Funny-Man Rick Dyer Flaunts $15,000 Cash For Attention

Since we're biased here, we're just going to say that this infamous Bigfoot hoaxer, Rick Dyer, is a silly man just looking for attention. So, please don't watch the video below.


  1. $15,000 says he's too big a pussy to show in Felton on Saturday.

    1. That is play money, it's not even real $'s.

  2. Me likee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello, taterhole.

  3. Yes dyer needs to come to bigfoot discovery muesum bad

    1. Come down and act like the tough guy you think you are... but you're a a hoaxer, so we now better than to think you actually have balls, lol

    2. and what will you do?... Nothing at all everyone talks shit till I show up at a event!

    3. hehe... whatever, we all know that you're too afraid to ever show... stop pretending. besides, everyone know the first sign of a true coward is flaunting and challenging... you will never man up. you are way too funny!!!

    4. Justin would kick your ass if you showed up. Take it to the bank dyer

    5. Not hard to show $15000 off when you live out of a van down by the river.

    6. That's funny right there Broski!

    7. More money than Moneymaker?Your wife is gonna be pissed when she sees you messing with the savings account.

    8. Dyer VS Justin....Dyer all the way

  4. The limits of Dyer's douchebaggery know no bounds. What a complete tool!

  5. why doesn't he take that dough and get his teeth fixed?

    1. Never been accused of having bad teeth....
      Does my mouth turn you on?

    2. no, they just look smaller. your face is growing in around them. watch the hostess fat boy, you're getting round, lol

    3. No Dick,your teeth doesn't turn me on but all the old men that splooge in your mouth does.

    4. I put the teeth thing out there Ricky, so I will explain.... In today's entertainment market you have to unfortunately do a few very important things to keep yourself relivent...

      1. Get some fucken veneers... if you look at most talentless celebs, they have one thing going for them, unnaturally white, straight perfect teeth. It's sad, but true. Besides that whole meth mouth thing isn't working for you.

      2.Full plumped up lips *even men* get slight fillers in their lips. Just don't over do it, because trout pout is so last year, and until you get those teeth fixed your gonna want to be able to wrap your lips around them without any trouble.

      3 A facial every 6 weeks, including micro dermabrasion... no one likes looking at your fucken blackheads Rick... your one step away from Al Jolsen .... that's a lot of blackheads you dirty fuck.

      4.A chin implant. Just look at Bristol Palin, she went from Nancy Kulp to jay Leno overnight... just don't go to her Dr or your end up looking more like Paul Benedict from The Jeffersons then you already do.

      5. Wax your body. God forbid a man has body hair in the entertainment world.

      6. Get a good hair transplant. Bald fat guys? ... need I say more?

    5. Maybe a bag over your head will help,make it a plastic one and tie it tight,to keep the rain out of course.

    6. All I see is jealousy here.. Keep it up Dire your driving them

  6. Now, if a guy could just buy a brain for $15k.

    1. 15 Gs' would only buy him a used car sales mans brain named 'Cal Worthington'.

  7. That's all the monies he made all year riding dicks.
    Hence his name Dick Ryder.

  8. I heard Robert Lindsay caught a squatch and over time , trained it to be Gay. He then contacted Rick Dyer, my bad, may bad --- Dick Ryder to do a Gay Bigfoot porn movie. Rick was to be paid 5k for taking the money shot!

    When they went to the woods, unknown to Robert or "dick", there were three other bigfoots in the area. When they saw "Dick Ryder" blowin the first one, the other joined in and tagg teamed Rick.

    Lindsay had to cough up the other ten grand to keep Rick from suing for damage to his rectum and potentaly ending "Dick Ryders" gay Bigfoot porn career.

    I got my information from Tim Fasano. He told me he has viewed the footage about four hundred times, both to check for bigfoot hoaxing and to check for the quality of a "good" gay bigfoot vid. He says it got him off every time so I guess that means it was a success. He also told me that "Dick" would not allow the footage to go public as he never agreed to do "GROOP" seens.

    That vid from the tent, that was one of them sneeking back to knock off another piece. That is why "Dick was so scared.

