New Record: Over 150 of These Tracks Were Recently Found Outside Elbe, WA

It seems Bigfoots are trying to out-do each other these days. They said the London Bigfoot tracks could not be beaten, but these new tracks discovered outside Elbe, Washington just surpassed it by 30 prints. There's over 150 like the one above, and apparently there's evidence of dermal ridges on some of the prints (skin ridges).

According to Matt Moneymaker on Monday, the tracks appear to be the real deal and contains much better detail than the London tracks.

Scott Taylor, a Washginton BFRO investigator was the first to to check out the report.


  1. Now it's only Matt Moneymaker who's not the real deal.

    1. Haha!

      These are probably from those cool shoes. Need more info please.

    2. Didn't know those shoes came with dermal ridges.

    3. Moneymaker will continue to make all you pieces of shit feel inferior every day of your useless lives.

    4. Screw dermal ridges, there's even vein imprints

  2. Of Course! Moneymaker can claim another best and first! lol This is getting so real, see the midtarsal break too!

  3. 20 years ago, a guy I know had an incident there:

    Lookout, this one has is all...civil war re-enactment, railroad, and banshees all in one night

  4. I know Meldrum is probably all aroused from these prints but they don't excite me. Too easy to fake. Big deal about the dermal ridges, those could be carved into the stamper to add authenticity.

    1. I think that may be a serious case of easier said than done

    2. I used to sculpt props for a living and I'm pretty sure I could make a realistic looking foot that would fool most people. Also, maybe it's just this photo, or not all the prints look like this, but it does appear a bit flat with not much variation in depth. But I guess this could be explained by the creature's flat footedness and the way it steps etc.

    3. So try it and post your results. Would be interesting to see.

    4. Maybe you could make a realistic prop foot, but could that realism transfer into a footprint? How would you keep the ridges from picking up mud and losing detail?

      Bye the way, I'm not trying to be a bastard like a lot of people on here, I'm genuinely interested in this. I think relevant debates that avoid immature taterhole commentary are a good thing.

      You are right about the print though. It does look like a stamp in this picture.

    5. Really good point Travis. I was thinking the only way to hoax a trackway this long is to wear stompers and walk the path. Your remark about fake ridges losing details makes that scenario harder to picture.

    6. It's impossible to tell if the trackway would be easy or hard to hoax with stompers, in my opinion, because all we have to go off of is this one picture, which is great bye the way. Everyone should probably hold off on the conclusions until all the details are in.

      I would love if this was real. I used to hunt just south of Elbe all the time when I lived in WA.

    7. Can't fake stride and depth of a print caused by 600-800lbs. If it's all u look at are the prints on an Internet site and you only talk about fake dermal ridges then your not seeing the whole picture. Yes u can make a fake footprint, but the above reasons alone would rule out almost every fake. Try running with fake feet with a huge stride and make deep impressions in the mud that would require you to carry a small ATV on your back running without slipping .

    8. Ive already told the story...but my buddy put thousands of those tracks all over Eureka and NorCal on the 80s-90s and people ALWAYS thought they were real...especiall media folks. Just too darn easy to fake tracks convincingly...

  5. don't the toes look oddly symmetrical and even ? the foot itself looks pretty good, but the toes look very very square and even, like they were cut out of wood or stone.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yes, looks a tad 'too good'

    3. Stank, you calling someone a pathetic loser coward is very amusing considering you are the most hated fool to EVER post here.

    4. I'd rather be hated than adored. It means that I'm right. Besides, the only people I have a problem with are those people who push bad science ,bad ideas and falsehoods as the truth. If they would be more honest with their delusions, religions and lack of critical thinking, there'd be no need for skeptics!

      But alas, some people will believe anything.

    5. Stank Ape-'Besides, the only people I have a problem with are those people who push bad science ,bad ideas and falsehoods as the truth.'

      Why are you here then?
      It must drive you crazy having to deal with people you 'Hate' or you're just a closet bleever troll.
      I tend to lean to the latter.

      But alas, some people will believe anything.

