Wow! Bigfoot uses trees like spiderwebs!

From Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio:

Tonight's guest, Zach, had his first Sasquatch encounter when he was 2 or 3 years old. While most people, due to what's called childhood amnesia (by psychologists), can't remember anything that happened to them before the age of 5 to 7 years of age, a very small percentage of the population can remember certain things that happened to them when they were as young as 2 or 3 years old. Zach claims to be one of them. The encounter Zach's going to tell you about having when he was 2 or 3 isn't the only Sasquatch-related experience he's had, though. He's had several other experiences with them. Some of them happened not that long ago. We hope you tune in and listen to Zach talk about those experiences.

Click here to listen


  1. Where is Sally? She should be up and begging for it by now.

    1. lktomiWednesday, July 19, 2017 at 10:05:00 PM PDT
      I'm not as stupid as your making me out to be.

      Yes...Yes you are.

  2. I have replaced Sally with your mother. And boy oh boy she's begging for it no more!

  3. Childhood amnesia is interesting.I wondered why i couldn't remember much from that age.There are people who claim to remember from much earlier including some who even claim to remember being born xx

  4. LOL - so now Bigfoot has evolved into Spiderman swinging thru the trees. I suppose anything goes these days when attributing characteristics and capabilities of Bigfoot. Judging from the comments on YouTube there are those who believe these stories without question. From my point of view these type of stories do more to install doubt in it's existence than to reinforce belief. I will say whoever is hosting Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio does have a good voice for it . . . regardless of the content.

    1. Google "Bigfoot in trees", or anything to that effect. There is nothing new about reports of Sasquatch in trees. I'm not so sure how damning the idea of a powerful hominid being able to negotiate trees with ease is? I suppose anything goes, when you're trying to accuse enthusiasts of attributing new characteristics & capabilities to Bigfoot.


    2. yeah, ikdummy, portals and orbs have always been attributed to bigfoot, no attributing new characteristics & capabilities to Bigfoot here.

      got any new eric clapton theories as well?


    3. What? Bigfoot mindspeak? Yes, that's always been around. Google it. I guess people will always try to accuse enthusiasts of attributing new characteristics & capabilities to Bigfoot.

    4. Um actually... No Stuart. Orbs & portals are only as old as "habituation" is. Focussed on more so by pseudosceptics than enthusiasts, of course, as a an easier fast track to ridicule as opposed to confronting the awkward reality of actual physical evidence.

      Here's another cracker;

      And here's the original;

    5. Oh come on lktomi - does that really make sense to you? A creature as large as Bigfoot is purported to be swinging seamlessly thru the trees like Tarzan? The trees of Michigan aren't exactly covered in vines like in a jungle. Sure gorillas and orangutans climb trees and even swing to a small extent but their toes are built for grasping where the supposed prints I have seen of Bigfoot do not appear to be so. Believing they actually exist walking on ground is a hard enough concept without giving them the ability to swing from trees as well. Finally "reports" are just that, not fact.

    6. Don't you know Curious, as long as the broad terms "trees and bigfoot" are google searchable that means the narrow focused "bigfoot swinging from trees" was always out there as well. Nothing new to see, no new crazy bigfoot theories ever.

    7. I've not listened to the interview above, and a Bigfoot allegedly "swinging like Tarzan" is pretty funny. However, the explanation Meldrum uses for the need for a midtarsal break, in negotiating mountainous terrain, fits perfectly with what I would expect from a powerful hominid that would no doubt take to trees in such environments. This is in fact what most anthropologists agree the midtarsal break is used for... And the many track castings that support such an anatomical trait are most certainly factual.

    8. Stuart... It's mere circular logic to state that because people are reporting "Bigfoot" in trees, then it must be evidence of fabrication.

      Stick to your racism and hating pop icons, that's your level. Leave this subject to adults.

    9. Ikdummy commenting on an interview he now admits to not even listening to and now putting the cart ahead of the horse, accepting as fact an anatomic trait on a creature not accepted by science to even exist.

      dumb, dumb, dumb, therefore ikdummy

    10. Anal anal trees anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anal anal anal anus swing trees anal anal anal anus midtarsul anus


    11. Welsh Joe (racist) F1tzgerald has taken one too many plaster casts to the head. LOL

    12. Here we go, your little reminder of why you're so angry lately;

      The paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016. You'll notice that Jeff presents the exact same foot morphology from two casts found in North America, with that of one sourced in China, essentially providing scientific irrefutability that the track impressions are of the same biped.

      You use tracks to then tack down what's leaving it, THEN you classify. You don't need the conclusion to biological research to start that biological research. That's (cough, cough), the "cart before the horse".

