Bigfoot: What is it? Digging through fossil records and eye-witness descriptions such as the "Sierra Kills" to find an answer

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Josh Brown, Anthropology Major (Physical) from Sacramento CA, and CEO of "Skye Highland Outfitters".

What is Bigfoot? Is it a Gigantopithecus, homo erectus or a hybrid of either of these species? We will attempt to answer this question by using fossil evidence and the latest eye witness descriptions from the Sierra Kills event and others.

Matt Moneymaker recently tweeted: "Bigfoots don't wear tartan EVER!". As a kilt maker, this was devastating news. It is my personal mission to get everyone on this planet into a kilt - Bigfoot being no exception. This statement actually is a good lead into my first posting. We all know that Bigfoot isn't a kilt wearer....As a matter of fact, we know a lot of what Bigfoot is not. So can we take what we DO know to determine what exactly is this creature called "Bigfoot"?

To really begin this post, let’s go ahead and practice some applied anthropology. Just because we don't have the elusive physical evidence as of yet to determine the answer to this question, we can utilize and apply other sources of evidence to make a reasonable determination of what this creature "most likely" is.

Let’s begin....

Science is based on theory, hypothesis, formula and proven fact based on solid physical evidence. Bigfoot broken down to its most basic common denominator is an upright being that walks on 2 legs (Having big feet is actually secondary of which we'll come to later). This puts Bigfoot within the family of "Honidae" of which we, as humans, also belong. Physical anthropologist have created an extensive map through archeology, osteology (The study of bones), and radio carbon dating (A technique that allows us to determine the general age of an artifact) of the first tree dwelling hominids that made the transition to upright, bi-pedal hominids. We've all seen the famous comparison schematic (Origin of man). You know the one, a small ape-ish looking creature almost standing. In front of that a more erect, taller version, and so on, and so on, until you reach modern man at the end of the line. I think we all can agree that Bigfoot belongs as a divergent species within this grouping, so directionally; we're on the right track to answering our question.

For time's sake, we cannot review every species from Australopithecus (We've all heard of "Lucy") on up to modern Homo sapiens, so we'll need to make some refined choices as we continue. To make these choices, let’s determine:

A) What descriptive evidence we have so far for Bigfoot.

B) Let’s pair this evidence with known hominid bi-pedal and ape species that have been discovered and see if we can't narrow the search even further and to begin a cross comparison of potential species and the probability of Bigfoot being a sub group.

Through all the indigenous folklore, eyewitness sightings, videos and pictures, we see a reoccurring theme concerning what Bigfoot looks like. They are:

  • Large hairy ape-like creature, ranging between 6–10 feet (2–3 m) tall, *Weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg.
  • Covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair.
  • Large black eyes.
  • A pronounced brow ridge and a large, low-set forehead.
  • Large lipped mouth, but without the protruding mandible that is present on modern day apes and monkeys
  • Head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla.
  • Enormous footprints for which it is named have been as large as 24 inches long and 8 inches wide.

For cross comparison, I want to list the description as given by Justin Smeja who has purportedly shot and killed 2 of these creatures. If true, his description would be the most accurate:

NOTE: I'm including differentiation between Adult and Sub-Adult.

  • Bigfoot Youth -- “rounded” mouths like humans, with no tusks or fangs, enlarged but not long canines, similar to a gorilla’s.
  • Bigfoot Youth --- eyes like humans.
  • Bigfoot Youth --- looked very different than the Bigfoot Adult.
  • Bigfoot Adult --- no “cone-head”.
  • Bigfoot Adult --- compared to Roger Patterson’s film subject, “it was so much like that but totally totally different and not even close in appearance” and it looked “as different from patty as chuck norris and the cable guy.”
  • Bigfoot Adult --- not muscular looking, not fat, not as wide as generally portrayed in recreations.
  • Bigfoot Adult --- when shot, it ran on two legs, and then on all fours, then on two legs, then on all fours before it left view. (this part was in Randles’ recounting).
  • Bigfoot Youth --- communicated, “talked” like humans, in the vocal way of the deaf, with no ape like grunts.

