Finding Bigfoot doing an episode on Sylvanic, Todd Standing's eyes start to twinkle

 Todd Standing 

Interesting tidbit from Todd Standings, a self proclaimed Bigfoot skeptic and operator of, the group that's offering a 2 Million dollar reward "to anyone that discovers a body that has expired due to natural causes."

Todd Standing is a filmmaker and bigfoot researcher from Western Canada. He claims to have had at least three encounters with bigfoot and to be in possession of two videos of these creatures. In 2007 he got worldwide media attention for his submission to get bigfoot protected in Canada.

Just about an hour ago, Todd posted on Twitter that Animal Planet and the Finding Bigfoot crew are going to do an episode on Sylvanic. Todd has been saying for years that he knows of a secret valley which lies somewhere in the border of the United States and Canada called “Sylvanic”, a name given by the “locals”. In this valley, Mr. Standing claims that he has encountered a group of Bigfoot like creatures and has even filmed some of them during past expeditions.


  1. Is about time someone takes this guy serious. I believe he has seen what all of us want to. I hope this episode actually reveals the truth, and that Todd takes them to the "sweet spot". With all that Todd says he has, this should be the most revealing episode. Better not be another face behind a branch video. I want some footage of bigfoot enjoying a meal, or spanking his kids!

  2. This should be greatest episode. If its not, Todd Standing is full of shit!

  3. I dunno... After watching the previous season of "Finding Bigfoot", it is clear to me that the cast isn't exactly a group of outdoorsmen. They should consider building a cast of experienced hunters, not a bunch of suburban forest trompers. Lose the night vision face view made popular by reality shows, and spend more on remote cameras and you *might* actually get some results. And while I am at it, lose the vicious fanged bigfoot growl before every commercial. I realize some of the cast are very experienced bigfoot hunters and know their subject, but they need to spend some time studying up on stealth movement through the woods to have any real chance at success. Spend some time with woodsmen who have skill in moving through the woods silently, or sitting for hours on end motionless.

    1. I agree,if bigfoot is real and half as smart as a mtn gorilla it could probobly smell them from a mile away dont bath cover your scents lay for days in a pile of deer fecess and wear a ghile suit while you watch through night vision gear not tramping around through the woods in the dark making so much noise you cant even get a possum on camera!

  4. Sylvanic team and Todd Standing are Hoaxers...why waste time on them?

  5. Todd Standing is mentally ill - his stunts go beyond hoax.

  6. if todd standing is full of shit, i wish someone would set his ass up! to many hoaxs out there. i think something like bigfoot could be real ,but when you got all the bullshit out there who knows. it time to put up or shut up! don't sing it just bring it...


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