Victor Oropeza responds to comments about Arizona Bigfoot Footage

When Victor Oropeza uploaded his 'Bigfoot' video yesterday, a number of questions arose concerning the camera height, the subject and when the photo was taken: Why is Bigfoot at eye level with the photographer? How far was the subject? What was the time of day?

Earlier this morning, Victor took the time to respond to some of the questions people were asking about his video. Here's what he wrote:
I'm Victor .O. aka AzBirdDog, I took the video you all are talking about. I find it funny that the questions come here, and complain about not getting answers, even when you're not asking me anything in the comment section of the video. LOL, That's amazing to me. How does that work?!?

1: Autumnforest. The camera is NO WHERE close to being at eye level. I don't know how you came to that assumption with a 2D video.

I was sitting in the drivers seat, stretching my upper body across the passenger seat and holding the camera (Canon HV10) semi out the passenger window, camera pointed down off of the road and DOWN into some bushes that were DOWN the side of the hill from the road that I was on.

The "creature" couldn't see me, only my camera being tilted and pointed DOWN towards it. The only way that I could see what the camera was recording, is that I had the viewfinder tilted towards my face, so that I could see the bushes down off the side of the road. I did not see the "being." I found it after reviewing the video so that I could positively identify the berries.

Camera's distance from my face? 2 Feet, my arms length.

2: Subject was about 13 yards, all optical zoom.

3: The subjects face does move. The eye in the first part can be seen. Then it goes behind the leaf. Then if slowly comes back out.

4: Many animals stop all motion when danger is close by. This is Common Knowledge to anybody who has studied wildlife.

Read it and learn, it should help you when bigfooting or taking pictures of other wildlife. Which is what I bought my 8 camera's for. My first YouTube videos prove this. I am a birder. Hence the YouTube username, "AzBirdDog."

5: The video is hardly "spiffy." LMAO!

The video took me about an hour using Windows MovieMaker (Free!)and ULEAD Video Studio 10. Both free, mind you.

So that BS Button might be backfiring! Need to watch that stuff. I just answered all of your questions, Ma'am.

6: Anonymous- You are looking at a berry bush, not tree's. The berries were ripe, September is when most ripen and September is when the video was captured. Also, September's berries were the reason why "it" was there, and I knew they would, because "they" were there the year prior.

7: Citizentruth - This "zoom" was done by digital means using software much after the date when the video was captured. It's a terrible zoom, I know. But it's the best when the software was free.

I was asked by a gentleman who works in the field of media, if I could send him the original and he could stabilize it for me. I will do this, I'm sure.

The time of day? About 1pm. The sun is behind me and pointing into the brush.

The video that was used is 1920 x 1080. Well into HD. So if that gentleman was to stabilize it, it should be damn good! I really want to see the resulting footage!

I am available for questions at any time.

I am a bigfoot researcher looking to get answers just as any others are.

I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to camera's and electronics, and this is why I bought this nearly $1,500.00 Canon. In it's day, it was one of the best. Still is a damn good camera.

I'm sorry to hear that others don't believe what I say when I say, "This is a bigfoot."

I understand this TOTALLY! But "Small Town" can achieve things too. If you don't ask questions, You don't get answers. So please, Ask any questions that you want. I'll do my best to answer them.

But to argue my use of the words "My Subscribers?" Come on now. Let's keep it real.



  1. Bullshit. I believe in BF, but I do not believe for a second this is a BF. There is a lot about the presentation and filming of this that counters what Victor says about being a "professional." Besides the fact that the only thing that appears to move in the entire footage is his constant refocusing and moving around. There is no context for this film. There is no audio. There is no beginning or ending. It is just a piece of video placed out there for us to believe that we're seeing the eye of a Bigfoot. What's more, he says that animals freeze when scared, but then says it could not see him--make up your mind, Victor. So far as I can tell, the leaves don't even move, just the camera. It makes no logical sense when viewing it. I know he wants this to be BF, but I'm not buying it. I don't know him well enough to say it's hoaxing, but much of what he says just doesn't jive. I still say--bullshit.

  2. Autumn, I think you're writing this off without knowing really what you're talking about, but I could be wrong. An animal freezes when it senses danger, and flees when it sees it; so this bigfoot (if that's what it is) probably sensed something and was frozen looking to identify what it was, waiting for a person or something to reveal himself. If the Bigfoot saw him, it probably would've made itself hidden before a decent shot could be had. I'm taking some assumptions here, but it's an easily plausible situation.
    While I too am interested in seeing the before and after footage, what led up to the shot, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt about it. But you don't see the leaves move? I do, I see the leaves move and his eye moves ever so slightly in conjunction with where it is in relationship to the leaves around it. When a camera is zoomed in all the way like this, it's really hard to keep a perfect focus and totally steady hand, especially when you're not holding it with all your weight. I think that all your issues are easily explainable, but also, maybe I need to have a more critical outlook and be less gullible. I can tell a fake a mile away. This one intrigues me.