    That is also the source of the "OTHER" proof Dyer claims he has. He has BIGFOOT SPERM samples from four big sqatches.

    1. Wow Shawn, you sure have some strange thoughts going on in your head.

    2. I wasn't defending Rick. Shawn's imagry was just plain disturbing.

    3. That's some funny shit right there I'll tell you what.

    4. hey Rick,bury that money in the woods,the banks only giving you .32% on it at best.

  9. To me it seemed less like Rick Dyer was "just looking for attention", and more like he was saying to all those who are accusing him of currently hoaxing, "pay up or shut up!"
    And i tend to agree, you shouldn't accuse someone of hoaxing without proof.
    Yes i know Rick Dyer is a FORMER hoaxer, meaning he has partook in a hoax in the past, but that doesn't mean he couldn't get some real footage now!
    And whats with all the gay innuendo?

    1. Oh Rick, have you healed yet?

    2. Your worst than the church and cubscouts pushing those molesters back on the public,how many dollars will you lose before you wise up?I know your parents taught you better.People just seem to think rick is gay,if he is thats okay,even gays can hoax bigfooters.

    3. There is molesters in all organizations you dumb ass!

    4. let me clarify that...most organizations do not hide or pay off molesters to protect their image.if thats acceptable to you you are a sick individual and shouldn't be calling out anyone.

    5. definitely no rum for you,at least for tonight.

    6. Molesters and gays have nothing to do with each other. The vast majority of molesters identify as straight anyways.
      If Rick is gay, then everyone should stop being homophobic and grow up.
      If he isn't gay, then everyone should stop being homophobic and grow up.
      His sexuality shouldn't be an issue as to weather he hoaxed anything or not.
      It is and should be a non issue, the only reason i can think of to comment on his sexuality is if you are romantically attracted to him and the innuendo is a form of flirting.

  10. Damn Dick, you look like a gay ass Curly Howard.

    1. yeah, or Will Sasso's retarded twin brother.

    2. You think he looks gay? So he looks, stylish and handsome.

  11. This dude lives in Vegas anyways, he probably won it playing craps or some shit.

    Why you flauntin' it Rick? $15K ain't much. I'm sure you got more than that!

  12. You should put that money lo good use and go buy some equipment and hit the woods brotha!

    1. I'm going to do that, right after i get my ass stitched up.

  13. Rick is owning the fuck out of u footers for sure!!!! He aint even a real hoaxer cus he never really tried to convince people it was really real, shit only lasted a few days. Dude is a PRO. And he's right about the sierra hoax. That scam has been goin on for like 3 years now. And hes right about anyone involved with it. Either a hoaxer or a fuckin idiot"

    1. Justin Smeja is an American hero!!!!!!!

    2. I'm voting Smeja/Driver for president 2012 baby! Yeah!

    3. I admire that his boyfriend sticks up for him.

    4. Only gay around here is you Bummedforlufe. All you do is talk about cock.

    5. here you are gay bashing me and I'm just kissing and kissing you.My love will win out,open your heart

  14. He said he hired a private investigator to prove the Sierra Kill was a hoax and he will release the info after the dna release, he then offers a $15,000 reward to some one who can prove it's a hoax also. If I was his P.I. I would cash in right now and get paid twice.

    He's asking for what he already has, and he will pay for it again......simpleton.

    1. No you dumbass, he offered 15,000 dollars to prove that he hoax not the Sierra hoax. If you going to bad mouth someone get it right stupid.

    2. man you can just go ahead and bad mouth him,he never lets facts get in his way.

  15. He is a MASTER hoaxer. All footers are hoaxers. However, he is excellent at it, and rubs it in footers faces. The tent video is well made, probably the best hoax i've seen since the pgf, although that freeman one was pretty excellent.

    Face it. Bigfoot is hoaxing. And Rick is the best hoaxer in the biz.He owned everyone on TV, and, that tent vid, however he did it, is excellent.

    Bigfoot= Hoaxing and Rick is therefore king if bigfootery.

