Dr. Melba Ketchum has scrapbook of things being said about her [Bigfoot DNA]

Dr. Melba Ketchum is pretty hush-hush when it comes to talking about the Bigfoot DNA study, but that doesn't mean she's not listening. According to her Facebook posting today, followers have been sending her links to different blogs talking about her and she has started a scrapbook collection. She says she can't wait to see what magazines like Globe and the Enquirer will write about once the study is released. "It might be as entertaining as these tabloid-style BF blogs that currently love to write fiction about the project and me," Ketchum wrote.

With all the smiley faces in her post this morning, she seems happy and confident about knowing the "truth."

Read below.

Since so many of you have sent me the link to one of the latest in a number of blogs, I've started a scrapbook to keep them all. In fact, I can't wait to see what the Globe Magazine or the Enquirer has to say when this comes out, it might be as entertaining as these tabloid-style BF blogs that currently love to write fiction about the project and me..... if they only knew the truth...... :) What is really funny is that some people, just like those that read and believe the Globe and other tabloid magazines, actually believe this stuff. Very funny!! It is like little children playing "Gossip".

For all of the wonderful FB friends that take their precious time to give me moral support, thank you so very very much, it is so appreciated and I am thankful for every one of you out there and for your well wishes and prayers since this has been a very long and tedious undertaking. Of course, if it was easy, it would have been proven a long time ago. Please do not worry, as I will not stop here in the homestretch and in fact am quite enjoying the tabloid sensationalism for its sheer entertainment value and as the old saying goes, "sticks and stones....". As a boring scientist, this is quite the treat to have so many exciting things written about me. I feel like Alexis from Dynasty after reading them (for those that remember that show or maybe JR from Dallas might be more appropriate). ;)

[via Facebook]


  1. LOL Ape!

    TO me this is still good news. :) She does have a sucessful buisness and career that is being put on the line. Thats a big risk.

    Seems like she comes from good family and friends. I cant see someone jepordizing your entire life and family and friends over something that has no substance. I am still awaiting anxiously and hopeful we will get some great news soon. Just hope the authorities dont take over before we find out.......


  2. @Paul - I have to agree on the "not jeopardizing" unless it's true... that's why I say what I do! Been there, am there...and w/o something more than what we/I have now, it has been costly!

  3. I would be really interested to see what you have. I wish I had more time to get out there like yourself! I want to see with my own eyes.
    Must be an incredible feeling......... change your whole outlook on life! I want to experience!

    Back to work I guess.............:(

    Dont mean to be intrusive.......

    Not even see what you have, (dont need to go through all the BS), but maybe you could tell a story....


  4. apehuman@yahoo.com no problem in fact if you are decent with sound or video software lol welcome aboard.. I am bogged down..typing obviously not my strong suit!

  5. I'd only be all cocky and happy if I knew that I'd be releasing the data and the evidence to large universities and well respected labs to verify what I found. If she comes out and just says "I discovered this and that about the DNA," I'm going to say "sure, that's what she said." I want to hear other's opinions too. If she's open with the evidence and transparent, it's significant. If she's opaque, she's lost my respect.

  6. @Autumnforest

    Just by her demeanor and resume, and with what can be lost, I put my money on her coming through. It's not like she is a used car salesman from Georgia with a game show host equivalent promoting it.

  7. @Autumnforest

    That's the whole point of peer review. If it makes it through, we're not just taking her word for it.

  8. I just hope it is reputable Journal that is doing the peer review.

    Remember the mysterious emergency trip Melba made to London a few months back and everyone thought it was to meet the people form 'Nature" journal.........well we know that wasn't true, but what if, it was for the "Journal Of Zoology', which is published on behalf of "The zoological Society Of London".
    hmmmmmmm........ (that would be nice.)

    DISCLAIMER - there is no truth to the above comment, just a thought.


  9. Someone is puffing up. Possible deflation on the horizon??? Dislike people full of themselves...

  10. I wish I could get something on video in HD just to show people BF is real.I keep going out every weekend but no luck yet.
    I'm getting tired of this huge build up and worried about a lack luster finale.
    Little morsels are tossed out from the big players but there's nothing of substance to chew on.
    Not to be all tinfoil hat here, but I can imagine that it will get released but hugely redacted by the government for reasons of national security....or some other lame reason.
    I honestly hope I'm wrong,and I hope the results are truthfully revealed.

  11. As a scientist, Melba Ketchum should understand why people are skeptical. Skepticism is part of a scientist's job.

    Saving scraps of skeptical comments is silly. I often engage people who don't "believe" in evolution because I'm fed up with their willful ignorance. I sometimes even poke and prod because I know the evidence is on my side. But I don't save their comments.

    My small business is largely based on fossils, so I get grumpy when people say something stupid like, "There are no transitional fossils" when I can look at my person small collection and easily find one.

    I just sold a necklace with a large transitional shark tooth to a guy in Canada. The tooth was classified as megalodon, but hints of lateral cusps made it transition. In fact, ALL fossils are transitional.

    OK, enough of that. It's just I didn't "believe" in evolution at one time and instead of being pig-headed, I looked into it and found mountains of tangible evidence. Very little tangible evidence exists for bigfoot. I have taken the footprints (dermal ridges), supposedly unknown primate hairs and Patterson film into my equation.

    The Patterson film lost some of its allure when I realized Patterson was a con man and had illustrated a female bigfoot before (probably) faking his film. Still, it was a damn good fake and I'd like to know why there is apparent stretching skin, and muscle flexion. Maybe the con man ran into the real thing and surprised himself.

    At this point, whatever belief I had in bigfoot has shrunk to under 1%, whereas a few weeks ago, it was around 35%. Until I see some actual proof, I won't change my mind. All this whispering behind closed doors by the main players is making me cranky.