  3. My comment for Victor is, are you going to present the before and after context of the shot? Have you thought about going back and looking for footprints or anything like that?
    Also, could you clarify the apparent discrepency? You say that it was 13 yards away all optical zoom, but then #7 you say the zoom was done digitally. Does this mean that you cropped it in post digitally, but when you were filming all the zoom was optical?

  4. There is definitely something moving behind that bush, but I am very bad at picking up on details unless someone points them out. I would love to see a breakdown of this footage.

    My questions for Victor:
    -Was there any follow-up to this? Was the site revisited to look for footprints or hair?
    -Why didn't you approach the bush to try to scare the creature off and get better footage?
    -Can you explain why the skin around the eyes is flesh colored, and then dramatically is black? It almost looks like a mask.
    -Why did you stop filming? If this truly is a bigfoot, the more footage the better. Why stop?

    The jury is still out for me on this one.

  5. The mystery object is smaller than an oak leaf.

  6. hmmmm....13 yards is only 39 feet.My camera set at 10X optical zoom would catch it HD perfectly.No need to magnify even more after the fact.
    I'll agree with Dave that the closer you pull an object in,the harder it is to keep the camera still.
    I can keep mine still at 10Xoptical,but when I switch to 120X digital and fully zoom in,it's impossible to avoid camera shake.Even with Image stabilization it's impossible to completely avoid it.
    I'm referring to free hand and not with a tripod.
    I've watched his videos and he does not strike me as a hoaxer.Personally I can't see what some people see but I'll watch it a few more times to see what's there.

  7. 16 sec u can see the eye then a shadows moves across it.

  8. FBFB analyze this?? FBFB got spoofed by a couple kids, if this were my blog the very last people I would reference as experts are need a real expert.

  9. Looks like a bear. Bears are often found in berry bushes when they are ripe. He's been a previous hoaxer. Search youtube for azbirddog and you'll find a video by DumDDumDum. Victor think everything is bigfoot. That's why his videos are only up for a week or two before he takes them down.

  10. I'm Victor Part 1, And again, I'll try and answer all of your questions.
    The Anonymous writing about "DumDDumDum".
    You prove that I am a hoaxer, and I'll buy you a car of any choice, Buddy! You have alot of nerve calling me a hoaxer with NO PROOF! Point Blank! You know who I am, who are you to call me a hoaxer? I know, You're a No Name hiding behind your keyboard.
    Prove to everybody that I am a hoaxer, you fool!
    Who are you, Captain ArmChair Researcher?!?!

    Now to the real questions and answers.
    Autumn, I'm sorry to tell you honey, Just like others here have before me. You don't know anything about wildlife. Take your BS Button and superglue it right to your forehead, Toots!
    I've answered EVERY single one of your concerns, but you sound like an old nag who's not satisfied with reason. All of your comments are WRONG!

    Next: The before and after footage & What is the context of the whole video?
    I went to this location to check on berries. The previous spot where they once were did not grow at all. But, I later found a patch further along the road. When I seen the berries, I put my foot on the brake, grabbed my camera and leaned over the passenger seat and poked the camera as far out as I could reach. The berry bushes were on the passenger side of the road. I tilted the view finder on my camera so that I could see what I was filming. The camera was at arms length away from my face pointing down and out of the passenger side window. Vehicle still running, foot on brake peddle, body is in this stretched position, on a dirt road that has only room for one vehicle, that's mine. Certainly no place to park and I wasn't about to trust my emergency brake. Why? Because I was on a steep incline, vehicle pointed up the hill.

  11. Victor Part 2:
    With the small viewfinder at arms length away from my eye's, I could only make out the bushes and the berries. I hit record, recorded for a very small amount of time, Seen a bundle of berries, I zoomed in, it was sort of hard to do, and recorded the berry bundle. Then hit the gas a little to head up the road, Camera is still recording, but now everything starts to rush by.
    That was the situation. I was there to find the berries, record them so I could take the video home and get a positive I.D. on them. I knew nothing about the "being" being in the bushes. How in the world could I? It's hard to see the face sitting at my computer, much less a small viewfinder 2.5 by 1.5 inches in size.
    Myself and two others did go back the following weekend. One of them and myself walked down to this area, I gave him one of my camera's and I held the HV10, the one used to record the video you question. All's that we could see was a trail leading down the side of the road and into the bushes. The ground is hard with rocks, pebbles, broken shubbery, broken branches everywhere, downed tree's and bushes. The only tracks seen were deer hoof marks that do penetrate the rock and gravel and dig into the side of the drop off from the road. We walked as I recorded HD video, scanning the bushes and such. We found nothing more but a few elk bones, a can of chewing tobacco, an elk skull, and a possible tree structure. No hair, No scat, No tracks. And no "beings". Which really did suck! But I did notice, less berries.

