o sees lots of things in bushes that just are not there. Sorta like Dallas Gilbert, he really believes what he claims, but there is nothing there.

  59. Yeah...I hear ya' brother. Vic is his own biggest fan. Probably a nice guy, but sees 'things' that aren't there. Sadly, a few others go along with it. Scientists all just laugh and bigfoot research is pushed backward another 100 years.

  60. I am a BF researcher and this is a video of a squirrel.


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