Holy Macro Batman! We're on a top 10 list Bigfoot websites!

Thanks to Alex for submitting us onto Bigfoot Lunch Club's poll of Top Bigfoot Sites. We did not do a post about the poll that was started on Facebook by the club, but it was nice of Alex to add us on the list. It's feels good to see Bigfoot Evidence on any list actually, whether good or bad. As they say, any publicity is good publicity. Even though we weren't voted number one, we can't say that we wouldn't like to be. They say the poll is still open, but the results have already been tallied. Click here if you would still like to vote for us.

One day, it'll happen... one day...

The winner was Kentucky Bigfoot. Bigfoot Lunch Club gave their reasons why Kentucky won.

In a two-week poll we asked Bigfoot Lunch Club fans which websites they visited most. Kentucky Bigfoot came out on top.

There are two good reasons why Kentucky Bigfoot topped our list.

1) Kentucky is a hotspot. The much anticipated Erickson Project has claimed to have convincing evidence from Kentucky. Plus, Kentucky will be showcased in two shows this coming TV season; Finding Bigfoot and Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy.

2) The second and larger reason for Kentucky Bigfoot topping the list is the Organization itself. They are as authentic as researchers can be, extremely organized and they reach out to their audience. They are inclusive and share their research publicly. Their self-described opurpose, "...is to obtain 'one' database as to monitor population density and migration patterns for all reported Kentucky Bigfoot encounters. To determine authenticity, credit is given to each source and witnesses are contacted whenever possible. The information contained therein is being used solely for research and educational purposes.

Lead by Charlie Raymond, a high school teacher and IT Specialist. Charlie holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Florida. He developed this website to document all credible bigfoot encounters in Kentucky. He believes bigfoot to be a "flesh and blood" unidentified hominid, VERY closely related to us.

Out of 165 voters we ended up with 18 listings the top ten list is below.

01.) Kentucky Bigfoot
02.) BFRO
03.) Tristate Bigfoot
04.) Cryptomundo
05.) Oregon Bigfoot
06.) Bigfoot Encounters
07.) MABRC
08.) FB/FB
09.) Bigfoot Field Reporter
10.) Bigfoot Evidence

[via www.bigfootlunchclub.com]


  1. Shawn a year ago if I Googled "Bigfoot Evidence" or something along that...I got bigfootencounter, oregonbigfoot, bfro, cryptomundo and a few others as top list.
    Three weeks ago I did a search and the whole first page were hits for your site...
    Now that you have branched out to Crypto and so on..and others picking up your story...you still come up on first page of search results..but some of them are sneaking back in! Crpto specifically!
    Congrats! Is there any money in it? LOL

  2. Congrats Shawn! Keep it up. Love it!

    Is there any money bigfooting? Lol. Sounds like an expensive hobby to me.


  3. if you were new to the issue the BFRO has a wealth of info as an initial source; for a reader up to speed, this site is #1 without question. the other rankings make no sense and likely reflect the small voter base.

  4. I am new to this Bigfoot world and I have to say that after all my browsing of the different sites, this has been my favorite. Very informative and objective. Congrats and keep it up!

  5. Congratulations. I actually found out about this site from The Bigfoot Field Reporter.


    On November 7,2011 she wrote...



    World's only 24/7 Bigfoot News Blog: Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments.
    http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com "]

    I totally agree and have been coming here first daily ever since then,sometimes twice daily.

  6. Bigfoot Evidence is my favorite site. I check on it everyday. I appreciate all the hard work. I love me some Bigfoot! Ken.

  7. I just checked out Kentucky Bigfoot and it looks like some web page you would have visited in 1997. Bigfoot Evidence is the best, it remains fairly neutral and offers the best from all the other sites anyways- so why go anywhere else? Plus it has some nice commentators.

  8. 165 voters is not enough to draw an accurate sample. I have read them all, and each has it's good points. However for day to day updates, this is by far the best.

  9. I read about this place on Bigfoot Field Reporter's page also. She said it was best Bigfoot blog all around. I definitely agree.

  10. I went months checking all of the big sites and blogs every day. Until I found your blog that is. This is now my main port of call. Really appreciate your efforts!



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