As you can see, both descriptions share some similarities, while at the same time there are stark, intriguing differences. Before we move on, let’s go back into time to the earliest existence of the modern human “Homo sapien sapien”.

Evidence proves to this point (It is sufficient to note that current paradigms in Anthropology concerning this theory could change as more fossil evidence is discovered) that modern humans arose out of the Rift Valley area of Africa (As seemingly all other hominids) around 200,000 years ago and began to migrate North and North-East out of Africa about 100,000 years ago. Europe and Asia Minor at that time was inhabited by a reasonably successful hominid called "Neanderthal - Homo sapiens neanderthalensis", and Asia had "Homo Erectus". We know that Humans were contemporaneous with both of these species by carbon dating bones of each species (This means that they lived side by side for a period of time). Since the advent of DNA sequencing, we have also determined that there was interbreeding between at least Humans and Neanderthals. Let me emphasize that again - Humans and Neanderthals were able to copulate and produce offspring. I think this ability to be able to cross breed might have a bearing on our conclusion to this posting's main question.

We now need to do some comparative canceling out. In relation to North America, we must decide which theater of the world might produce a hominid that would be able to inhabit North America other than modern human. We know for certain that there was no land bridge from Europe to the Americas to give an access way from that point. We do know that the Aleutian Islands land bridge were a gate way between Asia and North America up till almost 6,000 years ago. This is the key to this quest. We can now focus this mission to Asia and REALLY begin to narrow down the search.

Let’s begin this focus on Asia by determining the hominids and apes that inhabited this region within the last 300,000 years.


Homo sapien




So we have reasonably narrowed down the choices to 4 species. Before we take the descriptive evidence and begin to cross compare with the known facts of each species, we must take a quick look at 2 evolutionary traits that are key to helping us discover an answer to our quest for "What is Bigfoot". The 2 traits are Sclera (Or the phenomena of showing the whites of eyes) and the ability to have and make speech.

Take a look at these pictures of existing apes. Please keep in mind that apes have retained their morphology for up to a million years without significant change:





Now - Take a look at modern human and our conceptualization of homo erectus as based on forensic reconstruction:


Homo Erectus

You can see immediately that the adaptation of "Sclera", or the formation of the "White of the eyes". It is theorized that this adaptation evolved because of our social nature. The eye became a useful communication tool as well as a sensory organ that coincided with the hominid ability to have speech (the main form of communication). On the reverse end it is theorized that apes have retained blacked out sclera so as not to give away directional gaze. This is a fantastic offensive and defensive adaptation that overrides the need for visual communication to coincide with ape's meager verbal "grunts" and shrieks that act as their only form of verbal communication. This is VERY important.

Secondly - Humans (Possibly Neanderthals and Homo Erectus) are the only species to have developed vocal language through specialized vocal chords and genes that "turn on" around 8 months so our bodies can begin to mimic and perceive words for attention, want, pain, etc. While humans have taught apes how to communicate through sign language to some degree, we don't have any observed evidence that primates have the ability to make speech at any level. In order to make communicative speech, the brain must execute the fundamental articulations of the mouth to produce pitch/octave/stop noises that can be taught, learned and understood by successive generations.

OK - So now that we've taken into account attributes of the 4 possible species, let’s make further eliminations and narrow our field even more. Humans and Orangutans are not likely candidates based on the descriptive and media evidence. This leaves us with the 2 most probable species (or direct descendant thereof) :

  • A) Gigantopithecus
  • B) Homo Erectus

When we compare the 2 lists of descriptive evidence, you will see some attributes of both species; however, you will also see completely contradictory attributes that seemingly cancel the other out. Here's what I mean:

1.) Large, hairy bi-pedal animal is consistent with the theory of Bigfoot being a direct descendant of Gigantopithecus. To further this, there is no evidence of any Hominid being this massive in Asia.

2.) Coned head is absolutely consistent with great apes. A coned head is the result of a prominent Sagittal crest that all great apes exhibit, and a Gigantopithecus would absolutely have this attribute. The sagittal crest acts as an anchor for muscles that work massive, protruding mandibles and jowls.

