Two Bigfoot hunters from Putnam County, Indiana seeking volunteers

Tyler Vance and Austin Hutchison have been researching Bigfoot for the past seven years. They say they have found various forms of evidence, including hairs, footprints and sound recordings.
Courtesy Banner Graphic

Volunteers come and go, but that's not going to stop Putnam County residents Tyler Vance and Austin Hutchison from doing what they love most. Spending your life pursuing the legendary Bigfoot isn't something most people will approve of, especially if you really believe 100 percent that he is real. Unlike a lot of people in this world, these guys are going to stick through it until they can prove the creature exists.

According to Hutchison, "We have pretty much all the evidence you could want except a body."

"You don't have room to judge when you haven't stepped foot in our shoes or attempted to learn anything about it," Vance said.

The two are currently inviting more people to join them on their search. Here's their email address if you're by the area:

Read the article below from Banner Graphic. The article says you'll also be able to see Tyler and Austin on the Indiana episode of Finding Bigfoot when it airs.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A local Bigfoot research team, the Sasquatch/Bigfoot Research Unit, has been together for seven years and is now seeking volunteers to participate and help with its findings after the new year.
Putnam County residents Tyler Vance and Austin Hutchison started researching the legendary Bigfoot mystery after meeting in the eighth grade. The boys quickly became friends after being assigned to sit next to each other in a science class.

After many hours of research the group officially formed in October 2004. There have been countless volunteers, but Vance and Hutchison have been the only two permanent members.

"We're the only two members," explained Vance. "We've done 90 percent of the research."

Although there are many discrepancies on whether Bigfoot is in fact real or just a myth, the pair believe 100 percent that he is real and that there are in fact 3,000 or more all over the United States.

"You don't have room to judge when you haven't stepped foot in our shoes or attempted to learn anything about it," Vance said.

Although, their efforts have been subject to much disapproval, they stand by their beliefs.

"They haven't sat down and researched it at all," Hutchison said. "I'm still kind of confused as to why people are constantly joking around about it."

According to Vance and Hutchison many people do not understand what exactly Bigfoot is or what he looks like. However, the pair have spent hours researching the species. They believe the species came to America from Central Asia via a land bridge shortly after the dinosaurs. They are also believed to be around 8 feet tall and to migrate during the winter months.

"Most people think it's half-man, half-ape," said Hutchison. "They have behavior of both humans and apes."

The behavior of this half-man, half-ape is not said to be dangerous. In fact it is due to their shy nature that they are rarely seen, only becoming aggressive when their territory is compromised.

"You mess with it or go into its territory it may become aggressive," explained Vance. "It wants to ignore you and stay in cover."

After many weekends of spending nights in the woods in hopes of finding anything that could lead them to Bigfoot, the two have found hairs, footprints, and even a sound recording of tree knocks, which is believed to be how the species communicates between one another.

"We have pretty much all the evidence you could want except a body," Hutchison said.

The two may not agree on what works and what doesn't to lure Bigfoot in. They do however, set out bait traps as well as participate in wood knocks.

"We try and have those lucky encounters," said Vance. "It's pretty much like a camping trip for us."

Shooting down the idea that because no body has been found it must not exist, they explain that like many other species Bigfoot is said to bury their dead. As with anything in the forest nothing sticks around for long.

"We've been out in the woods a ton and we've never found a full body of anything," Vance said. "A lot of people think that bigger animals, if they're sick or dying, will go to a certain place to die."

The team will be featured in an upcoming Animal Planet television show, "Finding Bigfoot." They hope to take on more members after the new year, which is when they will begin researching again.

For more information or to join their team, email



  1. "shortly after the dinosaurs"????


    The dinosaurs never crossed the land bridge because there WAS no land bridge between Asia and North America when the dinosaurs were still around. North America did not exist as it does today.

    During the Mesozoic (the age of dinosaurs), the continents shifted tremendously. During the last stage of the Mesozoic (the upper Cretaceous), California and most of the center of North America were under water.

    Much, much later, when the earth's climate cooled, sea levels rose and created North America and eventually, the land bridge between Asia and North America.

    Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. Our ancestors separated from the ancestors of chimpanzees and bonobos approximately 5-6 million years ago. If you count Ardipithecus as the first biped, bipedal apes didn't arrive on the scene until 4.4 million years ago.

    That's a gap of 60 million years.

    If you want to be taken seriously, you MUST accept the fact of evolution, the fact of plate tectonics, the fact of continental drift and the fact that The Flintstones is not a documentary.

