New Footage: Bigfoot roaming the woods of North Carolina? I'll be a monkey's uncle

Yes, there are Bigfoots in North Carolina (according to the BFRO). And as we have learned with a lot of Bigfoot footages these days, Bigfoot isn't shy around people with cell phone cameras or in this case an iPod camera.

This latest video plays out like a prank, but the boys said they didn't know it wasn't a bear until they reviewed the video. The story goes like this:

Some students were doing a class project in which they chose to do a video, rather than writing an essay. So they went to the woods early Sunday (Sept. 18) to shoot videos on wildlife and plants living in certain bio-zones. Before heading up the trail, they all stopped to see what was up ahead. One of them yell, "it's a bear!", and from the left side of the brush, we see a dark figure running across the trail... on two leg! Why they didn't notice something as obvious as a creature running on two legs seems a little suspicious and possibly staged.

One of the boys said they had seen two bears earlier that day. That's why they first thought it was a bear that ran across the trail.

"It was not till after we reviewed the video that we noticed it was NOT a bear, but a hairy creature with human-like qualities," said XxGibbedxX (one of the guys who was there).

There was no word if the students received any extra credit for catching Bigfoot on video.


Stabilized and Enhanced by Bigfoot Evidence


  1. hmmmmm, interesting. This seems less bullshitty to me than many other bigfoot vids of late.

  2. wow this is the most realestic i've seen....

  3. Big foot, in NC???? wow im scared to walk out my door !

  4. Oh my word!!!! has this been on the news???

  5. very astonishing i must say!!!! The young ones today are always catching the good shit

  6. first of all, at the point he says there's a bear, he couldn't have seen anything because whatever it was, wasn't visible yet. then all of a sudden it makes an appearance.looks short and fluffy like one of there buds in a suit. fake-o-rama.

  7. just think these dope-heads will be some of our future leaders! i guess these kids think we are as dumb as their parents.right? then the best audio of them all! can you follow bears? i got a question for these idiots can you put the dope down and pick up a educational book without naked girls! let me recommend one for you! outdoor life or books about bears! nothing but time wasters.

  8. Throwing names around won't really get you much of anywhere or anything.
    Even if it wasn't real, you have to admit that the video is at least funny as hell.
    Also, the dumb one who wanted to follow that bear? BWAHAHA. ;) They may be wasting time, but you don't have to waste your own time grumping about it being fake.
    Fake? Most likely... Funny? Heck yes.
    Thank you, boys/idiots, you made my day.

  9. i wish these dudes would of chased-followed that so-called bigfoot.(trying his best at the igor look/limp)

  10. Anyone can go online ( for example) and buy a gorilla or bigfoot suit. ALL footage like this is going to do nothing to make the reality of bigfoot credible. A dead body is needed. A dead bigfoot presented for scientific inquiry is the only thing that will convince the world and science that bigfoot is not just folklore.

    1. If your (eg:)mother was unknown to science would you suggest we bring her in "dead" to prove to a group of narrow-minded pencil pushers she exists? I call bu||sh!t on that theory!

      Animals exist in spite of scientifically recognized discovery. Who cares if the world's portion of non-believers never get 'their' proof...I sure don't.

  11. It didn't seem as bad as most of the others. I'm gonna say 70% it was fake, 30% it was real.

  12. I REALLY think u people are full of it !!!!!!

  13. Really? No one paid any attention to the setup of the video. The reason they are out in the woods, the reason they are using a shitty camera, Pointing at random things, like they are doing something. It's seems like an obvious setup to me. I'm curious as to why some off these obviously fake videos are on this site!!!! It only supports skepticism. Please don't allow your desire to be blinding....If I find these kids........I'm going to eat them!!

  14. Why would you want to eat me? O.o

  15. Yeah, this has to be a true sighting of a Bigfoot because we all know that things can't be faked and if people acted all surprised and excited when seeing it, it has to be real. RIGHT. But there will be those who believe in this nonsense, well like the BFRO.

  16. I have lived in nc for most of my life(im 39) and have been living in the mountains for over 15 yrs. I am an avid flyfisherman , hiker, and camper sometimes camping solo. In all those years i have seen only 2 bears in the wild, and maybe another 8-10 along the parkway and once in a neighborhood(folks had been feeding it off their decks) I find it highly improbable that these noisy teenagers came across 2 bears and a "squatch" in one day. The oldtimers around me also tell me that seeing a bear is pretty rare( they avoid people and are hunted in many areas). This story sounds like bs to me.


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