Gorilla skull and Orangutan skull for example of sagittal Crest

Homo Erectus skulls exhibit the slightest of crest

3.) Large black eyes devoid of sclera is completely consistent with great ape species of today, so it is plausible to assume that a Gigantopithecus would exhibit this trait as well (Remember-sclera is not present with apes)

So far, the Gigantopithecus is the obvious choice, but as we continue to compare and contrast the rest of the evidence, we begin to see a shift towards Homo Erectus like attributes. The first one is the biggest piece of evidence that we see suggesting hominid relations - THE BIG FEET!!!!

4.) The most collected evidence of Bigfoot are castings of its massive feet, and guess what - They are not like any ape foot structure at all. Not even close. Take a look:

To further this proof, it is pretty clear that the metatarsal break unique to bi-pedal hominids can be detected within the castings. If Gigantopithecus is an established ape, then we know that it cannot have this foot structure. Houston.....we have a problem. Let’s keep going-

5.) Linguistics have now been documented and noted by witness accounts and by recording (Google "Samurai Chatter"). Linguistics is solely an attribute of the human/hominid line and not to ape.

I would point out that there are shared characteristics between the Homo Erectus and Gigantopithecus - Large brow ridge, low set forehead, large lips. Another shared characteristic is sexual dimorphism within the Bigfoot species which also is noted within the hominid and ape species. I point this out because Justin Smeja's claim that the adult Bigfoot he shot had no coned head. Female apes tend to have lesser sagittal crests, not giving the same pronounced coned head as males.

So there it is. Bigfoot seemingly is a combination of these 2 different species. Remember earlier I cited that there is now DNA evidence that humans and Neanderthals were able to breed and give birth to live young that then went on to reproduce? Speciation is possible obviously, and I propose that Bigfoot is the direct descendant of the breeding of Homo Erectus with a relative of Gigantopithecus that may have been genetically closer to Homo Erectus as to be able to produce offspring. How this would happen, or why.....I don't know. But I do know that the attributes of both species seem to be seamlessly merged. This hybrid creature, having acquired the successful attributes of both species, set up life within Northern Asia. Like other animals, some of this hybrid species would have followed game across the land bridge into North America where it found the perfect habitat for survival. Here it continued to develop and adapt to the common species we know today as "Bigfoot".

We know from morbid experiments in Stalinist Russia that humans cannot produce viable young when inseminated with sperm from apes, but I'm willing to consider that this phenomena is plausible with our distant relatives and closely related ape species (Remember - We share 99% of our DNA with Chimpanzees),

This idea first came into my head when I was shown the "Sylvanic" videos by my kids. Take a look and see if you can spot attributes from the head shots alone of each hominid and ape:

I know that many have written Tom Standing off as a hoax, but when I saw these pictures and began to apply all my training in Anthropology to work in my head, the idea of Bigfoot being a "real" species was solidified to my opinion today. Again, I'm just an arm-chair anthropologist and invite one and all to critique this opinion, or make additions to it. Let’s have an intelligent discussion and see if by using this post as a foundation to learn and build a model of what this amazing creature is!

Discussion starts now.........


  1. I really like the thought and work you have put into this theory. I think you could very well be right. Maybe it's 50% human, 25% Gigantopithicus and 25% Homo Erectus. I am not one for conspiracy theories but I am betting someone out there knows the truth to all this and won't share. I am hoping the DNA report does truly come out. Anyway, good job! And the Russia experiments, that's just wrong!

  2. i wont be as detailed or informed as you. But i couldn't help noticing that H.erectus was ubiquitous, victim of cannibalism by H. sapien and in the case of Turkana boy seemed to have a large build so many thousands of years ago that would evolved to this and/or interbreed with us. Turkana boy is also known for a "odd spine." Reports (and personal experience) of Sasquatches say they can see "symbols,don't use body art, or intricate us but the pre-dawn of the stone age...another Erectus thread.. And I have heard them whistle and imitate the animals of the forest, not in any other primate family can do that...but humans...
    The Gigantico theory is more difficult fit because evolution would have been shrinking(megafauna/flora) the species, and it is assumed quadraped and also herbivore.I know personally Sass are omnivores and it is fairly accepted. sorry thiskeyboardwireless connection i smessing up...adios!

