New Footage: Bigfoot sighting in Montana up Grizzly Gulch, multiple camera angles

Brand new video just posted today showing an auburn color Sasquatch crossing the road near Grizzly Gulch in Montana.  The driver, while showing-off the new FLIR night vision system on his “Ultimate Tow Rig” picked up a signature showing something on the side of the road.  “…What’s that on the right side dude?” said the driver.  This was when the Bigfoot is caught on tape striding across the road on multiple cameras. The person in the back of the tow truck, while attempting to hop off the moving vehicle managed to catch a few seconds of the creature on video as it strides across the road and made its way into the trees.

In our opinion: The long arms are a little convincing, but the creature's stride is a little short for a sasquatch. What do you think? Does this look like a prank or some kind of hoax? The uploader's YouTube channel mostly consist of truck videos, so I doubt he has anything to gain from this. Unless it's some sort of prank he's playing on his buddies from work.

Removed by user.

Update: The original video was removed by the user. Fortunately for us, the Crypto Hunters did a breakdown of the footage.

Update: Click here to watch zombietom69 breakdown video of Bigfoot in Grizzly Gulch Montana.

Uploaded by pbodyline on Aug 26, 2011
We were up Grizzly Gulch showing how cool the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red)
night vision system works on the "Ultimate Tow Rig" and BigFoot crosses the road.
Multiple camera angles


  1. This video looks produced. This increases the likelihood that it's fake. They have 2 cameras and a FLIR pointed at this thing, and show it like a movie. The FLIR caught the entire thing run across the road, but we only get to see the beginning. They should have shown all three independently, not cut and spliced together to create a uniform action. The best part of the action in the video is disrupted by the guy jumping out of the truck and ruining the picture. What was he going to do, chase it? I've been in the situation, and no matter what you "plan" to do when you see one, you freeze. Almost everyone I have talked to that have seen them have initially thought to themselves "Is this really happening?" There's a reason the best part of the action is disrupted...maybe the other cameras were too good and you could tell it was a suit.

  2. The way it runs just screams human in a costume, but then again, what is a bigfoot running supposed to look like?

    1. "Gliding" is the word found in many reports to describe squatchwalk.

  3. Looks small, but hard to tell with no context. The guy jumps out of the back and is yelling at his buddies to let him in the truck, which is plausible. I find it hard to belive that they just start this video to show off their new FLIR and less than 5 seconds later they drive up to a bigfoot? Seems very sketchy. I agree that something looks wrong with the running. Initial response for me is...hoax.

  4. Frank Coffman of Boulder Colorado has a company that makes gorilla suits and a bigfoot costume that looks suspiciously like the color of the bigfoot in this clip. The Coffman suit was used to fool tourists on a boat in the Banff bigfoot clip (check Youtube), and it's also used as a mascot in a nearby Banff nightclub as "The Dancing Sasquatch" (type in Dancing Sasquatch on Youtube and select the clip title Dancing Sasquatch Opening Night). It sure seems to be the suit used in this new Montana clip. Also, the gait in this Montana clip is nothing like what a sasquatch's gait should be. It looks like a human running.

  5. thanks to reality tv, the words "what the hell is that?" are now synonymous with "disreputable crap." this has "fake" written all over it.

  6. If you will take notice at how short the arms are you can easily see this is a person in a suit.

    The crypto hunters

  7. did you ever notice that the bigfoots in all these fakes run from right to left? just a thought to ponder you know!

  8. The only thing that will convince people of the reality of sasquatch is a dead body. No footage (even if it's clear and close up, not blobsquatch footage), no footprints, and no eyewitness testimony will fully convince skeptics of the reality of bigfoot's existence. Only a dead bigfoot would convince the world and protect the species. The driver of a vehicle in front of a sasquatch crossing the road should hit the accelerator and try to run down the sasquatch and kill it. It sounds harsh, but it's true. However, in this case, gunning the engine and running it over would have resulted in the driver running over his friend in a bigfoot costume.

  9. I think FLIR paid this uploader as a kind of commercial for gullible bigfoot hunters. Oh wait, that's tautological: "gullible bigfoot hunters."

  10. Looks fake to me. As the subject reaches the other side of the road you can see it slow up and take care in maneuvering down the embankment. It almost looks like it knows it's going to stop soon (completing the film) so it slows to almost a walk once over the bank.

    A nocturnal animal would never slow down like this. Especially with a truck coming close to it.

  11. Any bigfoot footage made by young guys who sound like they're a bunch of partying drunks isn't going to gain any credibility. They need to find a little old lady to shoot and narrate the footage and a better bigfoot suit and better actor in the suit in order to make their obvious fakery seem more believable.

  12. io live near this gulch and it has a dirt road, thats a human running across the road

  13. Yeah, looks like Frank Coffman's Bigfoot suit. Same one used to promote the Dancing Sasquatch nightclub in Banff, Alberta. Also there is a hoaxed video taken near Banff of a man in this costume on a lake-side island, and to top it all off, there is a hoaxed photograph that uses phototgraphic editing to make it look old and it shows 2 1800s mountainmen, one with the slaughted head of a Bigfoot, but it is the Coffman costume's head.

  14. I've seen juvenile big foot and this is clearly not one at all. It's someone acting in a fake video. I don't doubt an albino big foot at all but this is ridiculous- had it been a real one , it would have cleared that road at 3 times the speed of this "one"; and likely on all fours at that!

  15. the guy who yells open the door sounds like daniel tosh from tosh.o

  16. I've been to Banff before and there is a man who works as the mascot for the night club who runs around in the woods in and around Banff in this suit, he is probably responsible for a majority of the sightings in that vicinity.

  17. They run from right to left because it's easier to judge the car if you cross in front of it first and then run the rest of the way across the road, In the UK they run from left to right

  18. I'm sure Matt Moneymaker and his crew of goofballs would claim that this is clearly a "squatch"....

    1. Bigfoots are known to put on fake costumes and run across streets. Right Bobo? "they're real, I've seen em" What about you Renae? I need more proof like a price tag or a bar code, otherwise it's inconclusive. Cliff? Cliff?

    2. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



  19. Hey kids it's Bigbird! Hi Bigbird, have you seen grover or aniamal today? Ok kids wave bah bye to the man in the chicken suit errrrrrr I mean Bigbird...Whats that you say?....What...A Bigfoot....That's supposed to be a bigfoot? HAA HA HA HA HA HAA HAAA HAAAA HHA HA HA HA HAH HA... Oh, my mistake...Wave bah bye to the nice bigfoot kids.

  20. If that idiot has to say, "what the hell is that?" in a unconvincing manner the way he did, you can be sure it's fake. He also articulated his words a bit too much like he had fucken acting lessons from the disney school of tv acting.... most of us would be cursing and freaking and saying it's fucken bigfoot over and over again.

    it's a douchebag fake.

  21. As of August 11, 2014, one video does not exist at the embedded link, and the other was deleted as the user who posted it was banned for repeated copyright infringements.


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