Skunkape Ranger Dudes

What do you get when you cross cowboys, swamps, and skunkapes? You get the authentic "Skunkape Ranger Dudes"! These guys go oldschool on horseback looking for the legendary skunkape. We like their style. Check out their videos, starting with this one right here:


  1. Replies
    1. Suit or no suit...doesn't matter really.

      Even if it were a fake - doesn't matter. Still tons of other evidence and visual sightings by thousands of credible people.

    2. Tons of other evidence? Where exactly? Last time I checked bigfoot is on par with mermaids and unicorns.

    3. Thousands of people haven't seen (or heard) mermaids or unicorns. Not even hundreds...probably only a few dozen I'd venture.

      But I won't sway you...nor will you sway me.

    4. You won't sway me no because I am already thinking critically. For you there is a chance you can still be educated and it would not be honest of me if I didn't try.

    5. Do you actually think you can sway (or "educate") someone who has seen one?

      Or has been in near proximity and heard an incredible vocalization?

      Really..?!? :) good luck with that my friend.

      Go spend some time out in the boonies and you'll be the one who gets "educated".

      Patterson-Gimlin film really doesn' matter...either way - that debate will probably go on for a long time.

    6. If you think you saw a bigfoot it doesn't mean you did. There are many possibilities.

    7. Here is what the raging skeptards consider conclusive proof (!) that Bob H was Patty:

      A series of stills stitched together stop motion fashion. Bob couldn't duplicate the walk apparently.

      This hairy blob which appears to have consumed an entire spaghetti feed is 'proof' to skeptards. Oh, sorry, 'conclusive proof'.

      The limb lengths are wrong. Things are wrong here. There is no muscularity, no visible spinal erectors as noted on Patty. Using Pause and magnification, in some of the pics the calves and ankles appear baggy.

      The most glaring joke on the skeptards is that this is a stop motion montage, not a video nor a film. Bob had to stop and pose for each shot. His attempt to duplicate the turn and look at the camera shot is pretty funny.

      Skeptards, this being a stop motion mess and not a film or video, prevents you from having any argument about this re the PGF. You don't even have a simple video. This is a stop motion series of a few photos. This is a joke. There is no argument here.

      In order for you to have an argument, you need, uh, let's see, a VIDEO or FILM of a person in a credible looking costume. A MONTAGE OF STILLS DOES NOT CUT IT. THAT IS VERY SIMPLE. WAKE UP OUT OF THE SKEPTARD FOG.

      These are stills, not a video. Five pics stitched together. This is laughable. You using this as an argument and claming it's conclusive proof makes you look laughable.

      This suit seems good in general; what is poor about it is that it's supposed to resemble Patty.

      This is 100% conclusive proof to skeptards. This is an example of delusion. They self-delude as they watch this five-pic stop motion malarky and go all-in that yep it proves the PGF was a hoax.

      Skeptards, Masters of Delusion.

      9:00, here is your bloke in a suit. This is your bloke, this is your suit. Unfortunately for you, this suit and this bloke apparently do not appear in the PGF.

      Keep on dreaming on.

      #blokeinaclownsuit approved

    8. I kinda used to be more in your camp my friend...until I had a bit of a change of heart.

      I try not to be too arogant and haughty as to think ALL of these people have mis-identifications, are uneducated or are lying.

      Sure that's out there. In fact, from what I can tell alot of the "bigfooters" out there look like they didn't quite make it selling used cares...nevertheless...I still think there are a many credible witnesses.

      Couple that with my own experience(s) I think you should keep an open mind.

    9. And again - ain't hangin' my hat on the "film".

      Doesn't matter to me either way really. So you can spare, at least me, all the

      "Skeptards, Masters of Delusion"
      and so forth.

  2. Didn't get the first again so third for human diversity xx

    1. Hey, darlin' your first in my book :)

    2. Hey MMC, how hard did you cry when you found out Eva was a guy. It ruined your future plans to try and get a long last

  3. Dang stunk ape in hiding and them boys ain't gonna get 'um.
    I like it!!

    1. Skunkapes animulls eatin U rightup fer shure, gotz to take U a huntin dog so thay dont sprize U @ nite

  4. 新年快乐,今年的马, 中国4712年


    1. got lots of spent shell casings that say different

  6. Joe destroyed yet again on the last post

  7. Skunkaps eats, hikers, campers, dogs, hogs, and such

  8. It is not coincidence that Krantz documents Pattersons actions just by wild chance.

    on Page 32 of 'Big Footprints' by Grover S. Krantz 1992 2nd paragraph: Krantz writes:

    'The shape of a footprint can be dug into the ground with the fingers and/or a hand tool, the interior pressed flat, and it can then be photographed or cast in plaster. My first footprint cast was made by a student in just this manner (Fig.10). Roger Patterson told me he did this once in order to get a movie of himself pouring a plaster cast for the documentary he was making. (A few days later, he filmed the actual Sasquatch; See Chapter 4).'

    Krantz's documentation of this also places Patterson making fake tracks at Bluff Creek, and making a film of it. The case of the missing print.  How ironic is it that Patterson filmed proof of his own hoax?

    1. You just jumped the gun saying Patterson filmed himself hoaxing. You leaped to that conclusion. Krantz doesn't say any such thing. You are speculating all over the map, doing just what you accuse others of doing. Hypocrisy.

    2. Joe, if the Patterson tracking dog, gave you a squatting golden, would you hold it against him??

    3. you already licked his balls -----

      the dog you tard!

  9. ahm sayin watchin out fer tham thar 3 toed critters – tham bez skoocooms critters eatin U right-up fer shure

  10. BACON fer baitin - agittin critters fer shure

  11. tim(snacks)fasano wont be very happy about these guys looking for the skunkape .expect a new exciting video from him real soon


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