Watch SyFy's Paranormal Witness: Deputy Sheriff chased in the wilderness by Bigfoot episode

Earlier today, we posted a recap article about the Paranormal Witness show on SyFy. We believe the Bigfoot story in this episode has one of the most suspenseful wilderness chase scenes ever.

It's about an Oregon Deputy Sheriff in the woods being chased by Bigfoot. From the account, Bigfoot seemed to be more scared of the Deputy, rather than the other way around.

Click here to read the recap.


  1. That was a compelling account. I've always suspected that BF is about as intelligent as a 6-year-old kid. I think he's wise enough to be very human like and that head tilting mimicking and that he knows so well how to stay hidden bodes well for his intelligence level. That account was very compelling. Of course, once you get it stuck in your head you're being chased, people get quite hysterical and everything they hear and experience they take to be a sign of that. I've seen people get hysterical on ghost hunts and run and it could have been as simple as a spider web they encountered. I find it hard to believe that BF chased him down all night, but he might have initially scared the man away.

  2. Wow! One of the most credible stories yet. If I was being chased, I would be paranoid too.

  3. I'm skeptical but that was entertaining...


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