    6. I have never said Bigfoot existing is impossible. However, at this time there is no verifiable evidence that proves the existence of it at this time. I'd be as happy as a puppy with two peckers for Bigfoot to be proven to exist as I loved the subject since I was a wee lad. Though I am fairly doubtful that is ever going to happen. especially not with the cast of characters that make up the supposed "experts" in the field these days.

    7. Dude,you really are Bi-Polar.
      You talk out of one side of your mouth and in the same breath talk out of the other.


    8. I'M a Skeptic also and I hate you.

    9. lol, you hate somebody on the internet? what are you 14?

      bwahahahahahaha!!! good lord go talk to girl or something.

    10. There's that bi-polarism.


    11. you wouldn't know bi-polar if it walked up and slapped you in the face. But, then again, you probably haven't left your mom's basement in so long you reek of cheeto dust and man stink...

      dissent is good boy, dissent demands results. blind belief is for the weak minded, don't be weak minded.

    12. Actually we've all seen a bigfoot each and every one of us whether we choose to believe it as such or not, she's called Patty and a real squatch, so physical proof in a sense we have already but seeing it on film isn't always enough so we do need more.

    13. Hill Billy is seeking truth through the Internet and it's real funny but it's people like him that say the junk science is what Bigfooters believe in when it's not the bigfooters saying it but rather the sceptics. We don't believe everything and ushally we screw with people like Hill Billy ( saying crap like we are staying up all night for some event) because its obvious he doesnt leave the confines of his house. Urban Folk!

    14. Hay hay hay c'mon now people bipolar is nothing to take the piss out of, I have bipolar I hate it, its amazing!!!

    15. Agreed HillBilly...they hated me here when I was harshly honest...but dissent is definitely good sometimes, particularly in this moneymakered field....

  6. WOW! This is a GREAT looking print. Hope you get them cast before it rains. Good news.

  7. As usual everyone's an instant expert on the basis of just ONE image out of 150. Don't have to be a brain surgeon to compare that with the other 149 to see if all the left feet prints are exactly the same or not. Then do tests on the soil to see what weight was required to impress the prints. Then there is the alignment of all the left feet and all the right feet. Then there is the stride length. Faking is really hard to do 150 times and not leave some evidence of mistakes. Jury is out. The only fools here are those jumping to conclusions without justification and proof one way or the other. Let's see if these are examined properly. Probably won't be because the examiners are not forensic experts. Yet another opportunity will go down the toilet. Just call me cynical.

    1. +1
      Great points I think
      I would be interested in what 'study' is done on that very thing.
      150 prints if it IS a hoax would be just about impossible to pull off without leaving behind some evidence.

    2. Agreed. In addition to the measurements, we have yet to hear any details about how the trackway was found.

    3. So then you must have faked a lot of them to know how difficult it is . Good job

    4. You would find where the dude jumped sideways to get out of the trackway and into his tennis shoes. It would be almost impossible to fforthwith that many tracks.

    5. You have no reasoning to say Fake! You must be a freshman republican! Always A critic on others work but short on answers and solutions!

    6. <--- presidential election debates are that'a way bub!

  8. huh. this looked like a misprint

    "...It seems Bigfoots are trying to out-do each other these days..."

    shouldn't that say

    It seems the Bigfoot Hoaxers are trying to out-do each other these days....

    1. How clever!! Shockingly original comment. Groundbreaking observation!

  9. Those are some large prints.. Each dollar bill is just over 6 inches long. 6.14 inches. That makes each print roughly 16 inches, heel to toe. That would be a shoe size of 24-26.. Shaq wears size 23. Conclusive? No. Interesting? Yes.

    1. It's closer to 15 inches heel to toe. I do agree it's interesting. Something about the ridges in the ball of the foot look incredibly symetrical in depth along the entire line. What do I know though, I don't teach at Idaho State University.