  16. That isn't 150 $100 bills. He is even lying about that

    1. He never once said that he was holding the entire amount in his hand.

    2. And he never said it wasn't.So what's your point tampon breath?

  17. I am not a hoaxer. I mean Mip Fyer expert tracker in my own mind; is not a hoaxer. And I am not spamming this page. I meant to say; Pip and squeak is not spamming this page. This has been an announcement from &

  18. You can all go to hell! "Rick Dyer"

  19. I particularly love that last line about Derek. It's true so what can you say.

  20. Why Shawn continues to promote his videos is beyond me. Ricky D's antics offer nothing worthwhile to the conversation unless you're into obsessive behavior. Like I stated before, he exhibits signs of Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) and really needs to be examined and treated.

    1. Whats up Pork Chop?
      Long time no see!

    2. Lon "porkchop" Strickler..look out Lon,your boss is gonna catch you playing on the computer.

    3. I like sucking titties

    4. Man porkchop,you are crazy.You're gonna get us all in trouble.

    5. I forgot to mention hairy ass titties!

    6. oh porkchop,you crazy you

    7. calls you out fat ass..

    8. wow porkchop,you just moved up a peg in my book pissing off rick.that diagnosis of yours must be spot on to piss him off so.Rum for you and rick,we'll talk over a bottle and soothe the savage squatch that is rick dyer.

    9. I'm gonna suck rick dyers titties

    10. Man Porkchop,rick better not mess with you,you're crazy.

    11. someone has been impersonating me in these forums...most likely Ricky D.

  21. Rick Dyer is probably my favourite Bigfooting "character". The anger he gets out of the footers is hilarious. Keep trolling the dumb bleevers Dyer +1

    1. Are you one of Dicks johns?
      He could use a protien splooge smoothie right about now.

    2. Yeah, he's a good heel. Kind of like the Iron Sheik of bigfooting.

    3. You're right,people still actually believe him,he has as much credibility as the next bigfoot guy.At least he never fails to entertain and that makes him priceless.Look out ed smith

    4. Id give him more credibility than a lot of these commenter, i have never heard him being homophobic.

  22. How do I get on Team Dyer? I always associate myself with the best.

    1. Team Dyer...we should make shirts and ballcaps and wear them around Moneymaker and Bobo.

  23. Do some research next time Rick: real money doesn't sound like that when you flap it around. Also, your tent video is a hoax.

  24. Ahoy sailors! Who's the captain of this shitliner?

  25. Boy, the government must be really writing some big welfare checks lately.

    1. And a toothbrush only costs about 2 bucks.

  26. Interesting case study in psychology

    1. who? lon strickler? he always says that.

    2. Interesting case study in you must be Steve Kulls

    3. you tell him rick,which of ricks personalities is speaking here?

  27. Did anyone else get the impression that he had to go outside, in the car even, and record this to keep his wife from seeing him act like an idiot, flashing wads of cash? Mr Dyer how can you act this way, accuse others of hoaxes, when you pulled off the biggest hoax in cryptozoology, ever? If you were a sceptic, seeking to hurt those who put so much into searching for Sasquatch, I could ALMOST understand. But you consider yourself the only "REAL" Bigfoot tracker. You do nothing to advance the search for Bigfoot rather you only seek to advance yourself. The more people see of you the more people hate you. You got a touch of fame and you crave that attention so badly you act like a fool and a douchbag jumping up and down demanding and shouting LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! Please Mr Dyer, go away. You have no credibility. No one wants anything you're selling. You are the BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. You could capture a live Bigfoot but your credibility is so bad NO ONE WOULD WANT TO SEE IT. Please please, with all due respect, GO AWAY

  28. rick dyer don't need no stinkin' respect,only law abiding citizens need respect

  29. From what I hear, there is a new Sheriff in town, meaning Rick Dyer's new Vice President (DJ Breshears)... Apparently he is very skilled in forensic video enhancement. So you tell me, if has someone so skilled, why wasnt the tent video released with all kinds of enhancements? For one, this is the real deal...and everyone will see, mark my words!!!

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