Dr. Melba Ketchum Q&A: Sasquatch Origin, Neanderthal DNA

Dr. Melba Ketchum has a paper currently in peer-review that will help prove the existence of Bigfoot. She has a public Facebook page where she takes time from her busy schedule to answer some questions unrelated to the paper.

Here's the latest Q&A:

Question: I did not know that was where the name Sasquatch originated.

Answer: It is derived from a the Salish language called Sésquac or Saskehavas. Though all of the different Native American Tribes have their own names for Sasquatch, in the 1920s, J.W. Burns, a journalist, started to take the stories from the Native American culture. In the resulting series of Canadian newspaper articles, Burns coined the name "Sasquatch" from the word "Sésquac", meaning "wild man".

Question: How do you get Neanderthal DNA? bone marrow? hair. perhaps?

Answer: Usually bones or teeth are used. The hair is usually not available and is already gone. The bones/teeth are cleaned, ground up and then digested leaving the exposed DNA available. Bones carry DNA and it is somewhat protected due to the layers of minerals making up the bone's matrix that protect the bone cells. When something dies, the bone's matrix makes it more difficult for decomposition to occur, keeping bacteria out to a degree. The cells sometimes dry out before bacteria destroys the DNA in the bone cells. When this is the case, you can retrieve DNA from bones if enough of the cells were protected from bacterial degradation. Teeth are actually a better source of DNA than bone in many cases because the outside of the tooth protects the interior.

Question: I thought I heard somewhere awhile ago that all modern humans outside of parts of Africa have Neanderthal DNA in some small degree - 1 to 5% or so. Is this so?

Answer: Yes, non-Africans have been proven to carry a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA. There are also other peoples that show remnants of a Denisovan cross also.


  1. You missed this question: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=368986963121707&id=359075637446173

    (Setting the stage for the reveal that sasquatch is also a cross).

  2. The link is to, what actually is the (same), last question answered.

  3. So then it's confirmed her paper is now under review ?

  4. Finally, a believable HD photo even though not full facial.
    Tale-tale signs of hoaxing on haircolor and staw-mat type texture.
    But, skin tone looks real, notice slight blemish on cheekbone and wrinkle beneath ear.
    Constumes can have that wrinkle seam look though too.
    This one is still up for debate. Real or not?

    1. Real. Neanderthals have improved, haven't they.

  5. What is that in her mouth is she huffing some kind of gas there?

    1. It is a wide known fact that DNA testing requires three hands, so Melba just uses her mouth. Amazingly all samples tested have come back 100% human!

    2. LMAO! - you guys kill me sometimes!

    3. its in the background, not her mouth.

  6. Where are you deniers? Stop playing hide and seek.

    1. Deniers eh? How quaint!!! To say we are deniers insinuates we know the truth yet choose to renounce it. Nope, we are critical thinkers who demand empirical evidence. You provide the evidence and we will go through it and see if it holds up. Buying into something as myth driven as Bigfoot without ANY solid empirical evidence is akin to a religious belief system.... That's just silly talk.

  7. Replies
    1. Um... they're all over the place. Are you making some suggestion that the Q&A on Dr Ketchum's Facebook page is proof of sasquatch's existence, or am I missing something?

  8. The photo isn't actually her doing any DNA research. What you see is her bathroom counter, as she's preparing to dye her hair.

  9. Why are her hands blue? Must be a fake photo.

  10. I appreciate the fact that Dr. Ketchum is interacting with the Bigfoot community, and people in general.
    She won't please everyone, but at least she is trying to be helpful.

  11. If the above photograph is supposed to be representative of her sasquatch research, why isn't she in a laminar flow hood? I know this is really a photo of her messing around with empty tubes, but if you want people to think you're doing a proper job, at least take the time to appear a little bit more credible in your posed photographs. No one should be doing anything (extractions, dilutions, pcr, library prep, etc) with anything close to human DNA on an open bench top. The risk of contamination is too high, especially for something that supposedly falls within the broader clade of anatomically modern humans at some loci (if I'm interpreting some of these rumors correctly). All of the work on neanderthal or denisova genetics is done under much more rigorous conditions. Again, I know that it's just a publicity photo, but I'm surprised that someone likely to come under heavy scrutiny chose a photo that appears to show her handling samples rather casually.

    1. It's just a photo of some test tubes, relax.

  12. "Um... they're all over the place. Are you making some suggestion that the Q&A on Dr Ketchum's Facebook page is proof of sasquatch's existence, or am I missing something?"

    I'm sorry, i shouldn't have talked that way. About your question; no, that facebook page isn't the only evidence on my opinion. I mostly rely on the oral traditions of Native Americans.


  13. Lincoln was right. You can fool some of the people all of the time.

  14. My bigfoot video is still the best , go to youtube and look up rjmasseur BIGFOOT.


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