  2. Excuse me. I meant to say "sea levels dropped" which happens when ice forms at the poles.

  3. The "fact" of evolution?? Even Darwin admitted the fossil record did not support his THEORY. There is no empirical evidence to support the THEORY of evolution, only natural selection which is NOT evolution.

  4. I wish these guys the best of luck with their search.
    I don't know if I subscribe to the migratory theory.
    Where I live in Alberta there is no where for them to migrate to unless they go all the way to Washington State,which would be one hell of a walk.

    Many other species??Are there other species besides humans that bury their dead?
    I'm not aware of any.

  5. Well, we all have to agree that Native Americans came from Asia originally and they had to cross the land mass. They share DNA characteristics with their ancient ancestors. If man crossed the strait, then I'm sure the critters were in tow. This is fun. How did we get onto this subject? Oh yeah, I scrolled up to re-read the post. Go for it, dudes. I figure I'd rather have a man in the woods looking for BF than shooting at defenseless deer.

  6. @Anonymous Evolution Denier

    Our understanding of evolution has come a long way since Darwin. I've found the only people who do not believe in evolution are those who do not understand it.

    Understanding evolution takes much more than listening to a few sound bytes. If you're used to getting your opinions from preachers and Faux News, you'll never understand evolution because you're too lazy to actually sit down with some books and learn.

    Learning about evolution by reading several books is much harder than saying "Goddidit," which is an easy answer because it isn't an answer at all.

    It's been my experience that most people who don't believe in evolution don't WANT to know anything about it because they're afraid it will affect their faith in god. That, in turn, triggers a fear of hell. Plus, they're too damn lazy to pick up a book. :)

    The evidence is out there and if you really care about the truth, you would pick up some of those books. Try Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne and The Making of the Fittest by Sean B. Carroll for starters.

    I sought the truth and it turned out to be much more beautiful than the silly bible stories I'd been taught since childhood.

    So, ask yourself, "Am I satisfied with what I was taught? Am I afraid to actually look at the evidence? Am I willing to change my mind as evidence presents itself?"

    Sadly, I've found that most people aren't brave enough to change their minds about ANYTHING. I'm proud to count myself among the few. I've challenged many of my preconceived ideas and when presented with enough evidence, I change my mind.

  7. @Autumnforest

    IF Bigfoot is real, it DID cross the land bridge between Asia and North America, but within the last 100,000 years or so. It didn't ride across the land bridge on the back of a brontosaurus for a lot of reasons. Can you name them all? :)

    As for my original comments regarding evolution, plate tectonics, continental drift, etc., I still say: "You have nothing to say on any scientific matter until you accept scientific precepts that are agreed upon by all serious scientists."

    That would include evolution. No good biologists disbelieve in evolution because nothing in biology makes sense unless seen through the lens of evolution. And unless you've read several books on the subject, you do not have the credentials to debate that fact even with a lay person like me.

    Disbelieving in evolution is like disbelieving the earth revolves around the sun. It really is THAT silly and it makes me sick that most evolution deniers are citizens of the United States of America. Your school didn't educate you, so you must educate yourself. That's what I had to do.

  8. @AIFL

    Yeah I saw that mistake too about bigfoot crossing over Beringia shortly after the dinosaurs. If by "shortly after" you mean about 65 millon years...but (and I know this is off topic) there is much evidence suggesting a landbridge joining North America and Asia during the late Cretaceous. This evidence is in the form of similar faunas consisting of tyrannosaurids, ceratopsids, hadrosaurids etc etc... the list goes on and on- strongly pointing to a history of faunal exchange via Beringia.

    So it seems this land bridge has come and gone for quite some time allowing dinosaurs, mammals, humans and possibly bigfoot using it as an intecontinental highway.

    And kudos to you for sticking up for evolution, especially when yo seem to be in the minority where you live. When I argue about evolution w/disbelievers I always cite the bacteria as the most elegant observable evidence of evolution. Since the advent of antibiotics antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria such as MRSA have evolved from our selective pressure- that's evolution real time. Quite frankly, if you believe in antibiotic resistant bacterial strains you by default believe in evolution.

  9. @SciaticPain

    A Cretaceous land bridge, eh? Cool! I did not know that. With no ice caps, the two plates must have butted against each other like they do today.

    Do you know what the largest geographical formation on Earth is? Most people would guess something like the Alps, but it's not. The mid-oceanic ridge is the largest feature at 40,400 miles long! It fits the earth like the seams on a baseball, delineating where the continents are pulling apart or being pushed back together. The ridge consists of deep pits of volcanic activity surrounded by high walls of cooled lava which form new seafloor. The tectonic plates themselves only move at the rate your fingernails grow! This is, of course, further proof that the earth is very, very old.