  3. Ahhhh....interesting actually. I agree that evolution didn't seem too kind to larger animals as the pleistocene era, thus I throw in "relative of" gigantopithecus that maybe was gentically closer. I feel OK saying this since we have such scant evidence of the ape giant itself, but there has to be a connection in some manner. Good posting!

  4. For me i feel no need to invoke some kind of giganto/erectus hybrid to explain sasquatch. I don't believe hominids and apes have been able to produce viable offspring for many millions of years and I can imagine that it would have been a very awkward first date between an erectus and giganto anyhow. What I do believe is that the fossil/archaeological record is notoriously incomplete and that the progenitors of sasquatch were probably always rare and lived in upland forested habits. These are not the conditions that promote fossilization- the best traits for fossilization would be to be numerous and living on floodplains (where sediments accumulate). So if you think finding sasquatch now is hard- finding fossil evidence is even more remote. Hominid evolution ( I do believe sasquatch is a hominid) has proven to be very "bushy" with multiple species overlapping geographically and temporally. The sasquatch lineage I believe is one that has lived for some time, just always in very remote places in low concentrations. I believe the saquatches' behavior and habitat choice has formed a sort of niche partitioning pattern to avoid competition from other tool/fire using/highly social hominids (i.e. us and our line).

    My 2 cents on the topic at least....

  5. i find your theories interesting.Unfortunately I know nothing of biology or anthropology,so I can't make much of a case.
    I would agree that Bigfoot is somewhere in the middle.Not entirely ape and not entirely human.

    In a way I envy the Bigfoot.They seem to have found a way to be harmonious with nature.By most accounts they are intelligent and not aggressive.

  6. I agree with you as far as the archeological record being woefully incomplete. Especially in Asia where the topography is probably the worst suited for preserving bones, etc. The point though is to look at the veritable descriptions of this animal and place it within SOME genus. Progenitors of Bigfoot may very well have been their own distinct line of hominid that shared a congruent path with monkees,apes, and hominids. The problem is that all of a sudden, we have Bigfoot. We have no physical evidence, nor do we have fossil evidence of any creature that might be a direct descendant. We do, however, have these entities within a time frame that each seemingly have characteristics of Bigfoot today. Good post @SciaticPain

  7. @Citizentruth-I agree with you whole heartedly. If Bigfoot is ever proven conclusively, it will stand as a marvel that a bi-ped can co-exist with nature without leaving a (Pardon the pun) big footprint!!

  8. With those eco thoughts consider this old saying...nature abhors a vacuum? or in terms of species filling niches opportunistically? modern humans abandoned the night and many wild and remote places (high elevation,dense cover, etc). It only makes sense that a version of our place in the food chain is filled by a similar being in the night and wild places. Doesn't mean BFs are limited to those environs, just have taken advantage of that opportunity.If you were bigger and stronger,but just a tad more wild...not prone to group hunts and woke up in the village one day to find your smaller friends had organized against you,maybe even eaten your kin.....
    I'd be splitting and finding a place where my inherent skills are superior...that's what indigenous accounts claim..

    so the DNA will be important data....but the real issue is observation/study and we will probably need their permission for that. clearly our chasing and hunting hasn't worked too well. There are several historic NA accounts of intentional forest fires to burn out BFs,our cannibalism (say even Anasazi) is a forbidden topic in Anthro really...and I am sure it relates to our relationship with BF...we are still talking about harvesting...
    this rural wireless connection still you are all spared more from me!

  9. I always enjoy reading what you have to say apehuman.
    Josh is also giving my mind a work out.
    I'm just not equipped scholastically to add to the conversation/debate.
    I am very interested,so I feel that I'm learning from the sidelines.
    I can't help feeling that a Pandora's box will be opened and Bigfoots will suffer.
    Humans don't have a great track record when it comes to sharing this planet with other beings and with ourselves.
    We really need another Jane Goodall.

  10. I agree with sciaticpain. I also feel your pain, sciaticpain. It's related to compressed lumbar discs with referred nerve pain into my upper right thigh, but let's not go there.