  12. Victor Part 3:
    The Zoom- The entire shot of the "being" is done through optical zoom on the camera. Digital zoom really loses video quality fast. The "Zoom" that I mentioned was done on the final video you watched, using a program called "CamStudio." A cheap little program to capture anything on your desktop. Except for protected video being played on a media player. I loaded the clip into YouTube, Then played back the clip and used CROP on CamStudio to try and get a close up of the "being".
    Cheap way to do it, but that's all that I have to crop video. That's what I mistakenly called "zoom."
    Michaela: I didn't know the "being" was in the video. The rest is explained above. Basically, I only seen it after reviewing the berries in the video that night, when I got back home.
    The skin around the eyes? I can't change the "beings" skin color. But I'm pretty sure what you're seeing is shadow from right over the "beings" head.
    Why did I stop filming? Like I said before. I only wanted to video record the berries, go home and positive identify the berries to see if they were poisonous. A woman at my work mentioned that they might be some type of poisonous berries. I wanted to get a screen capture, show them to her, and maybe she could identify them. She grew up in a small community in the hills, and talked about her picking berries as a kid. She's an older woman about 60 years old.
    Oak Leaves? Those aren't oak leaves. Those are leaves from the berry bushes.
    Nuff said there.

  13. Victor Part 4 "End"
    Citizentruth- I was holding the camera with one hand on a fully extended arm, my other hand was on my steering wheel to push me a little farther out. Trying to work this camera with one hand and in a stretched out arm. The camera has a good auto focus, back in the day it was one of the fastest, if not the fastest. But, it's still 2006 model. That's pretty old and outdated.
    Note the small print showing "* as of August, 2006".
    Next Question: "16 sec". This is a good one! Let me tell you why. I believe that shadow is a shadow of the thumb! Look at the shape of it closely! The darkness on the right side of the eye is the shadowed palm of it's hand.
    That, to me, said "Case Closed!"
    That's when I knew what "it" was.
    The real shot is not zooming in on the "being" itself, but a bundle of berries right above and to the right of the face. That's what I was zooming in on.

    I will no longer respond to anything that autumnforest writes. I find it a waste of my time to respond to somebody who is so vile, ultimately wrong and quick to judge without so much as asking one question first. That mentality will not rob me of any of my time, fore her input is useless to me.

    But any other questions, I will try my best to answer. I hope that clears up alot of your concerns and questions.
    They are valid, and I understand why you must question.
    There is a video reply that somebody has posted, it shows my video being stabilized greatly! But, It should be getting better, because that stabilization is not using the original video file in its full resolution.
    I will be sending him and yet another person, the original, to get the best quality stabilized video. I will then post it in as big a format as youtube will allow.

    As for the "dumddumdum?"
    Your logic would also say that it is a bird, because birds too are often found in berry bushes. Or an elk, a deer, a mouse, a lost ring, a ribbon from a womans bonnet.
    Try again, loser!

  14. "This is a good one! Let me tell you why. I believe that shadow is a shadow of the thumb! Look at the shape of it closely! The darkness on the right side of the eye is the shadowed palm of it's hand. That, to me, said "Case Closed!"

    The above about sums up the degree of skepticism this Victor person has. Ladies and Gentlemen let me present to you the most compelling evidence gathered to date. I present to you a shadow of .... a thumb.

    Perhaps Victor will have a future in video work on squirrel documentaries.

  15. Another inconclusive, useless Blobsquatch.

  16. I spend extensive amounts of time in the woods of WV hunting. When I look at this video, I see a living creature, but something very small in size. The "creature" is probably a squirrel. If the videographer believes that what he is seeing is a bigfoot, so be it. The eye on the right side of the video is slanted and partially closed, just like a napping squirrel. Who knows though.

  17. Like I said, he sees bigfoot in everything. This is about the 5th time he's posted this video. He takes all his bigfoot videos down in a week or two. Notice all the positive comments on youtube, that's because he screens them all. He can't take the skepticism. The leaf is a good measure of size. Maybe it's a monster that's 3 inches tall, with 19 inch feet. hahahahaha To him....everything is bigfoot.


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