  10. The tracks are 16" long, 7" wide, according to a post by Scott. Elbe is a nasty, brushy area just outside Mt Rainier National Park. I am not sure of exact location of trackway, but I have covered the entire area elk hunting at least a couple times. There are old copper mines and caves, thick steep timber. My concern would be how close to the ORV park the trackway is. I know lots of 4x4'er's, and they love practical jokes. But several people with lots of experience in tracks are calling them legit. So I will accept Scott's and the rest word on it for now. My second and most freaky WTF moment ever in the woods is only a few miles from there. I had something scream at me while elk hunting. I was watching a small clearing with back to stump and hearing something walking behind me. Thinking bull, as I followed fresh tracks in, I waited. Wind shifted blowing into my face. Something screamed at me. Never saw anything but I swear I levitated six feet. A few years back the wife and I found what I am pretty sure was a hand and knuckle mark in a road cut, very close to same area. These tracks could very well be real.

    1. Dollar bills are only 6" long. i don't see how this could be 16".(feel free to make any length jokes :) )

    2. Bigfoot's going to go broke if it keeps dropping five bucks at a time!

  11. Was there a depth gauge used on these prints? Anyone? Dont look that deep to me for an animal so heavy say between 500/700lbs that would be a little harder to fake in my opinion. Tony C

  12. Looking at the mud and how dry it is here now, these are probably along the Nisqually river. There are lots of creeks and such around but the floods scour the creekbeds pretty good. The river though is full of silt and the banks are muddy. Lots of area along river to leave a long path. Plus there are many reports of tracks and sightings along the river. More I think about this, I think I know exactly where they are. I bet they are from an area where an active investigation has been close to recently. Might have to take a drive out there this weekend.

    1. ^^^ That very well could be. The shore is hardpack and looks just like it too. That south shoreline is nothing but forest forever. Weyerhaeuser opens the gates for deer season starting the 13th that lead back in most of the southshore. The Pleasant Valley forest road was closed and the other FS road, 74 I think, washed out. I will be deer hunting with the wife next month up there. Going to have to bring the camcorder. Never know what we might see and there are several recent reports from along that area and the Deschutes river.

  13. This guy was right around corner (Mineral Lake). The old railway cuts south toward Morton.

    Squatchy f'ing area - family friends had a cabin up in Packwood when growing up

  14. we can safely rule out a bear. therefore i think i can conclusively say it is definitely an erect bipedal primate hominid mammal wearing stompers.

  15. They do not look real to my eye something looks too symetrical and carved out.We need to see some more photos though.

  16. I dont know what it wuzzzzzsh.

  17. When I enlargen the track, the toe area and borders between toe and ball area seem too clean and sharp.
    A little suspect without seeing the other tracks to compare, I wouldn't want make a call on authenticity.

  18. The $5 bill looks slightly off. Have to wait for more pics

  19. My lord! Moneymakers a fucking joke! Real deal? Helen Keller could see that these are fake. I'll bet any of you slack-jawed morons they're hoaxed.

  20. Anon 6:33 your opinion doesn't matter because you havn't dragged your fat ass off of the couch to see them in person !. FAIL!

  21. Not real. Fake. Hoax. Those are not the feet of a living creature.

  22. As a skeptic and critical thinker I have to say these are fake because they look too real. Conversely, if they weren't this good I would say they're fake because they don't look real enough. In summary , I would say they're fake no matter what they look like because I am too narrow-minded to accept the possibility of the existence of Sasquatch. No amount of evidence, however compelling it may be, will make me change my mind because I am too proud to ever admit that I was wrong.

    1. That's the stupidest post I think I've ever read ! No amount of evidence will convince you? Not narrow minded but rather low IQ would fit the bill. Well here is a simple question for your pea size brain. WHY ARE YOU HERE? What can't answer it? Go to hell !

    2. You can never be a critical thinker and be narrow minded at the same time! You sound Stupid for saying that anon 4:41! What a moron!

    3. Anon 4:41 WTF? Critical Thinker and Narrow minded? Makes no sense! I agree with the above poster-your a moron!

  23. i hope bigfoot wipes his feet before he comes in for dinner

  24. Looks like a stamp. If it were a step with forward momentum there would be a greater depression and slight drag mark at the tip of the toes. Or maybe Bigfoot steps straight up idk. Where are the other pictures?

  25. Bunch of fags circle jerking to a bunch of fake prints. What else is new.....


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