    First of all, I remain unconvinced sasquatches exist. That said, IF they are real, in my opinion they must be unrelated to gigantopithecus. We only have a few fossilized teeth and a bit of jawbone of this giant ape--certainly not enough to ascertain whether or not it walked upright.

    For a sasquatch explanation (if they are real), I'm sticking to the australopithecines and the hominids (or hominins, if you prefer). Like sciaticpain said, it's a bushy, bushy evolutionary tree. We only just found out about Homo floresiensis ("Hobbits") and the Denisovans. Hobbits were tiny. It doesn't take very much evolutionary time or pressure for a species to get smaller or grow taller. Keep that in mind as you think of sasquatch.

    All we have of the Denisovans are a couple of finger bones and some DNA. Were the Denisovans rather hirsute? Did they grow large and walk on big flat feet with a mid-tarsal break? No one knows.

    How many more offshoots of genera Australopithecus and Homo are we going to find in the fossil record? The "Hobbits" and Denisovans were completely unexpected. Just recently Australopithecus sediba was suggested as a more likely ancestor to humans than Homo habilis.

    No, if sasquatch exists, it is most likely a creature in the Homo genus or a descendant of one of the robust Australopithecines that just kept getting taller and more robust. At one point, Australopithecines and members of genus Homo were definitely able to interbreed. Many Australopithecine lines led directly to members of the genus Homo.

    If sasquatch exists, it emerged from this bushy tree that keeps giving us more and more fossil members. No great apes were involved.

    (For clarity, let's ignore the fact that australopithecines and all members of genus Homo [including us] ARE great apes. Cladistics can be confusing.)

  11. Ahhhh,

    Some non drivel!

    Sin e! Gle mhath!

  12. @AIF - GREAT POST!! I agree with your posting, Sasquatch, if real, is certainly a line of Robustus. I also agree that the fossil record for the Asia is woefully incomplete, thus leaving wide gaps for fanciful opinions....such as mine. But you must also concede that given the descriptions, and what we DO have to work with, plus current paradigms show that A.Robustus died out 1.5 million years ago. The only other robust bi-ped under the genus homo is the Heidlebergensis, which is only found in Southern Africa.

    I do see your point that regional fauna can determine variation as in the case with the H.Floresiensis (Other "pygmy" examples of animals are found there), but thats my case in point. Something enabled Gigantopithecus to retain its size, and I believe that as the fossil record is futher uncovered within the region, we may very well find another species that entertained enormity that is BF's direct descendant! AWESOME POST THOUGH!!!

  13. I was thinking that with giganto, all anyone has ever found are teeth and a lower jaw. We don't really know what their feet looked like because we never found any. They could look like gorilla feet and they could very well look like human feet only larger of course. I don't think we have enough of the giganto's fossils to determine if they were knuckle walking apes or were already an upright walking very large hominid at that time 100,000 years ago.
    What do you think?
    Thanks Chad

  14. Some great comments here. I am not much of a fan of the homo-ape hybrid hypothesis. The author would need to show evidence that the chromosome numbers are identical between humans and orangutans for me to believe this. I want to add evidence about culture. BFs do not employ fire. It seems there is an absence of stone tool use, too. That indicates a pre-erectus. A robust Australopithecus gets my bet. Unless erectus devolved. Would a forest habitat provide food enough to neutralize the advantages of tool making?

  15. Wait just a second...metatarsal in footprints?? No not at all, and anyone could see that! The flatness of the feet exhibited in alleged Sasquatch footprint casts and the flexibility shown in many casts is obviously an indication of the mid-tarsal break, no meta-tarsal is present at all!!! Why do people always say that Sasuatch are either relict Gigantopithecus or Homo Erectus? What about the robust australopithecines like Paranthropus?! They were bipedal hominin that would have had primitive ape features like lack of advanced tool use and a mid-tarsal break in the foot. They had the sagittal crest in both genders (so Patty would be fine with a sagittal crest) and would be perfect Sasquatch candidates. They could've migrated to Asia and grown larger along with fellow megafauna, but there is also indication of a large (possible 7-8 foot) hominid in Asia called Meganthropus that has been suggested to be a robust australopith.

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