Bigfoot Screams and Howls at Terrified Man

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization looks into a sasquatch encounter that took place in Arizona. The famous "Mogollon Monster". Check it out:


  1. Bigoot researcher disappeared not to far from here about 3-4 years ago. They never did find him and hes not the only one. There have been bear and lion attack reports. Never alone or unarmed.

    1. It's never the imaginary creatures like bigfoot that you have to worry about.

    2. Imaginary creatures don’t have their physical trace peer reviewed.

    3. Peer review, LOL. Most of these yazz clowns don't have any peers outside a state Mental Hospital.

    4. You would know, you’re one of the tax clowns. That is why you need people qualified in anthropology to publish. And that’s what’s happened.

    5. Like Professor Meldrum of Idaho State University and Barber College? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    6. Whose work is now being peer reviewed. What did you co tribute to this field, apart from being duped by two of its biggest hucksters?

  2. I know a guy who lives there, but have been unable to convince him there are squatches there.

    1. Try talking him into believing in the tooth fairy.

    2. Nobody is seeing the tooth fairy, and 60 years of physical evidence for them certainly isn’t being peer reviewed.

    3. it's the same troll on here that spouts off about bigfoot not existing. He sounds like a bloody parrot ! He needs to go back to his ISF mudhole


    4. 60 Years of Physical evidence?? What does that mean exactly Ikdummy?
      60 years of passing off a human in a suit as evidence?
      Where's all the peer review research other than Patty?
      Name the Bigfoot researcher who's doing the peer review? You see Ikdummy, if you had a real researcher, with Bigfoot proof, he/she wouldn't even entertain the idea of peer review on patty, BECAUSE SHE'S A PERSON IN A SUIT!! So is Harley Hoffman's Hoax, and Freeman's Hoax!
      Ikdummy, you're qualified to Peer review Patty! A non researcher, who has no clue what's in the woods, none whatsoever! You could easily, very easily, end your embarrassment and do some actual field research, and so could Meldrum! Meldrum would not have shown his face with Standing if he actually researched, and wouldn't be talking about the false teaching of Bigfoot being Gigantopithecus! Anyone who puts time into this research, very easily can tell you that Patty is a fake! I'd love to sit down an interview Gimlin, i would make him look like such an idiot! The truth would come out if i interviewed that LIAR! If Gimlin had a clue, he wouldn't be sitting down with Barb & Gabby, or Dr. Johnson, C'mon!
      These creatures were made to not be seen! They were made with the highest sensory perception, eyes, ears, smell! You are completely, completely, completely, out of your mind if you think two non resetters on loud Horses snuck up on a Bigfoot, and filmed her walking off, in the daytime, out in the open! This is HARDER TO BELIEVE THAN BIGFOOT HIMSELF!!!!!!!! AND THE EXCUSES ARE EVEN HARDER TO BELIEVE THAN THAT!
      You say the sand muffled the horses? What muffled the horses breathing Ikdummy? Weighed down horses, traveling miles right? Oh the stupidity!! You said they came around a bend and surprised Patty? So Patty was in a place where 2 guys on loud horses, was unable to see, hear, or smell, anything whatsoever! Again, this is totally impossible! Not only that, but Patty had no choice but to WALK OUT IN THE OPEN....WOW, JUST WOW!



    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Physical evidence (also called real evidence or material evidence) is any material object that plays some role in the matter that gave rise to the litigation, introduced as evidence in a judicial proceeding (such as a trial) to prove a fact in issue based on the object's physical characteristics.
      Real evidence - Wikipedia

      The peer reviewed research is about three casts over a 30 year period, with the Patterson Gimlin subject’s prints being one of those casts. Apart from that, Bigfoot tracks have been found and cast for 60 years. Nobody has ever proven Patty to be a fake, and someone who merely takes photos of brush and passes them off as Pokemon isn’t gonna achieve that just because he says so. Shut ya mouth up and prove it. Why don’t you start taking photos of your Pokemon around your house? You’ll find the same Pokemon, and it would be the equivalent of the same research. You’re a joke.

      Bigfoot has been reported by tens of thousands of people by anything of to a 1000 different types of circumstances. Be it on horses, be it in cars, be it in groups, individuals hunting... the list of circumstances goes on and on leading to nothing but the total consistency of what we see in the PGF. The witness walking one way, the hominin in the other. If you had but a rudimentary understanding of the reports, you wouldn’t be embarrassing yourself now. I have never, ever stated that the sand “muffled the horses”, you’re delusional. And I’m sure Gimlin would be terrified at the thought of the biggest joke in Bigfoot wanting to cross examine him.

    7. Bigfoot is possible with portals, a place it can go to completely hide. Otherwise, it's silly. But so are portals. It's a dilemma.

    8. What isn’t silly, is the repeatable evidence that’s pretty simple to fathom if you have a ten year old’s mental capacity.

    9. IktomiMonday, April 9, 2018 at 11:48:00 PM PDT
      "What isn’t silly, is the repeatable evidence that’s pretty simple to fathom if you have a ten year old’s mental capacity."

      We knew your 10 year old's mental capacity would come in handy. LOL

    10. “I know you are, but what am I?”

      You’ve been refreshing web pages, pleading for my attention for two three days... and that’s the best you have?

    11. I get notifications when someone posts, sweetie. Figure it out.

      You're a sucker.

    12. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      I’ve got you wrapped around my little finger, dear boy.

    13. ^ clueless LOL

      Later, dummy!

    14. One thing, it’s been funny watching you begging for my attention whilst in bed with flu. I forget how much you need your personality disorder fed.

      Sad f’er.

  3. You get out in some of the most remote, rugged isolated places and you never know what you will find. I had a friend that found a complete Stanley steamer car on a remote plateau that hadnt been touched since the day it was left. Another friend found a grizzly bear trap in a remote canyon still set. Been there over a century. He tried to set it off with rocks but it was rusted and he decided not to press his luck. Found an old miners shack that was abandoned in good condition. Had all the cookware, table, ,chairs, bed. They just left it like it was yesterday. Nothing touched. Seen other stuff too, but I will leave that for another time.

    1. I was in a remote, rugged isolated place and got beat up really bad by a bigfoot.

    2. One thing for sure, cynics dont believe much in anything including themselves.


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