Uncovered by William Jevning: Native American firefighters encountered 'smoldering' sasquatch running from fire

Author of "Notes From the Field, Tracking North America's Sasquatch" and 38 year veteran sasquatch investigator William Jevning is currently hard at work giving us the latest scoop on the government's conspiracy to pretend Bigfoot does not exist. Here's an update on what he's been digging up lately (unedited):

Bigfoot cover-up...... I have been chatting with other veteran Sasquatch researchers trying to get the picture and scope of cover-ups

I wanted to share some of the information that has been shared with me, it is very interesting. The first one will be known by those who

keep up with information being put out by individuals and organizations dealing with Bigfoot happenings, but for everyone else, I felt

this event needed to be aired to a more general audience. I will not go into the complete details, for that anyone interested can look up

onine what has been posted in its entirety. But for the sake of my inquiries I will bring it into my discussion because of its obvious

relevance. It was reported that in August of 1999, a letter was sent to a bigfoot research group by an anonymous government employee

The letter recounted an event which happened during the Battle Mountain fire in Nevada. A Sasquatch was captured during this event

The description in appearance and behavior was well documented, it was treated for burns from the fire, and taken away in the

back of a utility truck so anyone outside the ommediate persons handling it would not think a fire fighter had been injured

the writer states that approximately 20 people were in the vicinity and knew of the goings on, he states that the Bureau of land management

Depsrtment of Interior and the Department of Fish and Wildlife were involved, in fact the Doctor who treated the creature was from the Dept

of fish and wildlife. At the headquarters of the bureau of land management at the fire (incident HQ) this incident was NOT to be discussed!

The creature was assumed released in an undisclosed location

I can relate to this situation having similar details with my own two events which I posted earlier, the same agencies were involved

when I was conducting research for my book, I went to the Klammath reservation in southern Oregon, while there I was told of an incident

involving an Indian fire fighting crew, while on the line, a smoldering sasquatch ran directly at the crew, it tripped and fell leaving

hand impressions in the soft soil, it then got back up and continued running from the fire. Plaster casts were made of the hand prints

the casts were on display locally for a long time but didn't get a lot of attention, at some point they disappeared and none of the

witnesses could since be located to give statements of the event.

no one knows who took the casts, but the forest service is always involved in the conducting of fire fighting operations, so they must have

been aware of this incident at some point, did they take the casts? we may never know

The incident about the captured sasquatch getting treated for burns and then released into the wild can be read here: Bigfoot injured by a forest fire was taken away and hidden by the authorities

[via: Twitter]


  1. I went into the forest and within a few visits established a type of contact with Bigfoots, collected track casts, sound files, crappy poor res video, etc..... all over a period of about a few dozen trips...

    At first I thought maybe I was special! It must be me (I did use Goodall type methods)...but, seriously I am smarter than that. Although, I have a BS in biological science...and experience in that wilderness...still I am just a person...

    After my contacts with the Forest Service and Fish and Game made it clear I was getting no where, I turned to the BF Researchers World. Not too much there in tangible help,but information is abundant. (thanks communicative BFers)

    That Robert Lyle Laverty was a new-Forestry grad,on site at the PG film and photographed the prints,and goes on to be Asst Sec. of Interior is enough for meI It is so obvious that his meteoric rise in civil service has SOMETHINGto do with Sasquatch....(and as telling this question did not come up in confirmation hearings...so convenient the "Myth" status and our fear of appearing foolish or dumb).

    Now, the area I worked (and kept quiet) was made public, quite public, by a "monster chaser" type....so much so that the YouTubes, etc churned out weekly whether accurate or not (often not). This circus concludes with the tragic death of a "invitee to the area" (the Monster Chaser invites almost anyone) The death a result of natural causes, but it brought out every agency...from air evac, to sheriffs, rangers, etc.
    That day a fire that had been allowed to burn close to the "home" territory for many weeks was allowed to "jump" down the mt that day and burned all the campgrounds...strange...only 6000 acres and all a part of these campgrounds...
    Probably just a coincidence right? And yet, knowing our Gov knows...and makes choices for us and BF's, and has for over 50 years.....well it leaves one questioning events such as these...

    So, yes... the Gov does know...and perhaps if we organized with FOIA form letters or such we might get some disclosure....has anyone actually sent an FOIA for Laverty's photos and notes from 1967?

    My recommendations to deal with this covert behavior? I have none. I am actually worried for Dr. Ketchum.

  2. oh got off on tangent..
    the point of the post is this:

    it is quite easy to meet or find a Bigfoot...so easy that anyone can do it....

    and since it is that easy, well clearly we have been fed a line of BS from our Government for some time

  3. That's really interesting and sounds rather likely. We recently had an enormous fire in the White Mountains in AZ where BF is seen the most. Made me wonder where he would go when he fled and also that this scenario might be the most likely one in which we encounter a live BF.

  4. i'm in the group of people who believe that the gov't caught some of those burning bigfoots.. this is where it gets dark. they never released those animals! it's more like they have been taken these sasquatches(ready)to area 51! why you may ask? well it's simple they are currently cross-breeding these powerful beasts with humans. crazy-man you may say? these would be the most powerful soldiers ever in humanity. think about how stalin tried this same experiments back in the 1930's or early 40's (maybe in that time frame.) imagine the strenth these hybrids would have. not to mention the height and weight these badboys would possess. don't put it past this corrupt gov't know as the great savior to some in this country.(USA)yes, it is possible! and we live in some ugly times right now. it wouldn't shock me. to tell you the truth. good thing the nazi's didn't get there hands on a sasquatch. right?