    13. Joergy is lovin the acid attacks that sand fleas continue to commit. Hows that diversity going for you cuckold Joe? Deyyz dindus nuffinz, they were juss kumitn acid crimz and sheetz

    14. Anal anal anal schooled anal anus anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anal anal anal anus biological anus prints anal anal anus anus

    15. Makes sense^duh, I like testicles

    16. For a while now Ikdummy's autism has been focused solely on a fake paper that his lord Jeff Meldrum wrote in a quack journal regarding bigfoot footprints. He can't move beyond that, he's locked in and screeching.

      As long as ikdummy incorporates the word "morphology" into a sentence, he's a "scientist".

      "Muh science", screeched ikdummy.

    17. Anal anal schooled anal anal anal anus


    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Funny stuff PIB!!

      However, manic depressives like Stue functional by what little they can, only by luring people into negatively. It gives them some sense of control over their own dysfunctional emotions.

    21. Oh and Stue? Considering you thought bears live in the U.K... and tried applying principles like Occam's Razor to the paranormal when in AC Collins role-play mode... I don't think you're remotely qualified enough to be telling a journal's PhD's what's legit. If it were the "quack-esque"... You wouldn't be whining like a little girl, you'd be debunking it with ease.

    22. Occams anal anal anal anus PhD Meldrum anal anal schooled anal anal anal anus anus

    23. Troubled ikdummy projecting again.

      Your bigfoot existance premise is as flawed as you combining your opposition into one boogeyman. Bears? Oh, brother...

    24. Was someone meant to be able to understand that?

      Relax, put the twinkie down and try again...

    25. Twinkies anal anal anal anus anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anal anal

    26. When thats all you've got, you haven't got anything Stu.^

    27. Flies lay eggs in her stinking clam^

    28. Anal anal anal Troll! Anus anal anal Chick schooled anal anal anal anus anus

    29. It's hard to believe there's a grown man typing stuff like that somewhere on the planet, ha ha ha!!

    30. Anal anal anal ha ha ha anus anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anal anal anal

    31. Someone could make some serious money selling tickets to that freak show.

    32. What a horrible stench^

    33. Iktomi = pathetic & Cowardly

      Barret Sanders

    34. Mates, Ikdummy thinks an imaginary 400 kg creature swings in trees like Tarzan. Pillock.

    35. Still pushing that fringe journal, I see. Meldrum has seen morphology in faked tracks in the past. Remember the London fakes?
      " " foot anatomy and its implications have been evaluated by both Krantz (1972, 1999) and Meldrum (2004, 2006, 2007). This relative anterior position in the underlying moidfoot bone structure is the result of the elongated heel segment of the foot. This same heel elongation can be observed in both the Patterson/Gimlin film, as well as a number of examples of footprint casts, such as the Bossburg cripple foot."

    36. Meldrum is a fraud. Confirmation bias pulls every footprint towards a P/G similarity bias which Meldrum and cohorts state as fact until someone wastes their time indulging their hoaxed papers and conclusions to prove them liars.

      Like Meldrum, ikdummy is a baby knocking stuff from his highchair, in this case lies, which someone else has to clean up.

    37. Yep! You can purchase foot casts with midtarsal breaks and you can plant them wherever you like and hey! The difference, Donny boy... Is that the London tracks don't have the same plethora foot plant pressures in different foot falls that the Yeren tracks had been studied to possess. Don't let me cut&paste the same segment from that "fringe journal" that shut your face up before... And make you look silly again.

      Fake stompers don't flex.

      And Stuart... When you try your hardest at coming across intelligent, do you ever stop to think before clicking "publish" to check if you've done anything to substantiate your position? Word salads don't substantiate Meldrum as a hoaxer, or tracks as frauds. Nor does it bracket repeatable scientific evidence across continents into confirmation bias.

      Grow up and get some b*lls.

    38. And lastly Donny... A journal is a journal, and an editorial board by PhD's, is an editorial board by PhD's. Have you seen the Noble winner who has things to say about the likes of Nature journal? Of course, nothing will ever come as a means of showing what's actually IN the journal's bunk. But that's the way pseudosceptics apply their all so advanced "scepticism", of course.

      It gets funnier... Pseudosceptics now like to cherry pick the credibility of their faith-based peer review system now, ha ha ha!!


    39. An exercise in dumb.

      Wales' shut in strikes again!

    40. See what I did there? I minimised the pretentious lingo and provided actual substance. What's important. Let me know if you need your hand held through the basics of adult debate again... I'll be happy to help. Looks like I just contributed to that six month tantrum of yours rather astutely...

    41. Anal anal PhD anus anal anal Journal anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anus adult anus debate

  5. Is anybody else here really.........I mean really...... sick and tired of N I G G E R S?

  6. I'm a millionaire

  7. So basically Iktomi doesn't have monkey.


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