Guest Post: Bigfoot fecal evidence

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by William Jevning (@bukwas01), 38 year veteran sasquatch investigator, and author of "Notes From the Field, Tracking North America's Sasquatch". Read more about Jevning at his Bigfoot blog, Bigfoot Researcher.

This is something I have often been asked about when talking to people about the subject of the Sasquatch. I talked to some length about this with veteran Sasquatch hunter Bob Titmus, who I believe was the best sasquatch hunter ever. he told me that in northern California through the late 1950's and through the 1960's when a lot of footprints were being found in the Bluff Creek area and elsewhere, that feces was also being found in conjunction with the footprints.

When the volume of the samples was measured, it was determined to be the same as that of a 1200 pound horse. After some joking by Rene' Dahinden towards Titmus during the Northwest Expedition, the matter of Sasquatch feces was not spoken of but rarely.

I always wondered about this, having hunted with my father from a young age and growing up on a farm, animal feces is often a valuable sign when tracking and gaining other information about certain animals. In 2003 I found the first of many dozens of sasquatch fecal samples over the following years.

One location where I have determined that several Sasquatch to inhabit, it is common to find 50 such fecal piles in a single days search. This photograph is one of those piles, it is very different from any other animals anywhere in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.


  1. So...what? Ray Wallace took lots of laxatives? :)

  2. Looks like a pile of owl pellets. (Shit).

  3. Hey, it does kind of look like a pile of owl pellets. (Vomit).

  4. My bad, been about 18 years since I disected one, definately regurgitated.

  5. For those of you who are stating that "it looks like owl pellets," I would love to see the owl who drops a load that measures almost one foot across. (You are forgetting to take into account the tape measure used in the photo.)

    Find the owl that left those pellets, and you will have a bigger discovery on your hands than finding an actual sasquatch.

  6. I am the proud owner of a 950 pound horse and he leaves piles bigger than that sometimes.
    And just to be that one person who everyone thinks is gross, that looks like the poop of a carnivore. If it was that of a herbivore like a horse, you would be able to see some of the grass or hay bits that passed through. And a poop ball from a horse is larger and looser.

  7. Looks like its in a birds nest to me. Dedinately owl pellets.

  8. Talk about a shitty post...


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