  5. @zabo - speaking as someone who works at homey airport, i just love all the new things all you guys think we do here....

  6. apehuman: if you have any advice or books to suggest for interacting with Bigfoot,I'd be very interested.
    I live in Alberta and we seem to have quite a few hot spots.Many of those areas are close to me or my work takes me there.
    If you don't wish to post it publicly,you can email me through my blog.
    I have to desire to "catch" one or cause harm to any.I would be happy just to have it as my own experience and maybe the odd out of focus picture or a shaky-where'd-he-go-give-me-a-headache video.
    As for this story,it sounds plausible but how do 25-30 people keep a secret?I suppose if any of them did tell someone,the person probably wouldn't believe it and eventually the witness to the event would give up telling the story.
    So again,it's plausible.
    I always find myself being cautious with stories of Bigfoot.
    If I saw one,I'd be telling people...but not where I saw one.

  7. I personally believe that there is something to the bigfoot mystery. That being said, how do you think the majority of skeptics (or those on the fence) will react when they read the above article? It reads like a tabloid story. "anonymous government employee" "taken away in the back of a utility truck" "undisclosed location." The whole story sounds like an urban legend (which is what skeptics will describe this story as being). I agree with other posters on this site who also believe that stuff like this does nothing but bring ridicule to the sasquatch mystery.

  8. @Citizentruth,
    Best book I have found on having your own experience is The Bigfoot Observer's Field Manual, by Robert Morgan. Yes, like most theories on how to meet a Bigfoot, some of his suggestions will leave you in a WTF moment, but that being said if your goal is to have your own private experience I have found his method to work. You just have to be comfortable enough to be alone in the bush. The message is basically that once you have researched a hot spot of sightings don't go looking for a Sasquatch, but do things to help them find you. Hope that helps, John

  9. Citizen Truth - Yes, I was going to recommend Morgan's book...so one must go out in Faith with that method. But, want something more tangible read Through a Window (Goodall) and Almost Human (strum) and any of the hunter-gather type anthro books/info you can as background.
    native America flute is attractive music, but I also used harmonica and singing. Mostly, I "waited" for Bigfoot. So patience a must. Quiet but engaged (often exploring) and observant...at night no flashlights, etc...
    I started at a place that already had activity.
    Your ears are very important, learn your night birds, etc.
    The best advice in Morgan's book is to focus on one small area..and know it. I just read a post by Chris Noel, and although I have not read his book, from the webpage/youtube he's doing something similar and (per the article) welcomes discussion.
    There are at least a half dozen or so I am aware of that are doing this "style" of research. Most quite private, and really - once "involved" you will have a hard time feeling anything but protective... give it time.
    As for not telling people, I tried to keep to those I thought might positively impact that situation..to no avail. Most who go public try to hide the location, but to the motivated their locations often uncovered, or a falling out btw players results in new groups..they multiply!... perhaps one of the reasons BFers are secretive.

  10. yes to anon post..I would also add that two people works too..although my first "big" event was alone. Once I was on board (I didn't believe in Sasquatches - just open to possibility) and responding to them in kind, taking someone with me was not an issue, and sometimes seemed to give a new spark of curiosity to their visits. However, I kept my "gear" out of view and walked generally with only a small handy-cam. Guns never in evidence, although I kept on in camp, my biggest fear was some unruly "campers" might show up....never happened. Also, don't bother with anything that uses IR light - such as trail cams with IR (or visible flashing kind)..unless you want them to leave. If you have access to FLIR..take it.

  11. Thanks John and apehuman,I appreciate the advice and help.
    I don't play instruments but had planned on doing solo exploration.I'm not part of a group and would prefer to explore at my own pace and in spots that feel right to me.
    The bush doesn't bother me and I have lots of patience.I like the solitude of the outdoors and getting reacquainted with the sights,sounds and scents of nature.
    It's funny you mentioned it.Since I'm not a great tracker I figured I'd let them find me.Even if I did try to track them,they'd probably be laughing and walking behind me.
    I wouldn't tell people the location because I'm really not interested in a Bigfoot being caught/trapped/shot.
    I would tell my brother where I was going because I trust him and it's just smart to let someone know before you wander off in the bush alone.
    The place I'd try first is at least 60 miles in any direction to the nearest town.Plenty of deer,wild berries,small prey and tons of trees.
    I just need to get a couple of cameras.
    I'm rambling now.

  12. Sounds just right. Knowing the Night After Dark is a field guide I found helpful from the 70's...an old school and very good explanation of night sights and sounds. I will in the future purchase a small personal GPS tracker..they are really pretty cheap. A handyzoom personal recorder is good also and the sony handycams that are IR sensitive will give you decent low light, you can get them used fairly cheap with hard drive that hold more than a full day or night of recording...etc. LOL the equipment can be fun, but in the end just a good recorder and video cam were most useful. Iphone has an app now with bird songs, and multiple variations (even sonogramed!), you can use to response call. Stan Courtney and Larry Surface I think are both pretty careful in their analysis of Bigfoot sounds...google their blogs. One of the most exciting things, sans BFs, was being awake at night for so long, or pre-dawn...no one out there but you and the forest and the sounds...Cornell has a great free program for taking sound files to sonograms... So for me personally some of my BF sound files are very exciting.. have fun!

  13. sorry typo: "Knowing the Outdoors After Dark" and I don't recall the author

  14. lol maybe... a title close to that


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