Looking for Bigfoot witnesses for your new documentary? See Craigslist

Film producers looking for Bigfoot witnesses... on Craigslist? In Hollywood, anything goes I guess. Just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with that. As long as no one is "acting" like they've seen a Bigfoot, they should be fine.

We were checking out gigs in Los Angeles and stumbled upon a Craiglist posting about a new documentary that will try to prove the existence of Bigfoot. They're looking for witnesses in the SoCal area who have had sightings or encounters with Bigfoot. They claimed to be a "professionally produced production," so if you got a real experience, then this gig is for you. See the posting below.

We are shooting a documentary trying to prove the existence of Sasquatch (commonly known as Bigfoot). We are looking for people currently in the SoCal area who have had Bigfoot sightings or encounters. This is a chance to share your story and be a part of a professionally produced production. Please email with a photo of yourself and a brief summary of your sighting or encounter. We are posting in talent gigs only because this will be on camera. Serious replies only.

[via losangeles.craigslist.org]


  1. "with photo of yourself"
    LOL when I was applying to Law school Duke University wanted a photo? What? It matters what I look like? No other school asked for such. Oddly, at a pro-basketball game about years later I was serendipitously seated next to a kindly elder gentleman and we talked (boring game). Turned out he was on the Board of Regents for Duke...and was not happy to hear about the request for a photo. He said they were to "quit that" years ago! He promised to straighten that out!
    And these guys need your photo first? Yeah, go for it, it could really pay off big personally and be a great documentary for an unnamed production company on Craigslist! Don't worry about editorial control, you won't look foolish!

  2. p.s. I did not apply to Duke based on that photo request..it felt intuitively racist..a way to "cull" w/o ever really addressing the why? Of course Duke ended up in the news again right? Wasn't that the lacrosse team thing?

  3. it's 3:44am and still dark and quiet so I am forced to stay at this laptop a bit longer! Big feet - great account (probably a bigfootencounters write up) I read -
    a NA visiting a friend in another tribe. They were experiencing significant losses from apple crops. He was shown some probable Sas tracks. A big man, over 300lbs and around 6'7". he took off his shoes and compared his track to the Sas...not too much smaller..almost the same.... they marveled and forgot it.
    A year later he got a call from that friend asking him to come over an walk barefoot around the orchard as the Sas ha not returned after his first barefoot walk.

  4. oops lol this was supposed to go under the big feet article..oh well srry!

  5. Photo request--wasn't that what got the legally blond chick into Harvard? Oh, wait, that was a video of her in her bikini in the pool that got her in. hee hee Let's be the bigger people and give them the shadow of a doubt that all they wanted to do was be sure not too many redheads witnessed bigfoot or they would look like they were biased toward redheaded witnesses. Hee hee

  6. AF-there can never be too many redheads....anywhere.


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