  12. I just accidentally lost all the Bigfoot DNA. Oops. Sorry guys. Back to the drawing board.

  13. Seriously (sigh), some people have way too much time on their hands...


  14. @AIFL I don't believe Dr. Ketchum is compiling a scrapbook of skeptic's questions/concerns about her purported study but she is in fact referring to the gossip/hearsay/rumors that, for some, get transformed into fact...

    These blogs she is referring to might just belong to a certain fellow that has been the hype man for this "study" from the beginning- and I think you can figure out who I am alluding to...

    Sometimes I am wondering if we are doing more harm than good by paying to much attention/reading to much into these second hand accounts of the study...

    Can the BF community be jeopardizing the merit of Dr. Ketchums study by our impatience in getting the results?

    We already know that journals may not publish material that has been leaked/publicized excessively.

    I have to admit I am intrigued by the player's involved and the money spent on these studies/projects. A lot of people are putting their credibility on the line. But maybe it's time we all took a step back and just...waited (what a concept huh). As others have pointed out there are plenty of peer reviewed articles that took several months, even years, to publish. Otherwise, Ketchum is right and we are just being silly gossip mongers.

    And besides, there are plenty of blobsquatches to argue over in the meantime...

    My 2 Cents.

  15. Good points Sciatic, but as long as some information keeps getting released by Paulides/lindsay/ketchum, I think we all still have the right to talk about it. It would be nice though, not to have little blips and blaps, and maybe a real timeline.


  16. Of course the reason they're entertaining all the rumors and skepticism could be so when the project does go all pear shaped and turns out to be nothing they can just blame everyone else. "See its everybody's fault for talking about it and making it public knowledge why the paper didn't get published." But who knows maybe it might go through. Only time will tell.

  17. @Anonymous. Dr. Ketchum has been very consistent in not releasing anything premature and has shown proper methodology in trying to rein in all the other premature data coming through that might jeopardize the veracity of her purported study.

    The little "blips and blaps" you refer to are not coming from her (correct me if I'm wrong but her only communication made public has been words of patience and thanks on her fb page) but all the blogs (Lindsay primarily I will ASSume) and this one by default (not knocking you Shawn but we engage in the gossip too) that she (rightly more or less) compares to gossip mags . We are so hungry for this thing and so impatient and we HATE not knowing, one way or the other, what this "study" will prove.

    There definitely is a strong argument to be made that gossip is part of the human condition and I do agree with you there but I would hate it if we are doing more harm than good here.

    Sometimes "not knowing" is what one is stuck with.

  18. I would say either she's a raving lunatic that just happens to runs and owns a DNA lab. Or she really does have evidence and is dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's to make sure her findings are not questioned. You have to have, what an IQ of 200 to be able own and run your own premier DNA lab? I highly doubt that she's making things up. And for all those doubters out there, grow up. Just because you don't believe in big foot doesn't mean you are right. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because the youngest Giganto Pithicus fossils date to 100,000 years old does not mean it went extinct. I just means we haven't found younger ones. We know the dinosaurs went extinct because no one sees them running about. People are still seeing squatches running our which lends credence to the giganto pithicus fossils as being a still living creature!

  19. @Anon funny.
    'genius' starts at something like 145, and represents about 1% of people tested.
    Average is around 110.
    But, an IQ of 80 qualifies you for the police force.
    A gorilla was shown to have an IQ of 82.
    Wikipedia has all the various scales and rankings...

  20. Did we all blow by an actual Melba Ketchum post?
    If so, with a comment like that, I am willing to beleive some of the nasty stuff about her temperament I have read!

  21. @sciaticpain

    You mean "Vaporsquatches(TM)". :D

    I still hope something real will come out of this, but my skepticism is growing. Balancing one's skepticism with an open mind is tricky.

    I'm not sure how long I'll wait around this blog, but it sure is interesting as hell. :D

  22. Your not gonna leave this blog AIF, too much great conversation and opinions! Love the (TM).


  23. Many commenting here have never been through peer review. It is meant to be rigorous and challenging. This would be such an explosive reveal, that the reviewers are for sure taking their time to make sure there are no holes. Furthermore, the uncertainty of interpreting the results often makes for several iterations of peer review even when the subject material is mundane. Ketchum's data will almost certainly be contentiously interpreted. I am willing to keep my patience for another year.

  24. @caz not like we have a choice ;)

  25. @Sciatica ...all good points.

    But, from what I can tell, it is the players in the study themselves that create and keep the "gossip" (she trivializes our concerns, I wouldn't use that word) going.

    Some major participants in the study, unsatisfied, went to the internet. Along with a young guy still waiting to be famous for killing two BFs.

    And others, who could stop the flap, did nothing to address the main issue that is still boiling: The Sierra Kill story.

    Justin posted online yesterday, again, describing how he intentionally shot a mother and child BF and sent the sample to Ketchum over a year ago!

    The news has been churning on the net for six months...

    I think the responsibility for this widespread "unwanted" attention, lies with the professional "in charge," Dr. Ketchum.

    One statement: the Sierra Kills did not happen, would have nipped it in the bud.

    Or, if it is true? Well, even more reason to make a statement addressing that one issue...and demonstrate the study's (and head scientist's)integrity real time.

    I am not concerned about the "paper" as much the "Kills" and the various player's role in that.

    The concern and right to question these players is fundamental to our freedoms and our collective ownership/enjoyment/use of our Nation's Natural Resources, including it's wildlife and Sasquatches.

    I am not giving that away to anyone..not for a just a "paper" in an as yet unidentified Journal..or publish date...


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