The Sylvanic team needs a skeptic to volunteer to see Bigfoot for themselves, but warns you might die

Todd Standing and the Sylvanic team is looking for a skeptical volunteer who is willing to risk their life to see Bigfoot for themselves. Standing claims to know exactly where these creatures are, but it's going to take some guts if you want to tag along.  Preferably, they would like to have someone from one of the major neworks like CNN or the BBC to be their skeptical journalist.

If you plan on volunteering, here's one thing you should know: It's not safe and you may not come back alive!

Here's the warning message Standing posted on his website:

This is the wisdom of a First Nations elder that has been instructing me on the ways of wilderness survival:
  • If you are not strong you will die.
  • If you get sick you will die.
  • If you get injured you will die.
  • If you do not have wisdom you will die.
  • If you do not abide by the rules of our people without question, you will die.
  • And if you are strong, wise, never get injured or sick, and abide by the rules of our people without question you still may die.

The last rule says even if you're strong and follow these rules, you still might die. Other than that, have a fun trip! But don't say you weren't warned.

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We need a skeptic to volunteer to work with our team and see Bigfoot for themselves. Ideally, we would like to have someone from one of the major neworks like CNN or the BBC to be our skeptical journalist. You don’t need money or funding; in fact we would have to insist on supplying everything from your clothing to your supplies.

It doesn't get more real than this: our chosen participant will be surviving a long and arduous expedition into the depths of the Rocky Mountains. Are you in shape enough to jog and hike in extreme altitudes? Once we leave there will be no turning back. And these animals are real. Gigantopithecus males are almost 3 meters tall and weigh in excess of 400kgs. We know almost nothing else about them. If we are in the wrong place at the wrong time, your life my very well be at risk. Can you imagine what it would be like to get charged by a gorilla like Dianne Fossy experienced? Well imagine an animal over twice the size of a gorilla and likely twice as strong.

You need to be someone that can handle the most extreme of external elements. This includes rock climbing, crossing white water rapids, keeping your head when and if we have a grizzly bear charge us, disciplined to the point of spending hours rubbing yourself down with desensitizing fluids.

Anyone taking you on an expedition like this that would guarantee your safety would be a liar. Therefore I will tell you outright: If you come on this expedition you are MOST CERTAINLY risking you life. Before I take any new team members on expedition, I will show them what happened to the last people that did not heed my warnings.

This is the wisdom of a First Nations elder that has been instructing me on the ways of wilderness survival:

If you are not strong you will die.

If you get sick you will die.

If you get injured you will die.

If you do not have wisdom you will die.

If you do not abide by the rules of our people without question, you will die.

And if you are strong, wise, never get injured or sick, and abide by the rules of our people without question you still may die.

In the North American wilderness, bears, mountain lions and wolves kill to survive everyday. Many of their victims are people that cross into their homes. Virtually no one ever goes into the woods as deep as we are going. And these predators, as dangerous as they are, are the least of our worries.


  1. Notice how he offers the challenge but then makes it look like a death wish?

    This challenge is nothing new with Standing. Maybe he's run out of ways to fool people so he has to pull the old stuff back out of the bag.

    I'm anonymous Shawn ;)

  2. Oh, this is too priceless. We're having fun now.

  3. Reminds me of William Wallace trying to rally up his troops in Braveheart:

    Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

    @Anonymous i know for sure you're not his sister ;-)

  4. let's be clear that a dead volunteer is NOT the kind of body that will be accepted as proof! exactly how desperate is this guy? i wouldn't turn my back on him, frankly, just to be safe.

  5. let's be clear that a dead volunteer is NOT the kind of body that will be accepted as proof! exactly how desperate is this guy? i wouldn't turn my back on him, frankly, just to be safe.

  6. We don't need a skeptic, we need a professional squatch hunter. A skeptic will believe anything they see, where as a pro might be able to instantly debunk any ruse...Scared to bring in anybody who actually knows anything about them! It will probably end up being Geraldo Rivera running through the woods being a "manly type of man"
    Shit like this makes me sick! TS must be putting off some pretty negative vibes to get reactions like this from such a peaceful, harmonious part of nature...
    Anything can be dangerous when provoked, but being a fear monger about it just makes you seem uneducated on the subject...

    Jonah K.


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