Finding Bigfoot: Birth of a Legend LIVE BLOG

Note: LIVE BLOG was delayed on purpose. We didn't want to spoil anybody's fun. Here we go, we're live blogging an hour after the show:

Refresh to see the latest update:
  • [8:34PM] Ranae seems really excited about her experience. Bobo says she's hard headed, but Ranae says she's now leaning towards the believer's side.
  • [8:33PM] Team tried to flush out the creature by walking towards each other. Unfortunately, the creature slipped away. Ranae still swore she heard a whistle and also swore the saw an eye-shine. The rock throw was interesting. This blows Matt and Bobo away.
  • [8:31PM] Matt Moneymaker: I think that was a squatch...
  • [8:29PM] Ranae saw eye-shine from direction of tree crash. It sounded like a rock being throw at them. Creepy stuff. Matt and Bobo landing their heli while Cliff and Ranae continue their search...
  • [8:25PM] Cliff and Ranae investigates the location up ahead and Ranae hears a whistle. Bigfoots are known to make whistling sounds. Ranae thought she saw an eye shine. According to researchers, eye-shines are common during certain encounters with a sasquatch. Ranae is 100% positive it was eye-shine.
  • [8:22PM] HOOPA RESERVATION: Bobo and Matt in helicopter flying around the reservation. They spot something on thermal just 300 yards on the road from Cliff and Ranae.
  • [8:18PM] Team is doing side by side analysis using Bobo's re-enactment. Ranae still not convince tries to explain her reasoning and tells Matt to let her finish her sentence. Ranae is the skeptic in the group. Matt says the figure seemed like it had long arms and definitely wasn't a hiker.
  • [8:15PM] Ben said the creature's behavior coming down from the ridge line was odd (arms swinging). Doesn't seem like a backpacker at all he says. The team is going to investigate why the creature acted this way.
  • [8:12PM] Ben Mill's sighting: The famous Marble Mountain footage. Looks like a person walking the ridge line. Ranae is not convinced... yet.
  • [8:05PM] Ranae does her first sasquatch-call... LOL! "Yoohoo!" She was yodeling... she's Norwegian she says.
  • [8:03PM] Team at Onion Lake experimenting with new technique to attract sasquatch attention. They brought in a band to capture Bigfoot's curiosity. Something the team has never done before.
  • [8:00PM] Rodney Mitchell seen enough bear in his life to know that it wasn't a bear he saw jumped down 8 feet from a tree on his property. He said he could see the muscles underneath its skin.
  • [7:56PM] Woman named Serena claims she saw a Bigfoot walking up the hillside with incredible speed near the Trinity River. Matt attempts to re-enact event and feels convinced the woman saw a sasquatch that day.
  • [7:50PM] Just a mother bear an its cub...
  • [7:49PM] Cliff is in the woods of Bluff Creek looking to prove if it really is a Bigfoot territory. Cliff caught something moving on his thermal cam. He thinks it's a bear. 
  • [7:43PM] Witnesses recounting their Bigfoot stories... Some of these people were so frighten by what they say, it took them some time to be able to go back into the woods again.
  • [7:40PM] Town hall meeting: Sons of Jerry Crew speaking. They are showing the very first Bigfoot cast ever!
  • [7:40PM] They are showing the Jacob Creature photo. This proves that sasquatches can be captured on trail camera said Cliff.
  • [7:39PM] Cliff checking out some bear scats. Bears are one of the other large omnivores they can be found near Bluff Creek.
  • [7:34PM] Al Hodson was the first person Patterson and Gimlin told when they emerged from the woods with the film. Al thought the two were one of the most honest men he's met. Awesome tattoo of Bigfoot cast Bobo!
  • [7:28PM] They found footprint... from a bear. Pretty darn similar to a sasquatch print.
  • [7:28PM] Ranae swore what she heard wasn't like any animals she's ever heard.
  • [7:27PM] Just heard a long whooooop from Matt. Which one of these guys sound better? Matt or Cliff?
  • [7:24PM] After doing some wood-knocking. Ranae heard a high pitch sound. Matt isn't surprise because sasquatches are known to make these high pitch noises. Ranae said it sounded like a small child. Team is investigating.
  • [7:21PM] Finding Bigfoot use squatch as a verb. we're goin' squatchin' y'all!
  • [Blips from the web] I see some footage, even other than P/G, that some people claim are people in a monky suit and I look at what the person has to traverse in order to walk in a monkey suit and they would not be able to do so because they would be constantly falling. This is why I think the snow-walker footage is also real.
  • [7:16 PM] Patty's arm proportions are impossibly small said the team.
  • [7:12PM] Team doing re-enactment, guess who's doing the famous walk?
  • [7:12PM] Bob says he could see the muscle moving underneath the hair
  • [7:10PM] We have to admit, Bob Gimlin sounds quite convincing at this point...
  • [7:10PM] The actual location is much closer than it appeared in the original film.
  • [7:09PM] The team met with Bob Gimlin, the person who saw the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot with his own eyes.


  1. The first time ever on your blog--I'm not reading the post. It's not up here until 9. Can't wait!

  2. In british columbia, have animal planet, but no finding bigoot! Sucks! :(

  3. This episode the team seem to be more cohesive and all members on an even field. Totally enjoyed this episode. Mr. Gimlim looks great and they had a hard time keeping up with him. What a treat to be at Bluff Creek with Gimlin and watch BOBO recreate the famous walk.

  4. This was really a fantastic episode. Low key and to the point!

  5. What blew me away was just how narrow that creek bed really was. The old camera made it seem like Patty was so far away from them, but the recreation shows that she was actually very close. Details definitely would have been visible.

  6. i just watched this on YouTube since I can't be bothered with cable.
    Very enjoyable episode.I got a huge laugh out of Ranae's YooHoo call.

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