Finding Bigfoot: BFRO Reacts to Russian Yeti Claims [VIDEO]

With reports coming out of Russia of compelling new evidence for the existence of the yeti, the Finding Bigfoot team offers their thoughts on the matter.

Watch and listen to what each of the them think about the Yeti. Ranae Holland is still on the fence due to lack of scientific evidence but the rest of the guys think it's possible there could be Yetis living in Siberia.



  1. "...the rest of the guys think it's possible there could be Yetis living in Siberia." What kind of inconclusive crap statement is that? Of course there COULD BE Yeti's in Siberia. Typical inconclusive yeti/bigfoot crap. A BODY IS NEEDED. Forget the hair samples, stool samples, foot prints, blobsquatch clips, DNA, thermal images, etc. A body is needed. Figure out how to capture/kill one of these creatures. Nothing else will convince the skeptics. Everything else is a waste of time.

    1. Just one question. Why do we need to convince the skeptics? I don't think most Bigfoot believers or knowers care if people don't believe or not. These creatures roam all over different places in the world and have been seen for thousands of years by poeple all over the world. As well as here in the U.S. I have seen 2 myself. I have had quite a few other experiences as well. Bigfoot is real. It is not imaginary, a figment of imagination, or a hallucination. Squatches do exist! I hope you believe or know that they exist too!

    2. I totally agree although I've never encountered one. There's species being discovered all the time and no possible way to know every living creature on the planet. As you said who cares about skeptics. I have always believed before any evidence or anything because there has been millions of sightings for me all the evidence that's found is simply even more conformation!

  2. Of course the people who already believe are going to believe.

    Evidence, please.

    1. There's plenty of evidence do your research. People should be less closed minded! Species are being discovered all the time our planet is so big and such diffetent terrain there's no way to know exactly what's out there. Bigfoot obviously avoids people for whatever reason maybe they think we want to harm them. Plenty of people have seen them and have for a very long time before the internet or any other way to spread the stories as far as they've gone. I believe it is am endangered species and tries to stay hidden as a defense mechinism but to each they're own. One day skeptics will be proven wrong and will be quite frankly humuliated. Do your research tho there IS plenty of evidence.

  3. Let's capture/kill one???What a typical human response.
    A captured one would be poked,prodded,sedated,tested,operated on and become a circus sideshow freak.
    A dead one would,well,be dead.
    All this so skeptics can be convinced???Hardly seems like a fair trade off.
    It's because of comments like the above that I hope they are never found.
    Why the hell do people feel the need to kill everything?Pisses me right off.

    1. Exactly! That is why they stay hidden. Obviously its an endangered species and stays hidden to protect its species. Humans can't admit what they dont understand even if its staring them in the face.

  4. If I find Bigfoot, I'm going to eat him. I bet he tastes like human. Yummy!!

    1. You sir are disgusting! Bigfoot could easily break your neck

  5. I was wondering if anyone has seen the cell phone footage of the, I'm going to call them teenagers, I can't be sure, who had apparently been camping and caught a split second of bigfoot? There are two reasons this footage caught my attention. 1. It seems to be less likely to be a hoax, because these kids were talking about smoking pot and drinking. And, unless it was a well thought out hoax, I doubt that is information most teens would want to get to their parents. And, 2. When they noticed it walking, one of these kids screams at it with a very loud voice, "heeeeyy". When he screamed at it, this thing got down on all fours, and bolted !!! It was very ape like in it's movement while on all fours. And, the level of his shoulders were much higher than the level of his hips while on all fours. To me this footage, even though not high quality, to say the least, is some of the most intriguing I have seen. I haven't been able to find it again. I sure would like to take another look at it. Crazy stuff !!

  6. @JohnChastain, you really going out for 2 to 3 months to search? Man, that would be great. I need to get out more. also, a body is needed, sadly. I personaly would just love to have a clear sighting.

  7. Do a search for "four dudes bigfoot" and it will come up.


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