    Let me stop here to say I'm not giving SciaticPain a plate tectonics lesson. Like the mid-oceanic ridge, I'm spewing knowledge for anyone who might find it interesting, as I did the Cretaceous land bridge info. Yea for ceratopsians, tyrannosaurids and hadrosaurs!

    There are huge structures right next to the lava pit: black smokers that spew sulfur and other volcanic bi-products. Scientists were aghast to learn that there are life forms making a living off the black smokers. Bacteria live on sulfur and provide energy for large white tubeworms, which in turn provide meals for other animals.

    Back to the Cretaceous: All of my favorite dinos lived during the Cretaceous. The dromaeosaurs and troodontids are my absolute faves: deinonychosauria of the evil claw. The tiny, four-winged versions like Microraptor gui and Anchiornis huxleyi blow my mind (and are excellent examples of transitional forms, though they were dead ends, evolutionarily speaking).

    Brontosaurs were renamed "apatosaurus" when it was discovered Othniel Marsh had already thus named some material that turned out to be the same creature.

    Apatosaurs were sauropods: the long-necked, long-tailed creatures that enjoyed their heyday during the Jurassic. They lived around 150 million years ago. To give you some perspective, more time passed from apatosaurus to tyrannosaurus than from tyrannosaurus to Homo sapiens. The dinosaurs ruled the earth for a long, long time.

    I was going to talk a bit about the evolution of bacteria, but I've gone and blathered too much already. Maybe tomorrow.

    Let's just say there are fascinating experiments with bacteria that show evolution in action, experiments that cannot be dismissed by misguided creationists.

  10. Well,I learn something new everyday.I find it fascinating to learn new things from others.
    There are days when I feel like I'm at school when I come here.
    There are diverse people who visit this awesome blog,and that in itself is awesome.

  11. @ Atheist in FundyLand, as a real scientist I absolutely loathe wannabes and their pseudoscience. I am sure we are all glad you "decided" not to give SciaticPain a plate tectonics lesson as you are clearly not qualified to do so.

    For both you and SciaticPain, it would probably be helpful if you add some real knowledge to your collectively feeble minds, lets start with bacteria, a free lesson I am more than happy to share with you.

    Bacterial resistance is not an evolution as you have stated, it occurs mainly in two primary ways:

    1. By horizontal gene transfer, part of their design to swap DNA.

    2. By Mutation.

    Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria, they do this by binding to a protein that inhibits its normal function such as building the cell wall, making other proteins or copying the DNA. If the bacteria has a mutation in their DNA coded for the protein then the antibiotic cannot bind, THEN you have a bacteria that is now resistant to antibiotics. But here is the rub, it is only a collective problem because through the process of natural selection all the NON mutated bacteria have been killed by the antibiotic only leaving the mutant or as you suggest evolved strain. These mutant strains survive very well in hospitals and places where the already weakened immune systems of patients allow it to run rampant but it does not make the jump to the mainstream populations for one very important and specific reason, the mutated protein is not as efficient at doing its job of reproducing as its NON-mutated brothers.

    There are examples of tremendous bacterial resistance growth as in the case of cipro and it is certainly true that bacteria can swap DNA but this is no way an example of evolution, they were designed to to do that and NO NEW DNA is created which would be an ABSOLUTE requirement if you are dumb enough to claim man evolves from molecules. Evolution by its very nature requires a GAIN in its ability to function and as can be easily seen in bacterial mutation and natural selection, the very driving forces believed to propel evolution forward, only lead to a LOSS of functional systems. The very notion itself is foolish, the sickest and weakest, the mutated as you would have us believe somehow manage to produce offspring that are stronger, faster, better, and then the mutated of those again produce stronger, faster , better offspring....put another way, if you and SciaticPain happened to be two half retarded monkeys with lisps caused by a GENETIC MUTATION (or as you like to say Evolution) there is ZERO chance your offspring would be anything other than also mutated.

    For the record I have seen what I would classify as great examples of Transitional Forms. What I have never seen, nor has anyone else, is any example whatsoever of an intermediary species. Why haven't they? Because they only exist in the minds of idiots. Had this occurred we would have an example. Doesn't that seem reasonable to you? With all of our advances, with all of our technology, with all of our discoveries, in millions of cataloged species not a single time, not once in all history and time, in the entire world has one person, one laymen or one scientist discovered a single intermediary species, not a single one. You think us foolish for our faith but your faith is far greater than mine.

    In closing, this is a bigfoot blog, why don't you do us all a favor and keep your ridiculously foolish pseudoscience to your own blog, either that or come out and tell us what qualifications you have that should merit us listening to you at all.


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