Finding Bigfoot Fan Page

If you haven't noticed by now, we're big fans of the Finding Bigfoot TV show on Animal Planet.

To make life easier for fans of the show to follow the latest news on the crew's whereabouts, we've created a special page dedicated to the show.

Check it out and enjoy the world's largest collection of Finding Bigfoot news and gossip. You won't find this anywhere else.

To see the page, hit the menu-link above labeled "Finding Bigfoot News".


  1. IS NOBODY WONDERING WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF/WHEN YOU ACTUALLY FIND ONE?? I mean, it will be researched in the worse vivisection labs this place has to offer! Think lab monkeys, but much MUCH WORSE! If they are real, I hope to GOD nobody finds one, because I have seen the horrors of animal testing, and the Bigfoot would live the rest of his life in excruciating misery:(

  2. just discovered this website selling funny bigfoot/ sasquatch t-shirts

    go to this blog youll love it

  4. I saw one once. I was in Alberta Canada riding my motorcycle close to Waterton Park about 7pm. Suddenly one ran across the road about 50 ft. in front of me. I laid the bike down and it knocked the breath out of me. I laid there trying to breathe for a few seconds and then I look up and this thing maybe 7 1/2 tall is looking down at me with a puzzled look on its face. Well needless to say I was scared s--t less and couldn't move. All of the sudden another one came out of the woods and starts making wild noises at the one standing over me. I figure this was the female and she was b--ching him out for causing an accident which would raise their insurance rates and now they won't be able to move into that new bungalow down by the river.

    Put me on the show...I can come up with as much bs as your guys.

    Love the show...keep it coming.

  5. Hey guys I want to tell you that I had a Bigfoot sighting One year ago me and my friends were out hiking and we hear footsteps and then we hear a big for for probably around five minutes The next day we saw something that looked like a Wildboar but we weren't sure what it was then the next day we went back with some big prints


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